Official laugh at Scotlandstan thread!!!

goodbye Scotland was nice knowing you! hahahahahahahahahhaahahahaha

Other urls found in this thread:,_Baron_Ahmed


Can this be a ylyl thread on the downlow

i hope they join the eu

>no more heroine addicted crossdressing republican lefty posters
Ah yes.



they were just late...

im enjoying this less now...


(((Anglo))) woman

>Sturgeon Blasted over her shitty constituency

>Where has all the money gone? Oil revenue in Scotland down 97%!

Scot/bong/ here, I just know my idiotic countrymen will keep voting in SNP regardless. She could literally show up on their doorstep with a refugee and a burka and they'd still win in a landslide.

Scottish Goddesses

guys some of us scottish nationalists hate the snp and all their shite.
dont get us confused.

>Quintessentially Scottish

We are a small irrelevant part of the UK that seems to garner hatred from all over the globe because of our crazy leftist government. Not bad, proud of us.

>It's only bonkers hamdullah!

Yurop of the 21st century, congratulations goyim, you finally beat us Jews, it's been a good ride :^)

Geographically we're not much smaller than England.
It's just Biased British Broadcasting that tells you otherwise.

reminder syrian refugees fleeing a war zone prefer suicide to living in scotland

A shame no one wants to move to Scotland because it's a fucking shit hole

Small? Yes
Irrelevant? No!
Almost Completely cucked? For sure
We are some of the worlds greatest engineers and make up the majority of ship building for the Royal Navy. Our farmers are also top tier.

Only Anglo cuckold, arshan, pedohammed or a chink would consider that a bad news.

The correct is Scotistan, since "stan" is the persian word for "land"

>We are some of the worlds greatest engineers

They're ugly.

Scotts are Anglos you stupid mongol.

Don't talk out of your arse, avoid Glasgow and Dundee and pretty much anywhere you go is superior to most of the rest of the UK, in terms of safety, white population, jobs and scenery.

For sure you might have higher chance of heart disease but that's just the battered mars bars.
Aberdeen is on a bit of a slump thanks to the oil dropping and the universities there are horribly left wing but it's a decent place to live.
Go to the west coast up north and you're living in a paradise.

I'm pretty sure your dick would go limp hearing some of them talk though.

>They're ugly.
Well obviously, we inter-mingled with you and that made us ugly.
>this is a 10/10 in Englistan

> cherry picking fallacy.

Ethnic Scots are Celts. We have more incommon with Norway, Finland and Sweden than Anglos. Mainly because of the vikings coming and colonising the place before they got BTFO by the danish and fucked off to Iceland.


Maybe 1,5 of them are good looking.

Stop taking the fucking mick out of us just because the SNP has a chokehold on the Scottish Parliament. Basically everyone I know and especially my family hate Muslims and want them all out of the country (UK). Dickhead. You have no room to talk when Sinn Féin wants every nigger into your shite, wee island, you Fenian fuck.

>damage control
Just relish in their hatred, it feels good to finally have a whole thread for sexually frustrated neo-nazis to laugh at us from their mums basement.

shut up porridge ape you're just as ugly as us

I'd like to order the second from the right pls


What a beautiful ship. All of Africa couldn't pull together to build what tiny Scotland can.

Although I must ask, why is Scotland so liberal?

Oh god you're especially angry. What happened to you?
did one of us fuck your girlfriend and now you have a vendetta?

If the zombie sheep would stop voting SNP a lot of shit would stop happening.

But no, people are blindly going to follow them to oblivion as long as they criticise other political parties as "(insert colour here) Tories".

>tfw you will never have a true scottish lassie to keep warm in the winter.


>uww gud yar especarly angry arent ye wat happen te ye? did one orf us fak ye girlfriend and now ye have a we vendetta

>why is Scotland so liberal
Two full generations of propaganda.

I'm 25 percent Scottish and glad I'm not living in the caliphate

It's simple, Scotland is 96% white and has a huge youth population. It takes many years before they are experienced in world affairs.

Being kind to your fellow man seems like the "right thing to do", racism is bad, of course we need to help those poor suffering refugees.

It's easy to be liberal when you don't see or feel the consequences

>why dont these muslims integrate?
>muslim woman joins the police force

typical retarded and racist irishman

ad hominem, nice. Also how does it feel to be paying for our healthcare and free education. How does it feel to have a Muslim mayor in London?

1. Many Scottish have a hatred for the Conservative Party of the U.K. (myself not included) as they are seen to have ruined Scotland and to be pompous people who don't care about the Scottish working class and so they will vote for any party that opposes them out of spite. In this case, it is the SNP who happen to be leftist cucks.

2. There are some people here that want Scotland to be independent (for stupid reasons, in my opinion) and the SNP is the only party that is really pushing for independence which is why they receive as much support as they do.

3. Scotland hasn't received as much immigration as England and therefore doesn't know how bad it is. You see similar cases in American states like Vermont and such which are very white.

>Mel Gibson died for this

Combination of fake nationalists infiltrating a traditionally nationalist group in recent years (SNP) using the halfarsed voter and the fact you have to go into one of our cities to even encounter anyone of non-scottish decent.

Ignorance is the main reason, now they have our educational system.

>why are these muslims here?

Blaming the Eternal Anglo also has its limits, the minute SNP stops blaming "Tory cuts" for fucking everything any time Scotland goes independent, they will learn how hard it is to be actually responsible for running your own affairs.

> Also how does it feel to be paying for our healthcare and free education.

Being proud to be a welfare state. . .

See these at the sideline, of an old firm game.

I'm only messing with you mate
Guess who the SNP blamed for this?
That's right, Westminster.

Aw ffs just fucking nuke us already.

>not being proud of being the favourite out of them all

It makes me so sad

The SNP will never stop blaming Westminster, they probably blame the 10% budget deficit on them too.

Whom am I talking to, a kilt wearer or an Eternal Anglo?

Reminds me how my gov. has long blamed Britain for Sellafield, the nuclear power plant, but we benefit from its electricity.

There is literally nothing wrong with this.
Why is Sup Forums more easily triggered than SJWs?

I've never seen Scots so triggered before

Always easier to blame some other cunt , they have become very good at it and their supporters buy all of it .

sounds like most of Europeans constantly blaming America for their problems instead of their own people and their own governments

as a Scot, I fully agree with this.

when you don't have to deal with immigration and multiculturalism it's easy to think that everything is fine and "racism" is bad

Most Europeans are blaming their Govs and the EU, we are not all John Olivers.

Can you imagine what's going to happen when one of these wee darlings, try to confiscate your carry out.

How about constantly getting nagged on by this whole board for no valid reason? Basically every western country on here is cucked. We already have a miserable life living here so we don't want to have to put up with your shite as well.

They shouldn't need to integrate, because they shouldn't be here to begin with. Whether they have "integrated" or not is completely irrelevant, they are not, and never will be, one of us.

They are not Scottish, or European, they never will be.

New Zealand's the only white one but that's because they don't even allow black sheep on the island

everyone gets nagged on Sup Forums

this is the first time I've seen the Scots get it, usually it's targeted at the Brits. quit your crying and take this dick in your ass like a man

You are mistaken.
NZ has lots of Mussies and Chinese too.

finally someone gets it. I see this all the time on Sup Forums - "if they integrated I wouldn't mind..."

nah, I don't care if they "integrate" or not, they have no business being in our countries. I agree with you 200%

Clearly you haven't seen the banter we get from the Brexit results.

But Danish were Vikings too at that time. Highland Scots are mainly Irish Gaels and Gaelized with some of the outer Isle Clans having mixed Norse-Gael blood. Norway and Sweden would have more in common with the Anglo's since they're Germanic peoples. Lowland Scots are entirely germanised, the only real Scots are the remote Highlanders everyone else is an Anglo wannabe.

Almost no kebabs, a lot of chinks on the North Island

Fellow scot
Everyone gets a shot of the shit stick mate.
Poo in loo
Shart in mart etc

You seem to be an expert on every country, how many times have you been to NZ?

And they do have kebabs, don't kid yourself.

buncha bumbaclarts ITT desu baka senpai

Honestly it justs feels bad being the embarrassment of the UK with these cunts running about.







what are you a fucking loyalist

>anyone in England aka pakistan talking shit about scotland

>literally 80% white compared to our 96% white

Why didn't you stir it?

I'd give her a scoogie.


that is westminster fault though you fucking tard
we don't have full control, you are literally occupying us

Such a slapable face.
Aye I know how you feel fella but you just gotta roll with it and give as good as you get, all here have a soft spot too.

No, we're Celts.



>that is westminster fault though you fucking tard
Where is the proofs?

Oh for fuck sake.

I wish Sturgeon and the SNP would fuck off.

Soon, it seems, the waves will be ruling Britannia.

william wallace is spinning so hard in his grave right now

I don't know how many times I've seen that face in real life when travelling about or going to events. More slapable in person.

Fuck off ye wank.

Leave us alone please.

>No, we're Celts.
You you WERE Celts, you're not anymore and you haven't been for a least a Millennia.