Obama did this to me
Obama did this to me
just put him down
there is no point in him being alive
I hope that's a satirical comment
well he cant be armed and dangerous anymore
Give yourself a pat on the back.
Don't worry, Hillary will remove what's left of your limbs if she gets elected.
"Change!! Yes we can!!"
- Barack Obama, 2008
This dude came to my school like 12-13 years ago. Top lad.
how did you type this you lying piece of shit
Both Hillary and Trump are pro war in the middle east against ISIS.
This one will fix everything don't worry guys!
So whatever.
Only the thought of some white american families utterly destroyed by losing their fathers, sons and husbands makes it a little OK.
Blood for the blood god.
Thanks obama
>a dude with not limbs is better groomed than you
Fuck him and his red lines.
Nutless mufucker
he looks happy atleast
so thats the little 1 legged fuck that shit posts on pol all day.
His stupid ancestors did this to him
he was born that way
Jamahiriya return, when?
>Condemned to a life of visiting schools and writing books only middle aged women read about not killing yourself because I have it worse than you
Yeah nah, end me.
I support childhood euthanasia if it's what the child wants but we shouldn't just kill him against his will.
Yea um don't forget, euthanasia in the Middle East is being slaughtered next to a river.
Really makes yu think.
pic of kid 30 years in the future
Give him the full replacement package.
I just want ISIS wiped out and then leave that sandy shithole forever.
Fake he cant write a book
Arm DLC is another few bucks
Give him the infolink.
Reminds me of that one ShindoL manga.
how does it feel dude with no limbs has kawaii nippon wife
Talk about OCD. Let's chop this one off an extra foot for the sake of my autism.
Stop making me laugh at the misfortune of that man!
J.J. Abrams did this to me
it's Sup Forums people love killing shitskins here and it's a genuine and heartfelt statement.
Then he lectures us about American values. Man, the audacity...
Any war with ISIS will be perpetual for eternity until ISIS wins. There will always be new people joining up, it might change name, but it will be a perpetual and eternal war. But the warzone will likely be moved here
please :^)
Good for him, but I doubt she really loves him.
LMAO this is the funniest thread on pol.
What are we going to call niggers now that we clearly have the technology to create actual Basketball-Americans?
American values is to remove the freedoms of the world's poor and impose the international banks as a burden on them. It is perfectly in line with what people think about when they hear "America"
He is actually quite a chad, I don't like him, he is an asshole. He is not real, he has a wife who cucks him, and he thinks he's tough, I hate when people won't be honest. No dude, your not super cool who did everything, people felt sorry for you and you know how to have a really good attitude. That's cool, but your an idiot. I know about your wife and life. But to normies, it's all about selling a story.
>Life without limbs
Do some research and find out the sad fucking truth. But see you already knew, and that makes you the bad guy.
This is the one and only truth. This war is perpetuity and that sad part is in the history books we may end up being classified as the same evil as ISIS. LE extremist meme.
give it a decade and he'll be robo refuge
how so?
Jesus Asians are desperate for that white dick.
How newfag are you?
well then maybe they should not FLY PLANES into our buildings!!!
Well, shes a woman so shes capable of loving something beyond a 10/10 Scandinavian blonde with big tits, try to imagine such a world.
I bet he doesn't like Trump, because he's already a stump.
We should really just build a wall around the Middle East.
Not hard to figure out lol, chicks dont like 3 feet tall men
how does he not crush his dick and balls when he walks around?
No, he's right.
Not only is he going to suffer for the rest of his life, he's also not white.
Wtf is this
Start pumping it full of estrogen and get it some femme surgery, by the time it's an adult someone will buy it.
I'm ok with 9/10s too
that's not how that works
>satire meme
that kid is only going to suffer, especially since his nation is a hellhole, he has no chance of being happy but eternal suffering! i genuinely feel bad for him, when i broke my finger i felt soo disabled until it healed.
WTF, that's not the pic I posted.
someone better fucking answer this
You even failed at shart posting. 2 nukes were not enough.
I don't like pisshair on women, it's gross.
I don't give a fuck about tits and ass, a beatiful shape, a pretty face and long legs would do.
>in the history books we may end up being classified as the same evil as ISIS.
Everyone knows you are way worse. The evils of ISIS is when they try to make a point by obviously copying Americans.
You mean the rich saudis? Why shouldn't they do that again? It's not like you did anything except attack random countries.
MUSLIMS flew plane into building. so usa made MUSLIMS pay. Praise jesus, not mohamed
>against ISIS
No. No American politician is against ISIS.
Shouldn't you be polishing your nigger SJW president's knob right now?
>This is Assad's fault!!
>Creates ISIS
I want you all to burn. I'm tired beyond all reasonable measure of the lies, the stupidity and the evil that are so common upon this hell of a rock. You all need to burn. All of you. Painfully you need to slow-roast. The vultures need to feast on your flesh.
t. Dan the english teacher
how will he masturbate?
Cancer from one extremely dedicated Sup Forums autist. So just another day on Sup Forums really.
>le epic English teacher/USFJ meme
When do you go back to school? I'm on summer break from my job at a brokerage.
The USA occupies your manlet small docked country.
I get it, you moved to japan because they would actually ""appreciate"" your talent.
Something something people who live in glass houses...
I was transferred. I do like it here though.
What's going on in this thread...