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Why is fox news carrying hillary's water in prep for her asinine "alt-right" speech?....
THis site is gonna get SHOUTED DOWN and you know it
Sup Forums memes on tv cool
All of this will be over by the end of the week.
They just try to spin things now that Clinton Foundation scandal happened.
your whole country should be SHOUTED DOWN
You nazis are getting BTFOd
Alt-right is just Sup Forums, correct? Every other website just posts what we say. So Alt-right means Sup Forums?
sauce to the video
>mfw normies start reading the names of who writes their articles
>thinking normies will even be able to handle any redpill's let alone figure out how to post
>Go to Google
>Search for Jonah Goldberg
>This is what you see
No kidding; try it yourself.
Forget about the bloody media and listen to what I'm telling you. Hillary understands the consequences of her actions, and she is acting anyway, which means she does not intend to suffer those consequences. Trump can wait. We all need to leave.
I have a feeling the media is making a giant red pill vaccination by accident. The country is going to wake up angry.
MSM, go right ahead and show us who is behind you.
this desu senpai
Rip Sup Forums
There is no such thing, it's the lefts constant attempt to create separate groups for people to continue the politics of division.
Kek its real
nothing can kill us, nothing
Stealth red pilling the normies.
If even a few say, "wait a minute, this study on how trannies are the greatest and this article on why miscegenation is super were both written by a berg/man/stein" then it's a win.
i just reported this, have fun fun the pokey, faggot
every time PWRA pol was right again.
Sup Forums is a board of peace. We just want to spread the word of KEK but we cant because of those kekophobes
>thinking reporting this does anything
ITT: newfags that have never experienced Sup Forums being demonized by the MSM
As if this is a bad thing. We are slowly using the media to redpill the rest of america. No matter how hard the media will shill against us/trump/whomever..it will only enlighten people. The drone liberals will always be on the wrong side of history with their attempts of communism/socialism that leads to mass starvation and the race to the bottom. But those on the fence might just have had a seed planted in their minds to see things differently.
I hope you get fucked by a nigger and die of aids
>twitter posts are news
this is fucking stupid
top quality
>mfw pol is seeping into the mainstream
This needs a once-over from a graphic artist, but I like it.
Let us welcome our new friends Sup Forums
I have a fantasy that I am a nazi officer, I shoot Anne Frank right between her pretty little eyes.
I would visit her decaying body everyday on the other side of the fence.
I'd love watching the maggots feast on her perky budding breasts.
Silly merchant, the truth isn't illegal yet. Is Jesus going to have to whip a jew? Because it looks like he does.
>MSM doesn't know Sup Forums is satire
holy shit it's jonah goldberg in the flesh!
i read 1/2 of "liberal fascism" before giving it up as a pedantic harangue with exactly 1 valid idea poorly expressed 1000 ways
They realized we are memeing Trump into the White House and have set out to destroy us.
>it's real
nah, it was sympathetic
no they're not. we're right, they can go fuck themselves
well, it was nice knowing you guys.
hope one of you is my cellmate so we can make fun of jews together.
I powered through the whole thing, but it struck me as fundamentally wrong even though I read it before I was redpilled, and I was a fairly standard Bush-style conservative.
Once I realized exactly how bad it is I got rid of it.
Wish I'd thrown it in the trash instead of sending it to goodwill with a bunch of other old books.
I feel really bad worrying if someone else has gotten their head twisted by it.
you have to go back
I actually really like Jonah, his articles are extremely well written and original. Kevin Williamson is funnier but Jonah is perhaps the most lucid and sober journalist out there. Didn't see us coming though did he? We are truly incomprehensible to normie scum. The new man of Sup Forums is here Jonah? what do you make of us???
Fox is a huge donor to Clinton.
Or, the world is about to get red pilled as fuck
Oh god I'm laughing so fucking hard
This is beautiful, who would have thought just a few years ago that Sup Forums would grow so powerful
t. Somali
>all the normalfags that will swarm this place
Good... good.
That's how it worked for me.
I came here years ago to lol at what a bunch of idiots you were. Yet, here I remain.
All this will do is amplify our signal.
He says while his country is literally raped
"At least I'm not a nazi! OH GOD MY ASSHOLE
This forced meme is gonna be the biggest strawman of the year.
Islamic group embraces the Qur'an.
How long before the kikes realize that they are accidentally red pilling the country about who is behind the curtain
this is our competition folks, I don't think we could possibly stack up to them
God, how would someone even find his butt hole?
Wait... You're telling me that names ending with "man" are Jewish? Fuck.
poast link
They are literally only talking about us because we are successfully swaying public opinion
No one here speaks spanish but you Chuey
Video link where
I don't know of they are talking about us. I mean haven't you seen Sup Forums? There are multiple threads a day saying they support Hillary and I mean there is the thousands of posts daily of people defending her. So how is it that we support trump of anything there is more 'altright' support for Hillary
I only got that far because I refused to look him up. The question was, crackpot academic or professional pundit? turns out it's the latter, but the point of the book is sound even if the book itself will rot your brain.
identity politics (commonly associated with the left) is simply a twist on the fascist "corporatist" notion of the state as a living organism
>assuming xe's gender
>in the current year
So is it save to say now that CTR is actually seeing this place as a serious threat and all the "kekekek as if anyone would be paid to shitpost on Sup Forums xD" people were just talking out of their asses?
Should end with Praise KEK!
Pol is literally the collective conscious of the world that seeks truth. We may be hivemind but we are a strong hive that weeds out parasites.
...but I thought they liked when lower paid people took other peoples jobs?
shut up faggot Sup Forums is an internet hate machine
GTFO back to high school/college you shitting pussy loser
The pattern isn't hard to follow, they practically flaunt their power.
MAN, i recall when media were calling Sup Forums extreme leftist site.
greasy bean nigger
>(((they))) try to tell the goyim how profoundly unacceptable it is to discuss these issues or think this-or-that way
>it backfires and regular people gag on redpills
just watch
>names ending with "man" are Jewish? Fuck.
No, it's a common ending for germanic names. It CAN be a jewish name though, especially when it starts with something like Stein, Rose, Silber/Silver, Gold, etc
source: Dailystormer
At least the jews keep sticking to the narrative
> (((his)))
Most Sup Forumstards are muslims scum who come here for the lolz. They rape white people and piss on their dead cold body.
New video:
They are doing everything they can to divert attention.
Idk what that thing is, but it disgusts me
Sup Forums is a board of peace
We will not tolerate poliphobia
i ... uhhh i don't wanna be labeled fellas i dont take kindly to that
Jews just copied name from anywhere they used to colonize. Some jews colonized germany and then used german souding surnames, others use arab surnames, turkish surnames,...
They started airing anti-Trump ads. They sold out, fired a bunch of journalists and told the rest to shut the fuck up. Expect Hannity to lose his job.
The nose will just start using pseudonyms
all your acceptance is eventually going to lead you to accept the fact that your family has been beheaded, faggot.
they might start changing their names, though?
((((((((((((((((((((jon)))))))))))))))))))) ((((((((((((((((((((stewart))))))))))))))))))))
Honestly this. If the msm starts bringing stuff like this up people may end up doing their own research on the subject. That's the last thing on earth jews want. I would expect their higher ups at the news stations to tell them to stop talking about this very quickly