fuck off shill
we're not the alt right
new fag
Sup Forums is a board of peace we don't hate Jews
That meme comes from Reddit
>be at the gym at work
>see this on the TV
shit...... I hope no one finds me out.... I almost revealed my power lvl today too....
They are literally only talking about us because we are successfully swaying public opinion.
pains me that people actually take twitter seriously
#not all 4channers
The media have no idea who or what we are.
when did we become known as alt-right?
can't have a differing opinion without being labeled?
>naming the jew on live mainstream tv
What a glorious time to be alive.
They are confusing us for that hive of villainy 9gag
Sup Forums is a board of peace
wtf I love Israel
The only people who hate Jews on this board are reddit trolls
haha 1:26 onwards it looks like shapiro has just taken his kippah off, you can see the shape in his hair
Antisemism is a Reddit funded lie to smear Sup Forums
>white males
I'm not white. When will people of color be represented in alt right I hate jews and libcucks as much as you do.
We are the alt-left
We support a welfare state but only for our ethnic/racial group
This. Go away CNN
young dumb bastards
read this thing
it is from before you were born
bilbo cliton sided with osama bin laden and bombed europeans because of this kikes lies
You mean ebaums?
lol, god damn it chan, why is sheckel man on national tv
Shouldn't someone tell them this is all just satire?
fair and balanced
No, new flag
fucking jews
libtard media jews are the worst
Just do what we do all the time
Blame Reddit and Twitter
That thread is like the worst example of low brow circle jerking. Implying Israel isnt a country is literally admitting to being too dumb to know what a country is. Israel might do shitty things all the time but they are just as much of a country as the Poland.
Where did you come from?
Take this shit back to 9gag.
eee no? Poles have been on this clay for more than a thousands years.
Israel, on the other side is a fake country created by force by westerns on palestinian clay.
jew detected
The alt right is only on 9gag. We here at the political section for the international indonesian stamp collecting trading site, are all very very peaceful.
>jew detected
What's with all the hate?
You have major problems. The Hebrews have nothing to do with them.
im not white
im peruvian and brown skin and i support trump
how the fuck do they explain people like me browsing Sup Forums? isnt that fucking racial profiling and isnt that racist?
Who is "us"? Speak for yourself fag, I'm not a part of the alt right.
/po/l is a board of peace
They found us in 2007 already
>They will never catch the hacker called Sup Forums
you mean Stormfront? seriously fuck Stormfags, I might not be 100% for Jews but these faggots are just idiots
They think it's ok when they do it and everyone else is blissfully ignorant of it.
>dat van
>dat "we're discussing penises" image
every fucking time
Thanks for the lulz. Much epic.
Sup Forums was better before the cucks and sjws
hahahaha fuckin nostalgia.
thanks buddy.
why is Sup Forums all of a sudden the "alt-right"? It's a totally meaningless term that no one here came up with. Just because we're a bunch of retards shitposting about trump doesn't mean we have to be lumped in with anyone else. And now we have people coming here because they think we're the place where a cool new movement was spawned. Thanks, Milo and reddit for branding us with this shit that no one wants.
>Poles have been on this clay for more than a thousands years.
You were the USSR for over 60 years. Get over it.
Did Benny Shapiro call us communist? I don't wanna be associated with a bunch of communists.
That's it, #ImWithHer
4th Riech when?
They needed a name for us without naming us, and nobody was taking "gamergate" seriously anymore.
Well if you're a bigtime American newsguy, if it's right wing and it's not Conservativeā¢ then it must be alt-right.
this board has always been further right than established conservatives.
Alt-right just means alternative right, right?
Which it clearly is.
By majority of posts whether they are natsoc or years ago libertarian/tea party
Its always been an alternate to establishment conservatism.
Its not even a dig calling this board that. Its just a factual statement.
Now I may be an alt-righter, but there's one thing I am not sir, and that sir, is an alt-rigther.
>Now I may be an alt-righter, but there's one thing I am not sir, and that sir, is an alt-righter.
fucking misspell fail i did
shut up you faggot, this is how religions start
Yeah I agree, Stormfags bought into the Hitler meme instead of being concerned about the globalists (Jewish and Gentile) at Bilderberg meetings and in major banks
true dat (psst but let's not admit it like we right now)
>this board has always been further right than established conservatives.
this board was hard left 10 years ago. this board was even at least 50% pro-obama 4 years ago.
>why is Sup Forums all of a sudden the "alt-right"?
just join the blooka blee pary
This is it.
They are NAMING our naming of the Jew. Shit is out in the open now. It is a direct head to head confrontation of their conditioning versus our truths. They are banking on the 6 gorillion and the indoctrinated knee jerk repulsion to win them over.
nice owl ID
How to spot the summerfriend.
Sup Forums is always counter-culture.
When the prevailing normie culture was conservatism this place was Obama as fuck.
Now when the pendulum swings, where are we?
wtf we are just a anime image sharing board?
How did we get labled as (((Alt-Right)))
That cock-sucker Milo co-opted the movement, named the Sup Forums, and fucked off with his popularity and attention like the whore he is.
How many people really visit pol, though? Like 50,000 a day at most? And it's the same old crowd.
>the Trump white supremacist crowd should not be engaged.. these are very, very disturbing critters
sometimes i wish i was a normie
>That thread is like the worst example of low brow circle jerking. Implying Israel isnt a country is literally admitting to being too dumb to know what a country is. Israel might do shitty things all the time but they are just as much of a country as the Poland.
Poland isn't a racist apartheid state with mobile border walls that wrap around racial Jewish only settlements outside their borders.
This is why rockets fall on them and why Muslims attack the west
Poland defends itself within its own borders
>when did we become known as alt-right?
Blame Milo.
in 08 this was Ron Paul territory.
>How many people really visit pol, though?
6 million
Closer to 150,000+ according to some stats I saw about two months ago.
It's probably more by now.
>farther to the right than it's been in the last 80 years
Not a day that is. At any one time.
The only thing I learned from that video is that Mike Rowe is super based as a mofo.
Fucking KEK
>>Thinks it's referencing flag
Good goy
fuck off with that bullshit
Let them come and choke on redpills.
This is a graveyard of liberal ambitions
black gay man here, i support trump
Dear Fox News (and other (((media outlets))) )
To save you some time and to provide your viewers with clearest and simplest explanation of the forces you are dealing with just use this simple video we have prepared for you;
This weapons grade meme technology that normies are not ready to handle. It could be disastrous. DO NOT SPEAK OF KEK.
Sup Forums was never Obama as fuck.
We were Boxxy as fuck and then Paul as fuck.
I'm also a shitskin, there are many of us here. The media just ignores us because it won't fit their narrative.
It's not the first (or second time) Fox has found us.
What are the chances they Name The Frog?
What are the chances we get an Oprah 2.0?
Sup Forums is on the front page of reddit everyday, there was nothing to be "found".
We only ever became the alt right when journalists decided to create a label. The label itself was created really to be used against us. The hilarious thing is, the ignorant lazy people will read it and think all of us are 1488ers when all of what they'll use is cherry picked stormfag tier bullshit
I missed stormfags, those edgy kids were hilarious only because deep down they knew they didn't have the guts to do as they preached.
Everyone nowadays is super serious both online and in meat-space.
>mfw Trump says Sup Forums is always right tomorrow on Twitter and doesn't disavow us
Well, if everyone thinks we're evil racists, at least we won't be co-opted like the Tea Party was. Who wants to be a leader of the alt-right if that also means you're a racist, sexist, islamophobic neonazi?
>Acknowledging Sup Forums
Have people not learned from the past that the best thing to do is ignore?
All they're doing is validating Sup Forums by giving it air time.
It astounds me how people can do this without researching first.
Does Hillary not have a single millennial internet user on her staff that would tell her that this is a bad idea?
maybe you were nigger
I always suspected it was college kid trolls fucking with this board. I guess they call it correct the Record these days.