/got general

sandor edition

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Azor Jon

>runt of the litter
>mom keeps him chained up in the basement
>never rides him
>only showers Drogon with attention
>finally get a chance to prove himself
>gets oneshotted

Viserion had a hard life.



As useless as his namesake.


>bring foreign hordes to westeros
>be only one to earn "protector of the realm" title

wat do /pol, i mean /got ??

>big mystery of benjen
>finally appears
>there's no time


I feel really really bad for Jorah

>leave the ice dragon to me

Only because you didn't add Gerold Dayne

>no agh

>aimbot.dll was injected successfully

This show is beyond the fucking pale of bad writing. How anyone watches this seriously is beyond me

Night King looks like shit. This guy was ten times more menacing. The beard and the blue eyes strikes deep.

He just wants Khaleesi to be happy at this point.

it's magic I ain't gotta 'xplain shit

The Dothraki will the next andals, calm the fuck down with your foreign savage horseshit. The andals were foreign savages and so were the ((first)) men and on and on it goes

>tfw jon can cum inside dany with no repercussions

so like
why did they not shoot the ice spears at the mwhen they were sitting in the middle of a lake

Why did they copy WotlK for the final boss?

>Coldhands saves Jon on a horse
What a pile of shit.

Where's the huge fucking moose?

enough of the boring dialogue which made the series great NOW IS THE TIME FOR FIGHTING AND BIG CGI BATTLES FOR THE FINALE !!!

>tfw your healer is the first in the party to die

Ok can I watch the ep online without shitty sound or do I have to DL it


>now has the aim and strength of a homing missile
really got me thinking

Blizzard didn't invent ice dragons you illiterate.

characters being able to survive unnaturally long underwater

Literally the show equivalent of Uncharted 3 - basing your entire story around cool set pieces. Visually appealing, sure, but almost no substance.

>CIA execution
>Wight meeting with every major character
>Viserion screeching blue flame

How are they going to get 1 hour out of that?

Reminder that Bran is Night king and /ourlad/ Euron is Azor ahai

Is this true /got/?

So they revealed how they'll win against the night kings army right?

When beric points his sword at the night king and says ''kill him and the others will fall'' that definitely means we'll get that epiC duel with jon vs NK and a montage of the undead falling like what happens in that LOTR scene.


not it's not, dragons are believed to be dead, and nobody believes in ice zombies, and they have no effect on the plot even after five books. Show has been advertised as a "realistic" fantasy since day one. Even though it has a magical threat that doesn't matter to the plot until this season.
the point is magic is only small part of the world. It's dead, that has barely any affect on the plot, or the world itself. that's why.

the known world is a big place, but it has barely any magic. You people always mention the same things, but apart from things like "shadow baby" what other magic is actually used? Nothing. Also there is no confirmation on the blood magic. And that's also the truth.

That's not high fantasy. GoT will always be The Tudors with Ice zombies and three dragons.

>implying that Westeros isn't actually an MMORPG ala Sword Art Online
it's called a game for a reason

All ASOIF related youtube channels are complete and utter shit unless it's Alt Shift X (and even then, all he does is summarise popular theories and breaks down episodes). Why aren't there any channels dedicated to character analysis and philosophy of the characters?

Preston is autistic in a bad way, and on the other side of the spectrum there's just normies calling GoT awesome over and over. There's no middle-ground with these faggots.


Episodes 7 , 8, 9 and 10 all have been leaked!!!

that white walker where they captured the wight from looked like absolute dogshit

make-up department WHAT THE FUCK

Pretty sure he means the part about "Kill the Night King and all the Undead fall apart"

>he thinks the show had substance post-S1
Just turn off your brain and enjoy the action. D&D has no idea how to convey politics or nuances. It's better they don't try and just stick to wasting HBO bucks.

Not an hour passed and this meme is already stale

Anyone know if HBO Now accounts are tied to devices? I had a trial a long time ago apparently but don't remember using it. If I make a new account on the same device can I get a new trial?

There's only 7 episodes this season, retard.

>no repercussions
you sure about that?

i heard season 8 has been leaked and the guy said he will leak season 9 too



Fire spear motherfuckeeeer

True. The NK would be more intimidating if he wasn't a bald fucktard

the first men and the andals were all white you degenerate shitskin

Man, I felt bad for the dragon. They are just making them cute flying lizard doggos that cry when the other ones die. The rest of the show is shit, I just want the dragons to be able to live peacefully.

Wasn't Episode 7 supposed to be 2h long?

The season has only 7 episodes, at least try before shitposting

Meryn FUCKING Trant

Jon dies mate. Arya parries with the Night King like Neo against Agent Smith then thrusts some Valyrian steel up his arse for him to explode

can someone post the timeline pic

No, she is much worse, that article gives her too much credit

>implying that the NK isn't a discount copy of the LK

Who here hyped for the inevitable meeting between Ghost and Daenerys lads?

Or even better, Ghost and Drogon?

You just had to throw the rock didn't you.
The wight must of had some chicken.

That's even worse; how are they going to get TWO hours out of that...

Mystery? He showed up to save Bran as well.

GoT academy fag

Alternatively it would have been better if they just looked like Icy Elves.



Honestly, Gwyn and his Black Knights will BTFO all of westeros.

>gets paid literal millions for every episode this season just for being good looking
Fucking hell I'm a little mad

people would notice if kings landing disappared. people wouldn't notice if the white walkers suddenly disappeared. apart from maybe the freefolk.

falling for such easy bait you silly boys

I want Nymeria and/or Ghost to hang out with Bran and help him get back his humanity.

>Captcha: TREE

Drogon would eat ghost

This is the first episode since season 3 that I haven't hated. 11/10

What does Rhaegal feel right now that his bro is now dead?

Does anyone know the answer to this question?


Why are westeros people laughing at the idea of whitewalkers when the nightswatch has been burning death bodies since season 1?


>Healer tanking mob for 30 seconds
>Tank runs away scared
>Healer gets mortally wounded
>Only then do dps finish it off


Niggas came on the wrong block and got taxed for it.

Life, uh, finds a way.

I mean this kinda makes sense. You could tell by the way he was acting he already knew of the events about to transpire. The Three Eyed Raven works through him after all.

lol perfect

Wish Rhegal had more attention. He's had barely any attention. Also hoping Jon rides that dragon soon not dany


Ian Richardson would have been a great Tywin.

Are White Walkers ice niggers?

He's getting pissed on the idea that Jon Snow will ride him.

>Drogon belongs to Danny
>Viserion to the Night King
>Rhaegal to Jon Snow, the son of Rhaegar Targaryen

Be honest, this anime tier episode was pretty good

People bullying Clarke don't realize that she's purposely holding back emotions because that's exactly what Daenerys does in the books not to show her as weak. She doesn't even dare say she loves Snow because it might paint her as a dumb girl.

If you want bad actors, look to Maisie Williams and Baelish. It's so corny and forced.


Must be weird for thormund to be surrounded by fucking wizards
poor savage

>tens of thousands of undead and not a single ranged weapon
>gendry teleports to eastwatch, who sends a raven which teleports to dragonstone, which then allows daenarys to teleport to beyond the wall
>weak ass throw takes down the smallest dragon
>jon snow pulls a jaime lannister and gets out of the FREEZING COLD WATER
>forgotten plotline UNCLE BENJEN appears
>there is clearly time
>giant mile long thick heavy iron chains pulled by wights (not giant wights)
>somehow manages to pull this giant ass dragon up
>no one knows how it attached
>boat scene with a lack of sex
what wasnt a dissapointment this episode?

disgusting toxic masculinity

I like that every time

If this nigger can throw a magic ice spear like a railgun that fucks a dragon, why doesn't he just punch a hole through the wall?
Nigger has fucking retard strength, hell he could fucking throw wights to the top.

Why was dany waiting by jon's bedside? She makes it too obvious

She had to get her tits out a bunch 5+ years ago.

t. Ugly autistic skinhead

warcraft and GoT is like night and day difference. in warcraft you have magic all the time, comparing these two franchises is pointless.