The Bell Curve

Do you believe in the bell curve/are certain races more intelligent than others?

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Certain races have more of an incentive to learn because their culture rewards it.

The Bell Curve is literally the most misunderstood book second only to the Holy Bible

I promise I'm smarter than you and it's not because I'm pressured by my "culture" to learn things.

Yes, the bell curve is real, and I believe there is more to race such as genetics along with the various climates each evolved in to survive.

no, i don't believe in facts

explain. I genuinely curious

Thanks doc.

No, stop making excuses. This isn't Facebook, you don't have to mask the truth.

> Asians at top
explain why the best minds in the world throughout history almost exclusively have/had white skin?

Yes, because some countries are still stuck in the stone age.

yes, it's the harsh truth; anyone saying otherwise has been tainted by liberal indoctrination in their social "science" classes


Apparently the guy who made this image is pretty low on the bell curve

Isn't it a tad unfair to call mixed race indigenous mexican beaners the main "Hispanics" when hispanic in dna terms means Spanish blood from Europe and all the brown people we label hispanic only have like 2 drops of spanish blood from colonization rape?

At least call the beaners mestizos or some shit. The Spaniards literally created an entire caste system based around this shit.

I agree with the bell curve, just needs a few changes with the labeling to be quite honest.

>The Bell Curve is literally the most misunderstood book second only to the Holy Bible

No it's not.

It goes to great lengths to be very precise with what it says.

You what they mean though. The true spaniards are included with whites.

That's inaccurate for white males
our bell is more oblate

>tfw Sup Forums will never recognize Jews are ahead of both Asians and whites

europeans had the advantage of clarity behind them, and thus the most advanced culture. Amongst current "best minds" there are plenty of asians too (e.g. terence tao). You also have to consider that ashkenazi jews have the highest IQ average, and have dominated scientific progress in the past 200 years

I love that Asian myth.

There are so many dumb Asians on this planet it defies belief.

China is literally one of the most polluted shitholes known to man, along with India.

Because IQ tests measure pattern recognition and spatial understanding. And Asians are best at that.
White people are more creative, have better single minded focus, less afraid of being a social outcast which enables you to run with your ideas, etc. That's how.

middle easterners indians and asians invented a lot of stuff too though ie paper, currency, gun powder, the arabs expanded on mathematics from the greeks discovered.

Yes but Spaniards are hispanic and not part of the 60% white

Quite unfair seeing that Spain basically colonized these continents

I never understood why people don't think white Hispanics exist. hispanic is not a race

Hispanic is not a race and the closet thing it is to an ethnicity is basically descent from Spain.

Latino may not be a race either, but it'd make more sense to call mestizos latino seeing that they have descent from Latin American than a european country

That's like saying Jews make the best films because of their DNA when, in fact, being Jewish gets you connections you need to get established in Hollywood.

Hence the reason some asshat like JJ Abrams was handed the Trek franchise after bragging that he didn't even like or respect Star Trek.

And, if you think JJ Trek was anything but mindless shlock that he used to get his grubby mitts on Star Wars then you're at the bottom of the bell.

It's not always a meritocracy, dude.

A combination of connections, wealth, and proper education makes a world of difference in outcomes.

>If the reader is now convinced that either the genetic or environmental explanation has won out to the exclusion of the other, we have not done a sufficiently good job of presenting one side or the other. It seems highly likely to us that both genes and the environment have something to do with racial differences. What might the mix be? We are resolutely agnostic on that issue; as far as we can determine, the evidence does not justify an estimate.

That would be because of the massive population, user.

they, are
both as a (presumptive) white male, you have 2 choices
1. attempt to take down the jews - even though you know it is probably futile due to IQ and resource difference
2. submit to your overlords - lube up

>pattern recognition and spatial understanding. And Asians are best at that.


Do I believe in statistically gathered evidence? Yes.

Tests have been done matching the image of a brain taking in an MRI scanner and the IQ of the patient. The doctors were able to actually roughly guess the IQ of a person just from looking at their brain.

Not only that, but the brains of the different races are literally different in appearance.


statistics aren't a myth no matter how much racist delusions you try to add - call chinks asian subhumans as much as you want, they still score (slightly) higher on IQ tests on average than whites, and so do jews. I mean you could call me a racist too but to believe in that strict "my race is the best at everything" is the same shit as niggers do with wewuz etc.

Think you got lost friend

culture is a biological construct

Laugh all you want, still runs true.

>Yes but Spaniards are hispanic and not part of the 60% white

okay let me fix this

Spaniards are white and are considered white but they are considered white hispanics

They are not in the 60, but only cause it's non Hispanic whites. If it was all whites, they'd be in that percentage

>That's like saying Jews make the best films because of their DNA when, in fact, being Jewish gets you connections you need to get established in Hollywood.

And Hollywood has produced a ton of total shit over the years. Good films are very rare, especially today where the creativity level is so rock bottom that all they do is sit around trying to figure out what good thing from the past to rip from — if not making mindless formulaic superhero action shit like JJ Trek.

Regarding Murray and Herrnstein's claims about racial differences and genetics, the APA task force stated:

There is certainly no such support for a genetic interpretation...It is sometimes suggested that the Black/White differential in psychometric intelligence is partly due to genetic differences (Jensen, 1972). There is not much direct evidence on this point, but what little there is fails to support the genetic hypothesis.

Regarding statements about other explanations for racial differences, the APA task force stated [emphasis added]:

The differential between the mean intelligence test scores of Blacks and Whites (about one standard deviation, although it may be diminishing) does not result from any obvious biases in test construction and administration, nor does it simply reflect differences in socio-economic status. Explanations based on factors of caste and culture may be appropriate, but so far have little direct empirical support. There is certainly no such support for a genetic interpretation. At present, no one knows what causes this differential."

sure, but you also have to consider that these tribal structures in jewish families have resulted in them selecting for high IQ, especially due to e.g. scientists fleeing to murrica.

clearly you've never seen Asians drive

>That would be because of the massive population, user.

But Asians are smarter. They would prevent that from happening.

Nice try, though.

No, it doesn't.

And let me be clear, I'd choose my European brain every time.

Statistics show that China and India are polluted overpopulated shitholes thanks to the superiority of Asian intelligence.

Why are you so certain of that. I have evidence to prove it but please, show me your source. Why are you so sure it's not the case.

what is the correlation between that driving stereotype and IQ tests though?
It does, they score higher on IQ tests, please accept the facts.
also this

JJ Trek is not the result of high IQ.

Him being put in charge of a franchise he was too stupid to understand and respect says all that needs to be said about meritocracy.

IQ depends on upbringing, not race.

It's a misinterpretation of what IQ tests are. The Bell curve only really says that people have less learning disabilities in thier own race-culture. It's sad that it is used to suggest Social Darwinism because there is something there about how races do prescribe different circumstances.

>Why are you so certain of that.

Because it's basic logic, dude.

If more Asians are smarter than in other population groups they would manage themselves better, preventing themselves from creating overpopulated polluted shitholes.

They wouldn't have rivers filled with actual shit, piles of dead pigs, and the like.

>It does, they score higher on IQ tests, please accept the facts.
Then the tests are bullshit like Phrenology.

You just proved the point.
Asians all pretty much rook the same and live in a crammed ass sweatshops. Hence, developed a higher pattern recognition ability to tell each other apart and learned to squeeze out maximum space with optimization neuron patterns for some living spaces in a crammed ass disgustingly crowded cities.

t. Asian

indians have lower IQ averages than whites though. East Asians have higher IQ averages than whites. I'm not arguing about their respective countries here, just IQ, which is measured by IQ tests, in which east asians perform slightly better than whites. Curb your autism or use the energy to find better nominators of intelligence with higher correlation to the g-factor.

Trust me I that feel. Im a spanish-american.........

speculative pseudoscience

pollution lowers IQ as does nutrition

This IQ shit is so overly simplified by people it's beyond laughable.

>spatial understanding

>pollution lowers IQ as does nutrition
>Correlation = causation
Nigga you don't even have correlation

I agree with you on that point, jews have it easy as shit in their dominated domains (e.g. US academia, hollywood etc.) due to that. The ridiculous high amount of jews in ivy leagues comes to my mind, this is mainly an effect of meritocracy, and not higher IQ. Not even sure if they are affected by that affirmative action crap.

With that said, they still score better on IQ tests, which is probably due to the aforementioned selection for intellect in their families.

I think most people here already know that.
my question still stands if you care to answer it, as opposed to another history lesson on the topic

Oh, you mean like we've managed our self so good. Like America and Euope isn't on its way to becoming shitholes.

And you misunderstand my point. IQ isn't as simple as one thing.
For example. (not the best, but their strongest traits):
Asians score better at pattern recognition and spatial comprehension.
Whites are better at comprehension, mazes block design and object assembly.
Blacks strongest trait are arithmetic (simple math) and digit span.
Ashkenazi jews strongest trait is language and i think memory.

How about you try driving around Seoul and let's see what the locals think of your driving.
Of course it looks like you're a shitty driver when you dont know where anything is and you cant read any of the signs.

i don't really think the spatial understanding measured in IQ tests (which is mainly pattern recognition) can be compared to driving. With that said, driving is a pretty shitty nominator of intelligence, seeing as people with low IQs can take on driving-related jobs without bigger challenges.

>pollution lowers IQ as does nutrition

Then why aren't the chinese ~70 avg IQ like Sub Saharan Africans?

>Because it's basic logic, dude.
No it's not.
Logic doesn't mean "something that makes sense"
Logic is formulaic rhetoric. What you consider "basic logic," is actually called common sense. And common sense has no place in science

They say whites are usually more creative and have a greater ability think in the abstract than asians.

Because he made that up

>They say
Who are they?

No. It's basic logic.

Thanks for the red herring attempt, though.

Why are the Chinese hand-picked students from Shanghai leading in an international education quality test?

Gee... no idea!

If it's basic logic then where are your premises?
Also, that wasn't a red herring you retard. Red herring is trying to change the argument to something unrelated. I'm not changing the argument, I'm addressing your argument

Yeah, sure...

>They say whites are usually more creative and have a greater ability think in the abstract than asians.

This is nothing more than sociological observation due to correspondence bias.

Apples and oranges, people.

Asian cultures are more collectivist. They are taught to observe the environment more in order to explain human behavior. Individualist (Western) cultures are individualist. They are taught to observe individuals to explain human behavior.

BOTH are biases. Both are flaws. They are impediments to objective thinking.

Neither have anything whatsoever to do with DNA. They are just the result of cultural conditioning.

Raise an Asiatic baby in New York City with white individualistic parents and you'll get a New Yorker with narrow eyes (and vice-versa).

The important thing to note is how muck overlap there is and don't forget there are outliers too.

The graph can be accurate and you still have no idea between 2 individuals which is smarter based on race. You don't know what race the smartest man ever is, though he's probably Jewish.

The graph is mostly overlap.

Do you even know what a modus ponendo ponens is? Without googling

why then are chinese results still similar to those of japan, south korea and why is even the nomadic shithole of mongolia scoring the same on IQ tests as western european countries? Really makes you think.

I already told you.

If X population has a greater share of intelligent people than Y population, X population should behave more intelligently than Y population.

Instead, we have lots of Asian shitholes — not just India and China.

If you actually understood the bell curve or anything about intelligence then you'd know a black can score genius at IQ tests. It's just a lot less likely.
Also, he's mixed and an idiot.

Guess that makes me a jew.

160+ working memory score bitches.

JJ Abrams couldn't write a script to pass middle school drama class

Thats not an argument, that's just a premise. Where's your conclusion?
Phillipe Rushton

see this:

studies are nonetheless showing that IQ has a major genetic component and minor cultural component. An Asian baby raised in NY by white individualist parents will most likely have a higher IQ than a black baby raised by the same parents.

It's there.

>JJ Abrams couldn't write a script to pass middle school drama class

But but but... superior Jewish intellect-based meritocracy!

It's the feminized neckbeards, the pussy white dads, the soccer dads, the Jeb Bush passive "aw shucks" golfers, the hipster white person. These people spend about 100% of their time around all other groups of people and don't really have an idea of why other white people would be concerned about "white issues." They don't feel any real pull or personal stake in the issue, and simply see life as "going out or going to work and getting along with whoever is there." Their outlook is simplified down to the most basic conditions and they aren't really concerned about anything past how they feel on a day to day basis at work or elsewhere.

They don't think about Europe's history or the fact that Europe has proven to truly be the greatest source of what makes the human race what it is. They don't have a conception of the fact that Europe is white by nature, that this is genetic and RACIAL. They don't consciously recognize that Europe was what it was due to the race of the people living there. These things go above their head, or are not relevant in their minds, because there is a block there which stops them from thinking about it: the results of accepting these terms would completely eat away at and destroy the foundation of their "liberal" worldview.

The mere act of accepting Europe as a great place and as a WHITE place would be to immediately say that some places and races are generally preferable to others. This is a fundamental NO-NO to the liberal, even when everything in his mind and heart tells him that it is the absolute truth so far as anyone can tell. He refuses to accept the consequences of acknowledging this reality, and in doing so he turns a cowardly blind eye to the results of his lying and shameful inability to accept the reality as it is. He is too scared to admit the truth about what it means to be white, and he is too scared to hurt someone else's feelings.

I've got your bell curve right here.

Note: This predates Sup Forums

>One person

The Chinese in China have an average IQ of 100. The ones in the US are smarter because we've been letting the smarter ones in.

I doubt pol is lower than 100. My best guess would be 115

refer to thread title, abrams may be on the lower curve yet still get meritocratic benefits, doesn't change the fact that ashkenazi kikes score higher on IQ tests.

>If you actually understood the bell curve or anything about intelligence then you'd know a black can score genius at IQ tests. It's just a lot less likely.

That's not how averages work.

You go right ahead and believe that.

The only genetic basis for IQ is from some types of pollution that degrade DNA, resulting in heritable deficiencies.

Steel workers who sire children, for instance, have been found to sire children with a higher rate of defects even if the children are not directly exposed to the pollution.

There may be minor differences between large populations based on such heritable differences but they should be minor — unless there was a massive ecological disaster in recent history.

No its not. You said
>If X population has a greater share of intelligent people than Y population, X population should behave more intelligently than Y population.
That's a premise. An argument is a series of premises which form a conclusion. There's nothing in there but one premise.

Obviously it's not basic logic if you can't even form an argument

I dont understand the hispanics thing. Spainards have higher iq on other tables.

>/sci/ and /lit/ on top
Sci is full of high schoolers asking for homework help. Its probably one of the dumbest boards. And lit is a liberal honeypot.

What are you even talking about?
All I said is that blacks are a lot less likely to score 140+ or whatever your proffered number is on an IQ test.
Oh, it's not a straight line you dummy. No it isn't, but maybe you should have a fucking look again, dummy.

>The only genetic basis for IQ is from some types of pollution that degrade DNA, resulting in heritable deficiencies.
>[Citation needed]
Let me guess, your citation is "basic logic?"

well, considering the amount of ctr shills that have invaded I'd estimate it to have shifted towards 100. On average I'd reckon that the typical introverted Sup Forums user is above average in terms of intelligence anyway.

Correct, iirc the whole mainland china has an 100 avg, the richer parts score similar to the other east asian countries (105) and as they narrowed it down to Hong Kongs central business district they got close to a 120 average. Similar effect on ashkenazi jews I'd say.

Dogs can be bred for intelligence, work ethic and non-violence.

Why can't humans?

Because muh ethics

Hispanics refers to latinos, spaniards are under white.

>Why are the Chinese hand-picked students from Shanghai leading in an international education quality test?

This isn't what I was saying. Why is the Chinese national average IQ roughly 106 (sample size 66,000)? If pollution and nutrition significantly lower IQ they should be as dumb as African's, but they're not.

He is trolling

and muh (((narrative)))

The ones that are bred for certain treats experience genetic deformations that far outweigh the benefits of the purpose they were bred for.

Historically, trying to create the perfect line of humans has only resulted in fucked up people

IQ is a meme pseudoscience measure of intelligence.

There are many different measure of intelligence, you can't have a single test tell if someone is intelligent. It's like fitness, if your test for athletic ability is a marathon and one guy is a marathon runner, while another is a sprinter, while another is a martial artist, and the last guy is a bodybuilder of course the long distance guy will get a faster time, but that doesn't mean he's the best athlete.