Wtf I love Muslims now
Really makes you think
What did he mean by this?
Wtf is France's problem?
Wtf I love Muslims now
Really makes you think
What did he mean by this?
Wtf is France's problem?
they are tired of getting shot?
Because NUNS are the ones killing people. Are these people just trying to be offended?
Nuns are .00001% of Christians. You chose to become a nun. If you're Muslim and a woman you're all supposed to wear some sort of head cover.
Every fucking time, they can't go a single day without bringing Christianity up. Just go back to your Muslim hellholes
Those nuns follow a religion that grew up, that left the dark ages a while ago.
Unlike Islam.
This is actually a good point.
because islam mandates that all women wear shit like that.
christiantiy is entirely voluntary
FUUAARRKKK how fucking stupid are people.
>complains about France then posts a picture from Italy
>implying any of that would be allowed on a French beach
Hijab != wimple
Leftist once again prove how uncultured they are
>A leaf
I don't blame you. On a surface level it appears he has a point, but with any level of analysis he doesn't. You can choose to be a nun, and the practice of wearing that garb doesn't apply to other christians.
The "burkini" is forced. Mandatory to all muslim women that follow Islam to the tee. Plus, a sovereign nation can allow what it wants. If they only say no burkinis then its inhabitants must follow its sovereign law.
Nuns show more legs than terrorists in burkinis, case dismissed
Religion of peace right
>Wtf is France's problem?
We woke up too late
Burkinis weren't banned for their shape/function.
They were banned because they are extremist symbols.
Nuns arent blowing themselves up on a daily basis. Fuck muslims.
If this happened in America you would shit your pants with rage.
If this was targeting another demographic you would shit your pants with rage.
Maybe Sup Forums is as retarded as everyone says.
no it's fucking not. those nuns chose to become nuns. they, like male priests, adhere to a dress code because of the religious group they belong to, but have no intention nor the belief that everyone should dress like that. It is recognized as a minority of the culture. Islam on the other hand. forces this upon all women, regardless of their view on religion. I have a very hard time all those female students in cairo university, or in iran, or anywhere in the world where islam is a major religion, all decided, at the exact same time and out of their own free will, that they would wear a hijab.
MIDF pls go and stay go
>friend can fuck his gf
>I can't fuck his gf
wow double standards much?
At least you realize it now, may your path be marked with peace and guidance.
False equivalence
Nuns are actually celibate and they've devoted themselves only to Jesus; it's their job in other words
Muslims are equivalent to your normie
Not that I think banning what the Muslims wear is a good thing; it's just clothes.
True. But theyre a barbaric death cult that we have allowed to exist for too long
It doesn't. Why do you think some Muslim women wear no covering, some wear hijab, some niqab, some burka...
It's the woman's choice to how much she wants to cover up. It just turns out Muslim ladies aren't into showing everything off so most wear covering
Burkini ban is not because people care about how shitskins dress up its about not allowing shitskins to feel too homey in foreign lands
But people are too pussy to admit it
lots of terror victims in france looked like the girl on the left, the first person the truck hit was a granny in a veil
this whole thing's building up to one of the muslim girls going on tv and shredding the politicians, just warning you
My problem is that people on Sup Forums are typically "pretty good" at making an argument, they'll provide some type of fallacy or direct reason why someone is wrong, yet I've only seen maybe 5% of responses to these threads apply any logic at all.
This is a bad precedent, the government is basically saying "we can ban whatever we want fuck you", if there was ever a slippery slope, this is it.
I hope the French kill themselves when baguettes and frogs legs get banned because "muh feelings"
Terrorist attacks in last 15 years:
Mudslimes - 24,000+
Nuns - 0
Im so fucking tired of explaining the law every time , since 2004 you can't show any religious symbol in public areas, nuns only wear their thing while in duty and it was definitely not taken in France.
Also the Burkini ban was a way of telling muslim to stop ignoring our god damn law.
if they dont like it, why dont they just move back to whatever shithole in the middle east they came from?
If a miracle could happen, it will be in France. I believe it. It's not just a coincidence if all the shit is coming in France.
Nuns are not regular women, they work for the church and dedicate their life to god/jesus. Muslim women who were burkinis are not working for the mosque and don't dedicate their life to Allah. That comparaison is pure BS.
They only get that choice in western countries YOU STUPID FUCKING BITCH
They kill them in their native countries
I can still see their face.
They dont look like some weebo ninja wannabes.
>Italian Imam
>you can't show any religious symbol in public areas
What kind of hell is that????
What can you say? The Sup Forums hivemind is inherently hypocritical.
whats the difference between forcing a woman to wear something and forcing her not to wear something
>Forced clothing on all woman
>Nuns who chose to wear it, while other woman of said religion have the right not too
she was an Australian shitposter irl
wow that really activated my almonds
first of all, how muslim mens allow their woman bath with other males?
A symbol of a based secular nation that doesn't give a shit if it offends your culture
One's the law, one's the sharia law.
I dont mind a bit of harrasing muslims but that rule is just bullshit if i want to wear a long pants on the beach i should be able to hell even if i wear a thick woolen sweater its none of your busisnes. now if someone complains about a girl in a bikini you should lock that guy up instead of going hurr durr burkini.
The Burkini ban is because Muslim men decide the beach is a sharia zone and start verbal, physical and sexual harassment of any women dressed "immodestly". Banning nuns only makes sense if Catholics are attacking others at the beach like these shitheels.
It's called neutrality, France is, as you know, extremely diverse, that law was passed in 2004 to avoid conflict between cultures.
First of all, it's FACE covering that was banned, not head covering. Second of all, the ban went into effect in 2011 with about 80% public support. Why is it suddenly such a big deal?
I'm amazed at how the french government are applying none of their famed critical thinking skills on this
gee it's almost as though france has some kind of a reason to feel disdain toward muslims
That nun has a nice rack.
I'm onto you, "Aussies"
nuns were implicated in paedophile cover ups
what now
no its not faggot
Isn't it in public institutions, rather than public space?
so the dalai lama is banned from france?
You think its a coincidence 99%of Muslim countries have tyranical dictators that control their population with an iron fist?
holy fuck this is a great point
if burqas are banned ban cathoshit nun crap
Catholic shit is just as bad if not worse than islam
>Italian Imam posts photos of nuns on beach
So he's scoping targets?
So you think the government should regulate what you wear? If Obama signed an executive order saying you'll be arrested for wearing a MAGA hat you'll be ok with that?
I don't see the relevance.
one is frog law, one is pig law
whats the difference
the rule of 'your liberties extend to where they tread on my liberties' still applies
One is dogma, a step closer to undermining the rights of non-muslims. Islam doesn't peacefully assimilate in numbers, it only enforces its rule over others as its numbers swell.
The other (forcing not to wear) is counter to that. Don't like it? Don't go to a french beach.
Don't like that? The beach is not a right, or a necessity, it has rules that the government can choose to instate and enforce.
It is banned retard
Get fucked shit cunt.
It's an imposition of their shitty culture in the french public sphere. They wear it to send a message to whitey
In Ireland. Ireland is a shithole anyways, who cares.
>merely coincidence
>I dont mind a bit of harrasing muslims but that rule is just bullshit if i want to wear a long pants on the beach i should be able...
The problem is that 20 or even 10 years ago, no fucking Muslims tried to show themself as "total Muslim".
Actually, now, they are testing the republic. (which I Fuck, cause I'm monarchist anyway)
so non-muslims decide what muslims wear?
didn't that women choose wear burkini?
Would you object if they also passed a law saying no USA shirts or MAGA hats at the beach, on account of Trumps threat to the French way of life?
Huh really makes you what did you mean by this?
>Nuns are bad too!
>So that means muslims aren't bad in any facet!
When did a Nun open fire on people in a crowd? Or blown up dozens of people in France? In recent history? In ever?
To be fair he brings up a good point.
If you are going to ban religious wear in public, you have to ban it for the Christians too.
Unfortunately we have freedom of religion in the U.S., so it would never happen here, but France was smart enough to get rid of that in favor of state secularism and reason.
You think a burqa or niqab is just a piece of clothing you retard? It's literally a way for men to strictly control women. Plus it's not part of European culture. Sorry but its just not.
When has a trump supporter killed dozens of french people in France?
She "chose" to wear it
>The problem is that 20 or even 10 years ago, no fucking Muslims tried to show themself as "total Muslim".
This, it's pure provocation. The nekomimi isn't even valid Islamic clothing.
It's just a political message, and that's not needed in the current French political context.
Yeah it's just a piece of clothing, I don't give half a shit what people wear, these laws are completely arbitrary and don't address any issues whatsoever.
Well hopefully this deals with the spate of "burkha wearing suicide vest bombings at beaches in these 9 specific places"
Fucking autocorrect
Meant burkini
This thread is very funny.
Nuns wearing a habit is control by the male hierarchy of the Catholic Church too.
Catholicism is as middle eastern as Islam.
500 Years ago, Catholics were doing the things Islam is doing today in Europe, and yet you guys don't go to the source and start cracking down on the churches. That was the one thing the communists had right.
>complains about France
>posts beach in Italy
who gets to decide what is european culture? Have you studied history at all?
Do you think culture is some moonolithic unchanging block?
French people is christian that is the difference
since when were people guilty by association
>doesnt cover up the face
>doesnt look retarded and unnecessary
>0.001% of christians wear it out of their free will
>you will probably not even see one wearing this in your entire life
>since christianity belongs to europe it doesnt show disrespect and refusal to integrate
>on the other hand there are 800 million women that are either forced or brainwashed from birth to wear this shit
and dont give me that shit that they wear it voluntarily, if all muslim woman suddenly decided to not wear it even for one day, there would be corpses piling up quickly
>lots of terror victims in france looked like the girl on the left
Those who are committing jihad don't care if they take a few fellow Muslims with them btw.
>They kill them in their native countries
not in turkey, albania, entire north africa, malasia, indonesia, lebanon, jordan, entire middle asian turkic countries, albania, azerbaijan, india.
did i forget any place?
>don't address any issues
They send a message that to Muslims that they don't own France, I can't think of a better law than that.
You dense fuck at least give a proper argument instead of "yea its is just a piece of clothing".
You actually unironically believe this piece of cloth was designed to cloth a person. How retarded are you. The burqa actually has little prison bars in front of the eyes.
why is this anyone's business, least of all the state's? you don't walk up to random women on the beach and ask why they have a 1-piece and not a bikini (i hope)
>christianity belongs to europe
get out
>that law was passed in 2004 to avoid conflict between cultures.
this is extremely retarded mr frog. you just telling people, "you will not live your cultures, you there will not be any problem because of that".
where is freedom?
Much like women can """"choose"""" to leave Islam, right?
I'm sure there would be no repurcussions for that
Shut up you filthy protestant !
What do you fucking know about the situation ?
>500 Years ago, Catholics were doing the things Islam is doing today in Europe.
It's wrong. And actually not an argument.
Christianity doesn't belong to Europe, it is just as foreign as Islam.
In fact the reason you have the Muslim problem is because Christians like Angela Merkel open the borders.
mein bruder, when shall we return to the gods of old?
People are more upset about this than any of the actual terrorist attacks
I wanna go back lads