Sup Forums becomes the law

How would Sup Forums handle the following crimes?

>armed robbery
>cheating on your spouse
>[insert crime here]

Turner Diaries.

Death of criminal

Death of criminal

>armed robbery
Death of criminal

Death of criminal

Death of criminal

Death of criminal

>cheating on your spouse
Man the fuck up.

Don't even know what that is.

Clean, repair or replace item. 3 days in the stocks.
Replace or pay for item. 6 days in the stocks.
>armed robbery
2 weeks in the dungeon, pay fine to the victim and public caning at the end of your sentence.
3 days in the stocks, public caning, the aggressor must issue a public statement of apology and beg forgiveness. Assault with injury requires full payment for treatment, time lost, and pain/suffering.
Death for criminals over 14.
Those under 14 are sentenced to hard labor for 6 years to pay back the victims, and must serve an additional 5 years in the military upon reaching age 18.
Public rape by designated Rapesecutioner. 2 weeks in the sex stocks. Forehead branded as rapist.
>cheating on your spouse
Divorce possible within 6 months of infidelity coming to light. Wronged party gains 75% of assets, criminal pays all legal and relocation fees, and cannot have custody of children. Repeat offenders are branded adulterers.
2 days in the stocks, revocation of driving privileges. Repeat offenders will have legs caned.
>[insert crime here]
Let the punishment fit the crime and bring the criminal to the light of justice.

Those wrongly accused who have suffered punishment are given time served +5 years of living expenses and the state issues a public apology. Judges, prosecutors and defenders with a history of allowing this are hung in public.

>armed robbery
Depends on motivations either death or no punishment
>cheating on your spouse
1 warning after that fines

Clean up or/and pay for repairs out of own pocket, 3 days of jail time

Depending on amount stolen, reparations in full or jail time

>Armed robbery
5 years minimum in prison

Death penalty

Death penalty for violent forced rapes or sexual assault where actual physical force/kidnapping/threat of violence is used
Regrettable sex =/= rape

>cheating on spouse
Have to pay for all divorce lawyer costs. Applies to men/females equally

literally who cares its just a reason to stop suspicious looking people walking on the street which I am fine with

Public shaming / caning

Choice of beating or forced labor.

>>armed robbery
5 years in the isocubes.

Beating or 2 years in the isocubes

Premeditated = death
2nd degree and beyond = 10 years in the isocubes.

Beating or 5 years in the isocubes.

>>cheating on your spouse
Not criminal

8 hours in an isocube.

>Don't even know what that is.

Walking across the street without waiting for the light to go green.

The German in me says to that: Death of criminal.

Criminal is fined a flat rate plus the cost of fixing whatever they broke. Six months-two years hard labour in prison.
Criminal is fined a flat rate plus the cost of whatever they stole.
1-5 years hard labour in prison.
>>armed robbery
10-15 years hard labour in prison.
5-15 years hard labour in prison.
Death or life imprisonment.
20 years hard labour in prison. Chemical gelding in cases of child rape.
>>cheating on your spouse
Flat rate fine, marriage contract becomes void & spouse can divorce without loss of property, all shared property is given to the wronged party.
Flat rate fine.

Any criminal who cannot pay the fine serves additional hard labour at minimum wage until the fine is paid.

Community service for 1 week
>armed robbery
Death sentence
>cheating on your spouse
Not criminal
Your relatives would be charged for the car repairs when you get hit. Zebra crossings exists for a reason

His verdict is always guilty. His sentence is always death.

A day in the stocks.

A day in the stocks.

>>armed robbery

Stocks or oubliette or hanging, depending on severity.



>>cheating on your spouse
Zero assets in the divorce and excommunication.


Only a crime if you cause an accident.

In general prison sentences are retarded and serve no purpose. If the crime is serious it's hanging, otherwise the stocks or the oubliette and the accompanying humiliation are punishment enough.

Fine or prison.
>armed robbery
Fine or prison.
Prison or death sentence.
Prison or death sentence.
>cheating on your spouse
Divorce in favor of cheated spouse if he desires.
Fine, prison or death sentence depending on gravity.

Death by hanging
Death by hanging
>Armed Robbery
Death by hanging
Death by hanging
Death by hanging
Death by hanging, especially in the case of nigger rape
>Cheating on your spouse
Death by hanging
Death by hanging

>How would Sup Forums handle the following crimes?
>>armed robbery
>>cheating on your spouse
>>[insert crime here]

14 weeks isocubes except murder the sentence is death

Just commenting on spousal cheating:

Automatic sanctions should be imposed during divorce proceeding(if there is one). Basically at that splitting assets/ paying alimony should be out the window.

>designated Rapesecutioner.
I have never thought I would read those word. How would one even find someone who would want that job. Imagine what their resume would look like.

Since it's RAPEsecutioner, it should be a repulsive, angry, and forceful fucker.

>Public rape by designated Rapesecutioner
That's all I needed. Winner

to be shot by the property owner

loss of an arm

>armed robbery
both arms

let's take legs too



>cheating on your spouse

Totally legal to run over them with the car

>the victim can take and use whatever he wants from the vandal house
>1st time : has to return the good stolen and pay a fine (if he can't pay the fine then jail), 2nd time: same as 1 and he go to jail. 3rd time: same as 1 and he has to choose witch hand will be cut out
3>armed robbery
>same as the 3rd time with theft and he can't own a gun for his entire life
>whipped then put in jail
>prison or death sentence depending on the case
>his genitals are cut off
7>cheating on your spouse
>not my problem
>you are in fault if any accident happen

>armed robbery
>cheating on your spouse
>[insert crime here]