As a gay man who has been married and monogamous for almost twenty years — and who has never attended one of the SUPER SCARY gay pride parades... I need to know the secret.
Why are straight people so modest?
I've tried getting one of those blow up things but it just feels silly.
What am I doing wrong, Sup Forums?
Maybe I could have a successful career in entertainment if I could do what she does, though.
>thats a great question. I like capybaras
Because sexuality and humans arent simple things , they are complex things and applying emotional meaning to arbitrary or random bits of skin is considered subversive i guess.
No. People shitpost about gay people as if we're all a caricature.
Moreover, people clutch their pearls about people getting dressed up once a year — even though the carnivalesque has been a feature of Western culture for centuries.
Shilling and shitposting.
Those who say "I don't hate gays I just hate the flamboyant, fag-parade style faggots" are weak and unprincipled and should show themselves the door.
Homosexuals of all varieties are depraved perverts who deserve nothing less than swift extermination.
thanks for the inane shitpost
say hi to the people in Sup Forums
You also failed to answer the opening post's question.
yes some people are idiots and some people are awful and some people will never agree with you irrespective of logic or proof or facts or whatever
unfortunately the options are to endure it or remove the other dissenting opinion from existence. those are the only two options ever; and generally speaking, we just like to let people live and let live right?
>make a shitpost thread, get shitposts in return
Where do you think you are faggot ?
This could be you and me Ausibro =3
>what are extremes
in statistics we should only considers factors that have a significant effect.
the flamboyancy/provocative nature of homosexuality leads itself into hedonistic territory.
heterosexuality is full of perversions but is usually seen as more vanilla.
the fact that heterosexual sex results in children allows people to clutch their pearls and spout think of the children.
Heteros don't normally form a personality around their sexuality alone.
why can't gay people treat their sexuality like normal people?
I have always wondered this
>why do you make hyperbolic statements without realizing the irony
idk i wonder that too but here you are
It's not a shitpost thread. It exposes the shitposting very effectively.
How many fallacies are you going to stack up in one post?
thanks for the shitposting. Say hi to Sup Forums for me
I'm a normal gay, ask me anything.
But I hate the disgustingly overtly sexual straight people too
hyuk hyuk
alright I'll rephrase the question
10/10 or 11/10?
>how come everything i see is a stereotype when i only witness a target demographic through the media which perpetuates the stereotype
you cant critically think can you or do you just choose not to
You're just calling everyone who disagrees with you a shitposter. Why are you so ashamed of your lifestyle? There are echo chambers for you that will re-enforce your mental illness, this is not the place.
If you were a "proud" homosexual you wouldn't have the need to make a thread like this. Deep down you know you have a diseased mind but you are fishing for commentors who are willing to tell you otherwise. Think about the idea of "coming out of the closet"... why are homos in the closet to begin with? Because you are ashamed of yourself.
>here is my opinion
you see, what's happened here is that I said something you don't like, and now you're set out to belittle and berate me until I admit fault or go away
it's petty tbf, and one of many reasons why I don't respect homosexuals
Opinion is exactly what you asked for. But what you really wanted were people to pat you on the head and say it's OK to be a fag. Don't want opinion, don't request it.
>You're just calling everyone who disagrees with you a shitposter. Why are you so ashamed of your lifestyle?
Shitposting defined. Nice Satan trips to top it off, though.
>and now you're set out to belittle and berate me until I admit fault or go away
How dare he not respect your incorrect opinion?
you said something that was retarded and wrong and i showed you why it was retarded and wrong via green text
if you are mad at me idk what to tell you bud other than the issue lies with your objectively incorrect opinions
essentially what you just said was
>wow someone used logic to show me the error of my opinion
>instead of assimilating this new information to form a better argument i will instead say that you were all mean to me with adhominem
>you unironically see critical thinking, reading comprehension, and logic as person attacks
well okay then bud
you're totally right muh man; i forgot that faggots having anal sex is a natural human way of reproduction.
The value of opinions is determined by their proximity to truth.
I guess you'd have to have been to school to know that.
i didnt ask you for your opinion bb, you might want to scale down your victim complex because that is pretty out of control :^)
oh, boy, the breeding autism meme again
>hurr durr... I can't comprehend the fact that not only are gays not sterile, they don't have unwanted pregnancy
>hurr durr... unplanned pregnancy and overpopulation makes heteros superior ... hurr ...
>As a gay man
>20 years
Anyone who believes this is beyond retarded
That's jewish media degeneracy combined with feminism sir
Nothing to do with straight people except that it indoctrinates most of them.
>reproduction maymay
>le natural meme
>a priori opinions are the basis of fact :D:D:D :D
thats you :^)
I asked you a completely valid question and you got hurt feelings
welcome to /politically incorrect/ faggot
Are you a nationalist modest non-degenerate faggot?
so you're telling me homosexuals can reproduce?
>what are college fratboy dudebros who walk around bragging about all the pussy they slay
>what are college sluts who walk around having sex with every penis they can find
Oh god Sup Forums has no idea what they are talking about its adorable.
The hell happened to her? Drugs?
Modesty is natural and globalist kikes have poisoned your brain
Yeah, and Hitler was really gay, too.
I've heard it all before.
Anything you don't like gets scapegoated onto us.
I met my husband in 1997 at university.
You can choose to believe whatever you like. If truth scares you embrace your fictions.
>so you're telling me homosexuals can reproduce?
Yes, Canada. Amazing science of the turkey baster.
>being this dumb
they can. homosexuals can still fuck women and make children, or have their sperm inserted into an egg or however else you would like to suggest it
gay dudes choose to not reproduce, that does not mean that they cant reproduce; how is that hard to understand my love?
>>what are college sluts who walk around having sex with every penis they can find
There's a joke at my university about this. Straight prof told it to me.
>What's the straight mating call?
>"I'm so drunk!"
Fuq this is the gayest feelings I've ever had
Kind strange now, thanks asshole
it's not hard; i'm saying that a solely HOMOSEXUAL relationship is unable to produce any offspring without intervention.
why would fags want kids anyway?
>gay dudes choose to not reproduce
Um... no. Plenty donate sperm.
It doesn't help, though, that Obama is an asshole who hasn't lifted Dubya's pseudoscientific ban on gay men donating sperm.
It also doesn't help that the courts are corporatist and punish men who don't give their sperm to corporate institutions to sell by automatically granting child support to any woman, regardless of documents disclaiming responsibility.
So they need to form one around being a slut?
Prepare your face for Anita (Peace Be Upon Her)'s blesse`ed pussy, bitch.
being an attention whore
>one of us
one of us
>one of us
one of us
you're welcome bb :^)
>i'm saying that a solely HOMOSEXUAL relationship is unable to produce any offspring without intervention.
So, in other words, you're saying nothing.
>hurr durr... couples live entirely in closed bubbles floating about in space — with no contact to other couples, their sperm/eggs, or anything else! ... hurr!
>why would fags want kids anyway?
For the same reasons straights want them.
>my opinion is wrong so now i hold an entirely different opinion :^))))
canadia pls just stop you already messed up the flow of your own cadence
if you're as cute as most canadian boys are, I don't mind trying as hard as we can to have kids. you know, regardless of outcome. it'll be our own little sisyphean task. :^)
Yeah, the guys aren't studs but they're so cute together.
so you're admitting that fags are hedonistic i.e. multiple partners of both sexes.
Good luck young faggot, statistically speaking you will catch a horrible STD pretty soon
Have another
Because putting on an undergarment with sperm in it or using a turkey baster is hedonistic.
>reach for the shitposting stars
so you're admitting to not actually understanding the concepts that you are attempting to foment; like someone that knows tangential words and ideas, but has no actual ability to critically think and use logic
please u can do better :^)
she's literally not Miley Cyrus
next time read the op
idk that's very clearly a woman with a robot penis that desperately needs release for some reason; im not really sure what more of an explanation you're looking for
cause a turkey baster is the all natural way right
t. engaged in the pursuit of pleasure; sensually self-indulgant
Please make all men this hot.
Thanks God
but how come the total is less than the subsection, whoever made that graph doesnt understand simple math or words
Butt blasted homosapian
>hurr durr... muh "natural" meme
No effect, I don't want cock or ass
It was just something about the affectionate fit/bro relationship that tickled me
Apparently some gay guys are lucky to have best of both worlds
homosexuality is natural but not reproductively viable.
Tfw going to the movies with my cute redpilled bf soon.
I thought normal gay relationships were a meme, but its real and its the best feels
ok. why are you defining a term that has nothing to do with anything; you didnt understand what i wrote before so ill try and be more direct.
there is no inherent wrongness other than your own personal perception to the idea or concept that you purport. specifically; hedonism in-of-itself is not positive or negative. so all you are doing is stating that you think x is y and that is bad or good for [no reason given]
have fun user!
its the dream tbqhfam
>when in doubt, recycle discredited/fully rebutted meme
the initial satirical posits of this thread is that 'straight' people are 'modest' with ebin cyrus being representative of the heteros.
followed by the old guard monogamous gays suggesting that not all fags are flamboyant.
my assertion is that homosexuals, outside of traditional monogamous relationships, have less investment and are capable of leading riskier lives in the pursuit of panarmous love.
this is in turn can be viewed in its extremes and exploited by a 24/7 news cycle.
>I don't want cock or ass. It was just something about the affectionate fit/bro relationship that tickled me. Apparently some gay guys are lucky to have best of both worlds.
It's possible that you'll want them later. If you were turned on by those guys touching each other you've got a kernel of bi somewhere inside. Nothing uncommon about that, either. Kinsey and other research has found evidence that most straight guys are a tiny bit bi.
That's why boys used to get each other off in many cultures during the teenage years, prior to marrying women. It's also why most didn't rebel against the apprenticeship with sex phenomenon in places like Japan and Greece.
Kinsey found like 71% of men or something had orgasm with each other prior to marriage. After marriage the vast majority didn't do any gay stuff.
Growing up I saw no problem with homosexuality
Then i became friends with people that were actually gay
Queers are shit fucking humans tbqh
Men are bigger whores than women, usually.
There are four possible outcomes:
1) Men lie about it and fuck around discreetly.
2) Men get fattened up by American culture and put on meds that kill their libido, along with the elevated estrogen from the fat.
3) People appreciate males for what they are instead of demanding that they be females.
4) The vast majority of male babies are given sex reassignment at birth, making them superior people (like lesibans, who have the lowest STD rates).
>we believe you, buddy
so then we agree that stereotypes are stereotypes for a reason; but also that it is grossly over-represented irrespective of sex or sexuality, though each demographic is targeted in their own specific ways--the overall theme remains constant.
okay i agree with that
>Miley cyrus
Both of those men are proof that, when it comes to muscle, sometimes less is more.
See the baseball player above. That's sexy.
One thing straight bodybuilders frequently don't realize is that some body fat is needed to make the male body look good.
Again, I know all about this tactic.
Let's pretend that all the badly-behaving straight people on Earth, past, present, and future — are all really gays in disguise.
Yeah, now that witches don't get much talk there has to be a scapegoat of some sort.
i disagree with you on a spiritual level but that is also okay. never too big :^)
>As a gay man who has been married and monogamous for almost twenty years — and who has never attended one of the SUPER SCARY gay pride parades... I need to know the secret.
The secret is not being a mentally ill faggot that should hang from a tree, all gays should be doused in petrol and set alight. Also
>As a gay man who has been married and monogamous for almost twenty years
This would be a first, fags are the most unfaithful, disease ridden people on Earth.
Please KYS
>being this late
try again next thread bb :^)
Miley Cyrus is not straight and you should have picked a better example for a "bad behaving" straight. Is it really that hard to find a straight degenerate?
This is all that needs said
First of all no.
Decent people are decent sexuality isn't a question.
You know who should be shot and exterminated.
In this order
>Non Assimilated Muslims
>Trash culture retards like this
>All the white people that behave like this
You're jewish?
What shoes is she wearing?
ok, proxy samefag
>you should have
You should have had enough of a life to not waste time posting nothing
>never too big :^)
That guy would have been great with a lot less. Too much. The skin on his ass, for instance, doesn't look so good. His back is all lumpy.
There are health consequences for putting your organs through all that, too.
>>so you're telling me homosexuals can reproduce?
When did i even once imply this. Im a fucking lesbian you dipshit but if you really think we believe that you and your husband have only ever had sex with eachother you are fooling yourself.
Iv been to gay bars full of married gay men trying to pick up a twink for a weekend. I know what "gay monogamy" looks like
It's called shame, something most gays have lost sensation for thanks to (((someone))).