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What will le weed man do?
Is Canad really fucked?
Just go laid off. It is bad.
>Elect the NDP
>Not expect this to happen
Wildrose is the only answer and even then the province is pretty much done forever. It was a good run boys.
Well fuck my job prospects then.
Shitty man, I was planning to be an electrician but with the economy now I don't even think it would be worth the effort sending out resumes
Its crazy, I've noticed an influx of cars with Alberta license plates in my city (Mississauga). I guess they're already fleeing to Ontario.
Better off getting first year school first.
I've heard stories of laid off workers living in camp sites, now that winter is coming they're in a pickle
They can't even get shitty mcjobs either because nobody wants ex-oil workers
yay now more of you fags will come to BC, Pro tip , We all fucking hate you.
>Alberta is FUCKED
Why, what did she do?
Don't worry, your government has your back by sending billions of your tax dollars to the 3rd world.
>they are smoking less
>gambling less
What what the fuck did they expect? You lose your house or can't work, then you are going to cut back.
Oh fuck it's crazy here in Manitoba. Constant flow of trailers and moving vans flowing through with Alberta plates.
I think they are headed through to Ontario for their mincome.
lol i remember people recommending going there during the boom on here
Not so cheeky now, eh? Come to the east, we could use some conservatives
Then OPEC got smart and decided to murder hard oil.
>all of you fags
all the fags are already in bc, fag
Jealous ching chong?
This is what happens when you let canadians be in charge.
This is what happens when your entire economy is based on some commodity like coal or oil. Commodity prices have two values, boom prices and bust prices. When the price of the commodity busts (and most of them do), then your economy crashes too.
For example: Venezuela
Damn. I thought it was bad enough for the canucks with all of the american niggers and liberals moving there. Now you'll be broke and surrounded by faggots and surrounded by america's worst.
get rekt you oil faggots
Detroit with Automobiles too.
albertans wouldn't stay here though, they know we're a left leaning province with government liquor marts, insurance, public utilities and take like a third of trudeaus money in the form of transfer payments
Yep, one industry town. When the industry dies, the town dies.
Looks like when the oil sands industry dies, Alberta dies.
Also see: Bakken
Except Easterners flooded into alberta, now they're just going back.
Slid a penis into her vaginal barrel.
If you go into a recession, the economy wins.
Come to Aus if you're white, you'll get work as a sparky
>western media has been talking about "Japan's economic collapse" for the past 30 years
>literally everyone who wants a job here can get a job
>rent in a safe neighborhood (not like there are any bad ones) is only about $500USD/$9001CAD a month
>commute's always just a few minutes from your workplace
>no niggers
I knew some Canadians here who recently went back to Alberta for "better job prospects". Nice to see them get fucked.
They are flooding Vancouver as well but it's bad here too and of course absolutely no rental vacancies.
>If you go into a recession, the economy wins.
just import more refugees, weed, free healthcare and you'll be fine.
if I could own guns there, you bet your ass I'd move to the land of the rising sun.
The only people in this world who wants guns are niggers.
We don't need niggers.
I imagine it isn't easy moving over there.
How does the visa shit work?
Why does the link say 10.9 million?
so canadian shitposting is just antagonistic venting from their situation?
damn. that's a pretty much staple of economic growth occupation there.
The average Canadian is now spending 167% of his annual income. This is 12% higher than the average American was spending in the run up to the housing crash.
Nobody cares about shitty canada
You know what to do. Also if any of you Albertans are drivers coming to the lakes here in Sask and you keep trying to cut me off in my tanker I will run you the fuck over.
Where will all the Newfies go?
yo if i could speak your language id be there already :I
Back to New Brunswick.
Hey I live there...
WTF I hate Alberta now
The solution is into import liberals with their tech startups and their latte cafés
To wherever they can getting the largest EI cheque
good thing you stupid fucking idiots saved some of that oil $$$ while you were raking it in hand over fist huh, you fucking retards
Electing NDP makes Saudis pump oil like crazy and the make the oil price collapse?
Now who's laughing, Inbred rednecks?
Saudis regularly flush the small fishes out of the market.
Is now the time to move to Alberta and carpet bag the shit out of their land?
Too bad about the pipeline being canceled.
People think somehow that shipping oil in a more safe/efficient way is a bad thing. Or that continuing to do so in a less safe/efficient way will somehow save the environment.
I'm sure the 15 dollar minimum wage will fix it all though rofl
Then all Japanese were Honorary Niggers after the Sengoku Jidai?
Hopefully oil will bounce back in the next year
Its already starting to make a comeback and if another war breaks out we'll be right back in business
Why the GTA? I know trades people here in Ontario who have a hard time finding work. Unless those guys from Alberta are all originally from Ontario.
>no jobs
>import more niggers
What could go wrong?
I think that importing refugees to virtue signal is the new liberal status symbol. See how tolerant I am? Yeah, that means I'm waaaaay more liberal than you if I import more niggers!
>STEM graduates can't find jobs
>Skilled tradesmen can't find jobs
Well, at least I have a 9mm life insurance plan.
I'm in Hamilton and things looked like they were going that way when the steel industry took a nose dive. But the city and province were smart for once and invested a butt load of money into Mcmaster university and the health sciences.
So now those two are the largest employers in addition to Dofasco which is still doing good. Stelco though said "Just fuck my shit up" and now everyone who worked there no longer has a pension, and benefits. I feel bad for those guys, as I'll see them downtown protesting sometimes, but....that stuff isn't coming back.
There's a lot of art and music, and gentrification going to too, as people fleeing the GTA migrate here and look for houses to buy.
People who drive pick up trucks like that are literal niggers.
Calgary has a shit load of vacant office space. Perfect for tech startups if they can attract them
Waiting for you papa...
God I hope so. I'm going to be in school for the next 8 months, and I'm hoping that by that point, the economy will be back in full swing.
More likely it will just keep sloshing along the way it is though.
Fuck nigga
>tfw got hired as a starter electrician
>laid off after 5 weeks
>unemployed since
I'm not sure if I even qualify for EI. Should I just go back to my old job even after I essentially told them I wouldn't be coming back, or try going to gov't services and asking them to consider my situation?
Yea we definitely need more tech industry. Too bad most of them head to the states.
Don't worry Weedman has a plan mates.
You might be able to get EI. I'd look into it first, talk to someone in the government or at an employment agency. They would know more. You might not get a lot but it's better than nothing.
Fuck off.
What's the french word for parasites?
Fuck sakes. Fucking NDP.
Can any fellow Canadians recommend which city/province to exploit next seeing as Alberta is not a long term option for me?
Northern Ontario here and our job market is fucking nil.
Can I go as a Dominican Canadian?
I'm in Montreal and I've noticed an influx of pan- handlers and squeegees here. Noticeably English and not french. I don't know if they are trying to get to the Maritimes or looking for work here,
>Elect a dumb child to PM during a economic crisis
>if you kill your enemies, they win
>gets dead beat Africans instead of locals to repair Fort McMurray, niggers complain instead of fixing
>Cabinet is unqualified diversity circus
a fucking leaf, I don't think I've seen a country become such a laughing stock so quickly.
Some fellow Canadians laugh at Alberta but fail to remember that us Western provinces are keeping you parasites afloat back East. If Alberta goes down, you are going to be going down as well.
Not only that, but desperate Albertan people are going to be flooding other provinces.
Fuck Quebec, and Ontario.
>Leaving Alberta to drive to your death in a supercell
>gets dead beat Africans instead of locals to repair Fort McMurray, niggers complain instead of fixing
No they were south african firefighters and they all quit when they realized they were getting paid less in a month than what canadian firefighters make in a day. They were paid by south african govt, not alberta
Sauga too I noticed it too
Not Saskatchewan. Mass layoffs recently and they don't have any signs of stopping. Shit sucks
Saskatchewan and Alberta were the only ones to vote conservative.
I'll always have gibs me dat tho with the liberals
Kys wang
No we aren't. We are fine here. Everything is fine. It's just jealous easterners spreading lies.
Isn't true
Electricians don' get laid off. An incompetent one might be told to fuck off back to the maritimes, but a good one will never be short of work in Alberta.
I just got back from a vacation up in north sask. visited family in PA then went up near lac la ronge for a bit with some cousins.
I cut lots of people off. I drove my lifted 2016 black tacoma. Any chance I cut you off bud?
libs or nates will always vote liberal
Fuck alberta, Ontario is better. They always say people from ontario are shit, well at least we don't live in a 3rd world province.Lmaoo
Everything going exacry as pran. Soon we will have all the pwopoty.
Thanks Trudeau.
Don't worry senpai the Sask Party is doing a fine job of fucking up the province now that the lack of revenues has revealed they would fuck up running a lemonade stand
This is why no one in the rest of Canada respected Alberta when they were racking in the dosh.
Yea we were getting more money from them, but they were spending it like complete retards, not diversifying their economy, not investing in the future, not building up a reserve for lean times.
And look what happened the moment the price of oil tanks. They're completely fucked in less than a year. Now the rest of Canada will have to go back to transferring them money, as we did for most of our history.
Alberta was, is, a fucking Banana Republic. Successful economies are never built exclusively on a single raw resource export. They're built on extraction and transformation. Something Canada had before NAFTA sent all our transformation to fucking Mexico and over seas.
Thankfully Trump is going to get elected, he's going to pass protectionist deals preventing the "outsourcing" of all transformation and production, and this will force Canada to do the same.
I can't wait.