Why doesn't Murdoch Murdoch get more love on Sup Forums?

Why doesn't Murdoch Murdoch get more love on Sup Forums?



It's easily the best alt right show on youtube

Its cringy and autistic but I like it

>they're teaches us that abortions make your hero

The cringe factor is way too high, plus it's obvious he only sees NatSoc as an ironic fad, as evidenced by his William Luther Pierce video.

Quite like this channel desu, thanks for sharing

He's stated that he is alt-right but uses his humour to ease newfags into the redpill

Anyone have a pic of murdoch chan?

Sorry lad she's too deep in my waifu folder. Not many pics if her around.

>tfw you will never have a qt virgin wife to bake you snickerdoodle swastikas


I love it. Can't get enough. Need me a genuine q.t Murdoch-chan

She's morbidly obese

Impossible, she would be SJW if that were true. Nice fucking try leaf.

Sorry but she is. You're listening and dreaming about some fat nazi chick


Wtf I love /r9k/ now

Proof nigger

You have pics of that fat bitch on your folder. Take a look

she's still based, better than a sjw 10/10 marxist.

Like I said nigger. I ain't even certain they exist. Post. Fucking. Proof. Leaf.

DELET this your gonna have le reddit army flag their video's you cuck.

Wait, are you saying reddit knows about our secret club?

Post proof you leaf nigger

Why even live?

For the newcomers, Pretty cringe visuals but decent lyrical value. Good to listen or if you want a little cartoon to fill time with.

The guy who does these is a decent writer in desperate need of an animator.

I actually think the bad animation adds tot he humour