Reason #1: she will complete the nigger genocide through state-funding of mass abortion for all the nigger cunts while disarming nigger males so the cops can gun them down effortlessly.
Why the Alt-Right supports Hillary Rodham Clinton
Reason #2: by opening the borders to Mexico, the amount of dirt-cheap slave labor that can pour in is nigh-infinite. Every American can have his own couple of spic slaves that he can pay for several times less than minimum wage!
I'm with Herr.
white people shouldn't be doing brown people work
its common sense
Right on, my Alt-Right brother!
1st for killing spics and race mixers for the glory of the Clinton Family
Serbians are literal subhumans that owe reparations to Croatia.
Are you retarded butthurt diaspora? This is for tomorrow when normies flood this board.
Fuck off, filthy mongrel. I bet you're voting for that nigger-lover piece of filth Drumpf.
nice insults m80s, just about as nice as your mothers cunts were last night when is was Railing them both!
>ur mom!
Lmao, thanks for confirming that only underage idiot niggers and other scum vote for Drumpf.
If Trump winds up selecting a bunch of conservative judges, is there anyway they would overturn Roe v Wade?
I definitely want conservative judges to protect 1st and 2nd amendments and maybe get some good freedom of association laws passed, but I don't really want them overturning anything. They good probably do something to make the gay marriage law more reasonable, but other than that, I'd be worried they would just fuck everything up. Making abortion illegal would be a disaster for white people. Maybe they could give some type of monetary reward to poor people willing to sterilize themselves, but shitlibs would through a fit about eugenics, even though that's really all abortion is
Stop baiting nigger faggot kike mudslim faggot.
You got flashbacks from the 90's when you were in refugee camps in Bosnia/Croatia?
I bet you are voting for Shillary because her husband let your family in USA back in the 90's you fucking welfare nigger.
>this idiot unironically supports the nigger-loving Drumpf
I hope your sister gets raped by refugees.
>germany thinking niggers own legal guns and will just hand them over to the government
If you are going to bait you shouldn't post more than 2 times you turkish rape baby.
Pic related.
Don't worry Hillary will kill them all like her husband.
Because she will conduct more wars for Israel, the first being on Iran.
Overturning Roe v Wade wouldn't make abortion illegal. It would just give states the chance to choose. Guess which states could choose to stop abortion.
That guy is the resident Albozerg from the south. He's just a shitposting subhuman, much like you.
No THAT is me, you don't see all the (You)s?
And you are the one who is shitposting here fucking faggot.
Good point. What prevents niggers from a red state going to a blue state, though? I guess money. Does the tenth amendment prevent them from making it so states can't choose? I mean, states don't have the right to ban gay marriage, do they?
Hillary helps regulate the US economy and petrodollar by destabilizing regions with oil via funding local terrorist organizations, then sending in troops to defeat these organizations. #ImWithHer
They would if it weren't for lawless judges ruling be decree.
Hillary is a Aryan and i would be PROUD to have her as my leader
#HRC #MadamePresident
I'm with Herr , Drumpf is a SJW that actually wants to help blacks
Conservative judges aren't above that. If you share my views on abortion, I still think it's a legit concern
It depends on what kind of conservative judges, really. Right-left is not the only axis when it comes to judges.
I guess we just have to put our faith in Trump to pick the right judges. To be honest, I don't think Trump is actually pro life. Probably not for the same reasons I'm not, but it's all the same in the end
There's at least two of these threads up right now
Is this seriously what CTR has resorted to to try and hook Trump fans?
>to try and hook Trump fans?
You're aware that normies will flood Sup Forums in droves tomorrow, right? This is rehearsal for that event.
how's life at the nato base in kosovo?
Reason #3,
didn't she help develop that aids weapon that killed 60 million blacks? if she didn't create it I'm sure she supports it so I'm with her
You idiot, that was CTR spamming the board to convince you to promote hillary to potential voters instead of trump
jesus fucking christ it actually worked on you
>Sup Forums regulars would've fallen for that cheap shit
Jesus Christ, just fucking kill yourself, holy shit...
Hillary is with us!
Fuck Drumpf