Is she right Sup Forums?

is she right Sup Forums?

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Everyone's days are numbered.

Pick one

>American communist
pretty funny comrade

No because girls are stupid and dumb and never talk to me!

She's ugly, and therefore wrong.

>Western communists

Yes she is right, but she won't fair well during the revolution.

>2/10 wnb >:'(

What is pheasant a luxury food now? Because it's a food you can't have slaughtered and cleaned in a cold, steel factory?

This is my favorite thing about the modern communist. They think calling someone "bourgeois" is an insult like its still 1875.

I wonder how much her sweater and handbag cost

she's likely british

americans don't know the meaning of bourgeois

>implying the proles will win the next revolution

I'm glad I'm a bourgeois

sry for insulting your gf

You can tell by the way she's dressed that she isnt a member of the proletariat.
The only think the proletariat hate more than the bourgeoisie is people who pretend to know what it's like to be them.

In a real Socialist Revolution, the commoners would consider her part of the "bourgeois" because of her fancy clothes, haircut, cellphone, and expensive apartment. If anything, it'd be people like her who would get their doors kicked-in and have their stuff taken when the commoners have their uprising since they won't be able to hire protection.

Pheasant has always been a food of the elites, friend, because eating pheasant in days gone by basically meant either that you had permission to hunt on land (and were therefore not peasants) or that you were poaching (and therefore filthy savages breaking the law).

>The shooting of game birds, in particular pheasant, is found in the UK, on large, traditional driven shoots on estates and on small-scale rough shoots. Shooting of game birds is carried out using a shotgun, most often 12 and 20 bore or a .410, often on land managed by a gamekeeper.

>Game birds are shot in different ways. In driven game shooting, where beaters are employed to walk through woods and over moors or fields, dependent on the quarry and time of year and drive game towards a line of 8–10 standing guns standing about 50 or 60 metres apart. The guns will be members of a syndicate sharing costs, or have paid in the region of £25+ per bird for pheasants and much more for grouse. The total bag (number of birds shot) will be anywhere between 10 and 400, again dependent on the budget and quarry. The day may be very formal, and the head gamekeeper or a shoot captain will oversee proceedings. Great emphasis is placed on safety. Pickers-up with dogs are also employed to make sure all shot or wounded game is collected. On such estates, large numbers of pheasants, partridge and duck, but not grouse, are reared and released to provide sufficient numbers of game. Grouse cannot be reared intensively but the heather moorland where they live is intensively managed to maximise numbers.

>insults bourgeoisie
>probably comes from a middle class family like most people with enough free time to protest.
>doesn't realize she's the definiton of bourgeoisie

doesn't matter if she's right or wrong.

I'm not intimidated in the slightest

We don't eat stinky Pheasant either.

Their days might be numbered but thanks to American Healthcare© those days outnumber your's greatly.

>Also it's time to pay your student loan for the degree in "feminist beekeeping". Would you like to defer payment so you can continue to gripe about it to your man-child orbiters some more?

If you've ever been in a longtime relationship you'd realize women are very easily swayed through emotion and base their learning on what sounds more appealing rather than fact. My wife is constantly back and forth over everything because she is easily influenced by sob stories of refugees on Facebook to the point where its a fight whenever I tell her they're written that way and forced in your face on Facebook to push an agenda.
Here's your (You) kissless manlet virgin


>Those clothes
>That purse
>This bitch seriously thinks she does not fall into the Bourgeois category

Communists are adorable

Few people today are real proletariat, because let's face it working conditions improved massively in most countries and many jobs are now in service sector.
It's just idiots who don't understand what did Marx talk about.

Looks pretty bougie to me

she looks pretty well to do; is she ready to be enriched?

Whats the general consensus towards communism in Russia?

You guy's really were the acid test.

Yes pic related

>In a real Socialist Revolution, the commoners would consider her part of the "bourgeois" because of her fancy clothes, haircut, cellphone, and expensive apartment
As a man of the working class, I can confirm this.

Seriously, fuck the fucking middle class. Bunch of whiners and pussies and degenerates and virtue signalers and faggots who appoint themselves to speak on everybody else's behalf
Working class pride!
>Remove Suburbanite

>t. Proud apple user

>he thinks the working conditions dictate whether or not somebody is a prole
you are the one who didn't read Marx friend

if you work for a wage or a salary you are a prole

>that pic

>Sup Forums

They aren't even pretending anymore.

Yes. Soon the numale and sjw clique will see the day of ropes, and we can be free from their "let us think for you" ideologies

She'd be killed immediately in >le revolution

Lol I accidentally misread her sign as "I'm too edgy to adopt normal opinions but I'm not willing to risk the loss of social capital that would result from me adopting right-wing opinions. Haha communism rox and I'm going to be very militant about it because today's political climate lets me xDDDD"

why should she wear? a potato sack?
communism isn't about what you wear, it's about who can wear certain things?

>whose only possession of significant material value is their labor-power
This isn't real proletariat. Real proletariat was kids of 13 years working 14 hours in poisoned factory environment. These people have nothing to do with old communists and their supporters, they're just misguided mildly socialist kids with no real cause.

Facial piercings, what looks like to be fine cotton clothing, and leather handbags

Do these people not realize they're a part of the petty bourgeoisie? Is there something that I'm missing or are they willfully ignorant that they're a bunch of privileged champagne socialists uncommitted to true revolutionary politics?

Fuck, I'm not some red, but a shit ton of my studies in undergrad were devoted to Marxian thought through ol' Karl and Gramsci. These people have no idea they'll be the first ones to be purged after the rich after the military, high state officials, and factory owners make their little cabal.

More proof that White women have been corrupted by the plague of a liberal agenda. The only solution is to reject the white woman and focus on the future of the Aryan race: the subservient and feminine Asian goddess.

This. She's in the top 99% of income (not wealth, she got a 300k dollar degree in gender studies) worldwide most likely

neither do british trust fund babbies

yours too

> Communist rhetoric
> "She clearly is a liberal!"

American Education right there.

hateful fascist cunt who wants to drag successful people down to her mediocrity... fuck em

being a prole has nothing to do whether or not you work 14 hours labor conditions may have improved but its irrelevant in the context of marxism people selling their labor in exchange for a wage or a salary are proles people who own the real estate and factories are the bourgeois

at least read the wiki summary before you make shit up

Tsk tsk Ahmed, lashing out just because you can't get white or Asian women in your Rapefugee camp.

Upper middle class desu

They don't really understand that they're useful idiots who are part of the bourgeoisie they're rallying against, and when the time comes they will be rounded up and killed.

A lot of old people want it back because they mostly didn't manage to adapt to capitalism (In Russia we have crony capitalism btw). Young people for the most part have a negative attitude towards it (Life without all those Western goods? No fucking way.)

>tfw you will never have a proletariat gf to break chains together

thanks Sylvia Plath

found the bitch:

she claims credit in the comments

It's not so simple as you make it either but that wasn't even my point, my point was Marxism was created in light of those conditions, despite the fact it's not just about that.
Now conditions changed, and these people certainly aren't proletariat of old. That's my point.

Wine is cheaper than soda.
Pheasant is inferior in taste to a well made chicken dish.


go fuck a goat, ahmed

Isn't she an actor. I could swear she was in house of cards...

>it's legal for hipster commies to make threats

What is wrong with out country

Let's see her butthole

surprise, she's """(((queer)))"""

>Welcome to the club of being fantastically queer with terribly misunderstanding mothers! I once overheard my mom say, "I'd rather my kid be gay than bi. Bisexuality just seems like a cop-out for being slutty." Well, shit. Our meetings occur whenever you feel like you need a drink.



also her

Fuck off.
We had this thread already.

She grew up rich also lol

This is cancer looking through her history.

I like it. The swine are surely moving out to the fields. Not to eat, but to be burned.

The the horns are getting louder and louder.

It really doesn't matter what she says or wants.

Read through history; there's a recurring trend - there have always been rich people. There have always been those who have power over the masses. That's just the way life goes. In every age of history, in every country, under every governmental system, under every religion. Nothing that anyone has done has put an end to it, ever.

The real question is Sup Forums, what are you doing to become one of those people?

qtp2t would take on a romantic date to Ivars

>eating pheasant
what are the macros on this?


I guarantee you if you asked her the definition of "bourgeois" she wouldn't know without looking at her Chink made phone.

Hell, she probably had to google how to spell it.

tired ass alcoholic bitch

I'm a member of the Burgerois

lol that's a $6000 bag she has

Become rich or defeat the system. I wanna be rich.

Mount the Negroes, indeed.

The funny thing is that woman is clearly bourgeoisie.

not an argument

I wish I was a proud amerisharter 3

I eat pheasant and I'm middle class. I actually just bagged one last week. They walk through my property quite often. Wild turkeys as well.

If Im home and catch em its usually an easy shot and a free dinner.

Feels good to be an American who knows how to use a gun.

What is she gonna do about it?

Also, This.

The only people who use that word here are the commies and anarchists. Who usually all hang out i the same circles.

Shit used to make me laugh. I had a buddy who was a Syndicalist and lived in a commune with other shit heads. Every time I went to see how he's been there'd be commies running around. I'd always ask him wtf is the deal? How as a syndicalist could you let these bootlickers in. He didnt have an answer. Today hes just a typical dude. Fuck I hated college.

She's bourgeoisie as fuck
>a sociologically defined class, especially in contemporary times, referring to people with a certain cultural and financial capital belonging to the middle or upper stratum of the middle class: the upper (haute), middle (moyenne) and petty (petite) bourgeoisie (which are collectively designated "the Bourgeoisie"). An affluent and often opulent stratum of the middle class (capitalist class) who stood opposite the proletariat class.

In a real communist revolution Jamal and Paco would seize the means of her vagina with a gun barrel to the back of her head.

the days have been numbered and your numbers coming up

She shops at whole foods and wants a traditional wedding that here capitalist daddy will pay for. She's a fucking hypocrite I guarantee it.

Lmao. She probably wants to get raped. Giving a say in government to a gender that gets off on submissive roles (man must be taller, hard sex, etc) was clearly a bad idea.

Ignorant champagne socialist filth like her need to be hung from the lamp posts.

She'll eventually fuck a dog for money, who cares?

WHAT? Starbucks is a big corporation?

Where's my iphone, I have to Google this!

>tfw taking my mossberg out on a Sunday morning with the lads and bagging a few pheasants to cook for dinner

Nothing better.

Sod the wine though I'll have a bottle of merrydown

She is right.
What she doesn't realise is that the people out there who are actually poor, not the """poor""" middle class white girls like her, will also see her as bourgeois.
As soon as Mr Moneybags catches his plane out of her country, she'll be the new bourgeois, who all the actually poor people will hate with a passion, thanks to the politics she helped push for.
I hope she enjoys the fruits of her work.

coincidentally in canada we have crony capitalism as well

and in the US also,
and in france
and the UK
in fact, there is no place in the world where capitalism is practiced that isn't crony capitalism

welcome to the reality of capitalism

I have to fucking google how to spell it

fucking french words and their unnecessary vowels

guards, this women has lost her cumposer