Where were you when FoxNews went full Sup Forums?
Happy Merchant on FoxNews
Holy shit, prepare your assholes, boys. Tomorrow gonna be bad!
This was on sky news not long ago, I spat my tea out when I saw it.
So how bad is the fallout from this shit gonna be?
The plan is to decrease reliance on CTR by unleashing independent Clinton supporters upon Sup Forums. God help us all.
>Actually using a picture from Sup Forums
KEK, the taxi driver is like taj from come fly with me
>An advocate for abused children, Chrissy Meleady, said she had seen far right extremists chasing a family and screaming "Muslim paedophile" at a seven-year-old boy.
I'll take "Things That Didn't Happen" for $500, Alex.
Its pretty crazy how much influence Sup Forums has had on this election. And its still unknown to tons of people. Makes you think if its 60 percent russian shills here huh?
i can barely control myself thinking about the shilling we are gonna unlesh on this board.just thinking about all the SHART IN MARTs and anarchy the trolls are sow makes me hard
It's getting too intense.
Chaos is the only means for progress.
They know their primary demographic audience is dying off, they have no choice but to cater to our tastes or end up dead like every other failing media outlet.
The news media ratings will crash harder than ever before.
Rate my OC, fellow alt-righters.
>watching tv
>see this
Can we turn this into a ultra left wing hillary supporting board before the media shows up?
We just officially won.
We're going to have to start making and bumping GOOD threads again. Facts instead of just saying BTFO
I pray for old Sup Forums back every day ;(
It's alright everyone we are the alt alt right!
If we had moot it probably wouldn't be too bad.
I don't know if hiromoot will be able to stand up to it, but we can hope.
I'm out of the loop, what's happening tomorrow?
>burn your local church
This is topjewery by them. We have alot of people here who think christianity is a jew religion but no one ever advocates to fucking burn a church EVER. This is to make normies hate us because they want alt right= anti christian.
Its happening
Sup Forums is small time compared to twit/pol/, which literally rattled the cage of the jewish elites, they are so buttmad now they told their puppet Hillary to talk about us. As if the normies will care, lol.
What graphic novel is this?
Just wanted to add that I'm an Israeli Jew. It's funny to be that the media is already calling us all antisemites, oblivious to the fact that we are actually a very diverse board.
oh look its a CTR shill framing everyone
Sup Forums is a board of peace
Sup Forums is the home of the alt-right, faggot. It's 2016, stop being such a fucking cuck.
>mainstream media is actually trying to use Sup Forums and its memes to destroy Trump's credibility
What a time to be alive.
The elites really don't understand that anti-jewish sentiment is really really really universal. The White Evangelicals of America are really the only people who love jews, they are the exception to the rule. The media believe their own bullshit so much they are now living in a bubble thinking a group or person who says something anti jew is gonna get shunned by society when in reality most people have the same opinion. You can get a fucking white nationalist and nation of islam black nationalists to laugh and be happy together on the topic of jews.
It really is unreal.
Don't worry Hillary. We all know you are going to kill the most Sandniggers. Trump is obviously a fraud.
He has expressed socially progressive viewpoints in the past ad nauseum and was only playing Republican to get himself the nomination.
If he gets elected he's going to make America faggy again.
Whereas we know Hillary supports traditional marriage, knows how to ruin the lives of all those sandniggers that want to blow America up, and is going to bring the niggers to heel.
The fire rises
>home of the alt-right
No we aren't. That shit is fucking cancer. The /r/the_donald faggots need to get the fuck out of here. I never seen so much cancer on this board, it's unprecedented.
Remember guys! The normies and shills that will start spamming us will be at /pol harbor and shillcon 1 level! fight back with pro Hillary memes like this. KEK wills it!
gonna start a shilling thread tommorow just to fuck with you guys
i can see it already, ''CTR IS HERE'', ''FUUUG''.''Prepare the red pills for the normies''
Why even live?
>mfw they are mass redpilling people by broadcasting ultra dank memes
That sub was literally invented by Trumpgen.
How new are you? It's 2016.
What a multicultural society free of hate truly those glue sniffing baby boomer hippies couldn't have asked for a more accepting society.
They're putting all of us in camps
>semi secret group
>strange frog based religion
>quietly influences elections
We the jews now
>The White Evangelicals of America are really the only people who love jews, they are the exception to the rule.
Sup Forums's next project should be to redpill the Evangecucks about how practically EVERY issue they have a beef with like abortion, tranny faggotry, anti-Christian policies etc. are the work of the (((people whose ethnic group always votes 85% Democrat)))
>Conservative movement embraces Trump
Alt-right is nothing, it's not a movement, it's not an ideology, it's not a policy, it's just a leftist buzzword for anything they don't like.
I'm genuinely interested how Hillary will pin this on Trump
You retard. Trump fought to get niggers allowed into some golf club that used to be pretty based. Hillary is going to bring niggers to heel.
Are you a nigger lover user?
don't ever change, retarded leaf.
Can they stop lumping us all together with those alt right LITERAL fags.
I'm with her #bringthemtoheel
with no internet, no more pol/ for you
>normies believing alt-right is anything more than glorified shitposting
normies believing alt-right is anything more than glorified shitposting
>normies believing alt-right is anything more than glorified shitposting
normies believing alt-right is anything more than glorified shitposting
>normies believing alt-right is anything more than glorified shitposting
normies believing alt-right is anything more than glorified shitposting
the OG mods were wiped out months ago. Now it's just reddit faggots. They go big and brought cancer here. Now/pol/ is garbage
>2016 politics are influenced by angry memers and bored people.
Oh jews. If only you could be trusted we would get along so well
>you can't be trusted
>Sup Forums is small time compared to twit/pol/,
How does this even make sense?
Twit Sup Forums comes from Sup Forums you burrito folding headless retard.
hahaha it wouldn't surprise me, i mean come on, it's almost 2017 !
Meme weavers and meme smiths prepare your arsenal.
can we watch online?
>Blah blah blah hurr durr derp derp hurr blah my head is up my ass hurr durr blah blah
Mainstream media is shit. They report on our memes.
Let that sink in.
and they literally sold it to a literal jew for money
The future is looking dank.
they banned me an hour ago for a shart in mart thread
Critical mass
Always thought it would happen in London first but the Londoners are too jewed for shekels
>londoners are way too jewy and now look what happened to them
DOn't know. Most of Fox News viewership are baby boomer Neocons.
are they really fucking showing memes on national TV ?
what the fuck america
link to video
You can bet your ass that if hillary actually wins she's going to try to remove anonymous internet and replace it for a system where your social security number becomes an internet account.
they banned you because youre a fucking gypsy who is stealing wifi
Now I'm laughing. The main stream goes red pill. I know they are all saying to themselves, "What the fuck, I know I can take, lay it on me!". Top kek.
>This is gonna take a while but ya, once their here, they will always come back, and then they are here forever. Welcome new friends!
>Nazi Frogs
and he went straight to the g-word.you want to see my shart in pics ameripoop?
I'd love for Hiro to switch /po/ and Sup Forums for tomorrow
ESPN is now reporting about white privilege. 10 years ago people would have thought shit like this would be a joke from a South Park episode.
Kek works in mysterious ways...
>Implying anything on the internet is truly anonymous.
top kek
>tfw you lived long enough to see Sup Forums cause a presidential candidate to directly respond
the g word here is goy/em.
this one is better
Pic related
>"i just want to say sorry"
how do we prepare for this tsunami of normies without moot???
they will come at night
Time to unleash the Pills of Zion for each available thread
We'll make them go full 1488 in no time
Why are Amerisharts so easy to trigger?
mike rowe BTFO libs