libertarians will defend this

> libertarians will defend this

were they slaves forced to take job? no. did their pay help their family?? yes.

>it's bad for people to have work experience and responsibilities

Is this what Hillary Clinton's America looks like?


Don't have to work with spics or niggers
Get too sit,
Work in the shade,
Fuck sign me up sounds like a dream job

Not a libertarian, but working is better than having to pay 20k just to have a piece of paper and still working at McDonalds.

This. Even if the pay was shitty at the time. You would sit in a comfy hole all day opening and closing a wooden door.

I've seen these old pictures before. Why did those kids dig so narrow tunnels they have to crawl in them? Isn't working more efficient if you can stand, even if it takes longer time to make the tunnels? Are they exaggerated?

>What is will of the public and free market

Any company that supports child labor will go out of business because no one will support it.

nxt thread

coal mining spanned generations. the kids were working at a place their father worked, and where they would work, and where their children would work...

You mean like the people boycott big electronic companies for their Asian sweatshops?

>Any company that supports child labor will go out of business because no one will support it.
You're the literal definition of a bluepilled cuck.

Then why didn't child sweatshops go out of business in America or Britain until the government passed laws protecting children? How come companies like Nike and apple are making record profits while using child sweatshops? Really makes you think huh?

it's not like opening a fucking door is hard or anything.

why did they have to open that door?

Are you fucking retarded? You do realize those kids would die of starvation if they did not work right? I guess technically they do have a choice, but do you really think it is okay that kids born into working class families should have to work in fucking coal mines at the age of 5 or else they will die?

To control the flow of air throughout the mine

Keep in mind that this was in a time where something like 5-15% of the population died each year due to starvation and not being able to buy food and get medicine and other basic needs.

Children worked in bad conditions like this because it's better than dying, it's the same as the work houses in London taking on kids and similar all over the world.

When people have shitty options they will still pick the best for them and so it's worth being greatful for the least shitty option because if you took it away all that would be left is more shittier options.

Sometimes I feel liberals would rather have children die than work and make someone else money in order to eat and live.

To stop everyone in the mine from suffocating. Air doesn't permeate through rock very quickly.

If the job was bad they should've quit

Except the mine only has such bad conditions because the owners only cared about profit and not the welfare of the workers. With socialism the workers would own the mine and therefore not only have much better working conditions, but get paid much more as well. Libertarianism just makes is easier for the rich to exploit the poor.

>grow up poor
>walk past stores full of food every day while on your way to do 12 hour shifts in dark, cramped tunnels that fuck up your spine and lungs
>do some thinking once you're a bit older
>what if you just stole the food?
>the worst thing that can happen is that you go to jail where the food is free
>doesn't matter if you get fined, will never have enough money to pay

> implying death from starvation is a viable option

You're right, automated air conditioning existed then. The state invented them to stop capitalists from hiring children and reduce their profits.

Anyone here actually worked in a pit?

Sheffield born lad here, 71. Worked in the pit for a couple years until the family moved to wales to rejoin the main family back in the land of my fathers.

We Welsh were born to mine and you took that away from us.

Holy shit you're way too old to be on this site.

>tfw 35

I think opening a door would be far easier than doing farm labor, which is what that kid would be doing otherwise

How old do you have to be before you don't approve of it? Here's a 15 year old in 1908 doing the same job. just waiting by the door. Seems easier than the job I had at a chinese restaurant at 15 desu

it's ok, they had white privilege

could you get black lung from the china shop?

No. But I've probably got the black lung now, since I smoke

>Complaining about an issue that occurred over 100 years ago.

How about attack some real/recent issues you cock sucking faggot.

Im not complaining turdball. Im not even the OP

I was just adding some perspective.

I think most rational people come to the consensus that it isnt the best idea to have children working in coal mines.

Why wouldn't they just have a pulley and rope instead of a kid?

I think letting kids work isn't necessarily a bad thing. Considering we have an ever more serious childhood obesity epidemic, how do we get parents to exercise their children? Well, we could pay the kids real money.

Obviously we're not going to put them in a coal mine, but what about something easy yet physical. Maybe picking fruits or vegetables for 1-2 hours a day? Something that gets them outside and isn't dangerous. Just let them kinda roam and run and play while they do something productive? It's not that crazy of an idea really.

But kids worked in fields for thousands of years before they started working in coal mines.

Why the fuck did they need a fucking door in the first place? Thats keynessian economics right there

>getting paid to open a fucking door with a string
>that's literally your entire job
I missed out.

Because they are not child sweatshops in the United States? No one cares about things outside of their country. Do you really not understand this?

1. Kids sometimes have to work for a family to survive and grow.
2. The wealth created by Capitalism allowed families to climb to the point where they earned enough to send their kids to school and no longer need to work.
3. Any kid who wants to work should be allowed to work.
4. Baby boomers are just scared of people learning skills and undercutting them that don't have the huge overheads they have like mortgages, families and fancy cars.
5. Go fuck yourself you communist freedom hating cunts.

I know right, I fucking do that already all day.

That looks a lot better than OP's pic implied, he's got a bench and plenty of room.

Opening a closing a door is not a tough job, if it were in 8 hour shifts with a half hour unpaid lunchbreak I'd do it. Better than being a dish washer which is what I did every summer during high school, 8 hours hunched over a dirty sink with no guarunteed breaks and nowhere to sit.

If you are implying that these people had no other way to survive, you are probably an urbanite

and I have no sympathy for urbanites.

>Did field work picking up vegetables as a kid
>Spent 12h a day crouching in a field with spics three to five time my ages for chump change under all type of weather
I'd risk black lung for something comfy like that desu senpai

Never forget that in America:

The first child labor laws were pushed by unions who were afraid of competing labor from the young.

The first min wage laws were pushed by unions who were afraid of cheaper labor from southern black contractors who began migrating north for work.

Improvements in safety are related to technology and cultural changes, which resulted in an increased value of life, not unions whining.

The first environmental laws passed in the US were AGAINST farmers who were trying to sue railroads for polluting their adjacent fields with soot. Had the federal government not intervened, private suits would have stood their ground and discouraged reckless industrial pollution.

Regulations in business are handed down by the government, who is influenced by big businesses, who see regulation as a cheap means to stymie startups and smaller competitors. They fuck the little man and entrepreneur, who would otherwise be self employing..

fuck you are so annoying in your non-understanding of everything

kids are good to fit in the really small places. If you disagree you're a racist. They think its fun anyways

The funny thing no one will mention is that the free market had basically ended child labor in the US before it was made illegal. There were very few child laborers left when the government outlawed it and most of them worked on farms.

Children work when their families are poor and they need the income. With rising income rates due to the free market it was no longer necessary for them to work, and so they didn't.

Alternatively look at what happens when the free market has not solved the problem and the government outlaws it. Children turn to prostitution in third world countries when child labor is made illegal. It is either that or starve.

I know... Those were mostly family farms and were called "chores"

Contributing to the family unit.

There is a difference between putting your child to work in a setting that is beneficial to the family while being relatively safe vs putting your child to work in a coal mine where so many accidents can/have happened.

There is no reason for a child to be working in a coal mine. It wasnt right then, it isnt right now.

Libertarians are edgy fuckwads.

>libertarians support child labor

oh boy another reatrded post by OP

>children can either work or starve
>government makes it illegal for children to work
>children starve

good plan mate

> merchants will defend this

Fixed. Sup Forums gave up on libertarianism years ago when it realized who was really behind it.

Yeah well, when people started moving to cities they couldn't exactly farm anymore, but they still needed to eat.

Whether it was right or not is irrelevant. It was necessary.

>He thinks farm work is "chores"

>please dont scare the birds

Thats strangely adorable

yeah, they would starve in a libertarian society u retard. that's why I support welfare for kids who don't have enough money to eat.

>could you get black lung from the china shop?

Have you ever worked in a kitchen?

The cleaning agents you get exposed to are dangerous as all hell. I worked in a fast food joint for four years and I have pretty much zero sense of smell because of the orange 'oven cleaner' we used in copious amounts on everything.

Most of that shit is probably carcinogenic as well.

Ok, in a libertarian society what would stop companies from hiring children from poor families? And don't say the government, because if the government puts restrictions on businesses that's not fucking libertarianism

>there were no charities before the government started providing welfare

>Any company that supports child labor will go out of business because no one will support it.
if only people weren't retards, but they are.

>>the worst thing that can happen is that you go to jail where the food is free
You think there was child labor but no prison labor?

Fucking lazy millenials not wanting to work in dark cramped coal shafts for 12 hours a day

We need to MAGA

If the society is poor enough for child workers to be commonplace then any government welfare will be very unsustainable. You think the government could have funded a welfare program for all the poor families back in 1900 when the average income was $400/year?

>No one cares about things outside of their country.
People in Asian countries use Iphones and wear Nike even though they are made with child slave labor.

Guess what you stupid fucking libertarian people act in Self Interest, this is always the case. You cannot expect people to go against their human nature, that's why you need government to regulate shit cuck.

>he doesn't understand the harm principle

no.. I havent

I worked construction until I saved up enough money to start my own company.

I somewhat agree though. However the rates of black lung disease in coal mines are far higher than any known rates of cancer from orange clean.

Its actually a silly argument. This thread. Nobody wants kids to work in coal mines. Its actually more damging to the nations moral than it is beneficial.

Child labor is one of things that made unionization so strong. Also, when child labor was made illegal it effectively raised wages for grown men because it shrunk the labor pool.

which is what made the middle class.

What's wrong with child labour?

It's because the evil bourgeois pigs who owned the mines were sadists

There is no exploitation. Those children work there because from their point of view, there is no better alternative.

Rather than deprive those children of the opportunity to escape whatever horror awaits them, because their situation must be dire if a coal mine is seen as their best choice, it is better to respect the parents' and their decision.

>take food away from one family to give it to another
>only this time you decide which kids starve and which ones don't
>this is having the moral highground

>be american
>try and steal food
>get shot

So someone explain what the fuck an airdoor does. Why do they need it to make oxygen?

You don't have to support something to condone it while looking for alternative solutions that don't require violence and coercion, I guess that's the heart of the Libertarian approach.

As other anons have said in this thread the free market raising families out of poverty effectively and practically ended child labour for the majority of the population before it was outlawed.

They're children you fucking retard. They can't exactly think for themselves; all they know is that they are being forced to work in a dark and dirty tunnel by mommy and daddy so that he doesn't starve

>yfw you realize thats the same as today and you might be living with your parents if you think otherwise

>from their point of view
You've clearly never worked with children. You can make them believe in just about anything if you're convincing enough. There's a reason why children are not legally responsible for themselves.

No they aren't exaggerated. Coal seams vary in depth, and often surrounded by very weak sedimentary rock. Very often they are only a few feet in depth but can be over a hundred feet in depth. With the shallow seams, it is safer to just mine out the soft coal and build supports as you go. On top of that it takes longer to dig out enough space to stand up.

I extend my respect. I turn 27 in 5 days and grew up learning to honor my elders. It's pretty amazing you're here on this website right now considering its origins and your life's story. I wish you a long and healthy rest of your life for the next 4 decades.

This. In our society you're either a wagecuck or you starve

You're a slave to money then you die, at least if you're born middles class or below. Unless you can somehow manage to bootstrap it.

>lel that is cute, good point Sven
>remember this is where "canary in a coal mine" stems from
fugg, now it's super grim...

being a security guard is like this, except i have to work with lots of spics and niggers

Probably better than getting mangled in a cotton mill

Chores that take 4-8 hours instead of 20 minutes.

It's pretty deep underground and the tunnels are cramped, so they need to bring in plants to produce oxygen. They couldn't fit whole trees, so they had to make due with little tree chunks