Lmao, my grandma is a liberal faggot who will disregard facts for feelings. What do I do about this?
Lmao, my grandma is a liberal faggot who will disregard facts for feelings. What do I do about this?
Other urls found in this thread:
lock her up (in an old peoples home)
Put the old girl down.
your grandma talks like that? wtf
Tell the old hag that womens suffrage was a mistake
Facts are constant. Two different people citing the same facts doesn't mean they're stealing them from each other. It simply means that they're both telling the truth.
Yeah, can someone fill me in on why alt right is bad? She is acting like its fucking poison
don't play their label game
there are only good ideas and bad, and hillary's ideas are almost all BAD, Horrid for the country
What is alt right?
it literally means nothing to me, a vapid divisive label they are trying to smear trump as racist with... I have no time for their games
Alt-right is any right-wing group that isn't the status quo for American politics. Technically, the Constitution party and Libertarian party are alt-right.
Diversion from the real issues.
Collecting a group of political ideas someone doesn't like, vaguely pointing to some websites, take some jokes from or aspects of the sites to disregard all of the political ideas instead of addressing any of them individually.
e.g. Hillary refusing to speak of the Clinton Foundation or obfuscating the real issue by pointing to the national socialists, communists, misogynists, or trolls on these sites and play the victim.
>"Hillary's not corrupt, it's just a bunch of sexists basement dwelling losers."
Fox news did the perfect tee up by having (((Goldberg))) cry about cyber-bullying on Twitter.
Your grandma sounds like a dirty slut. I bet you don't have a grandpa or a dad, do yah?
I used a lot of your points to aid my argument, but holy shit I kekd
your grandma is a college-aged SJW feminazi?
Your first mistake was to defend the label of alt-right. Just say you're not and then you can defend the ideas.
>Alt white
fucking kek, nice slip
Tell her they're backed up with research listed in those articles
link them even
have fun being put out of her will, nice one m8
be respectful, she's your grandma
also Trump is an idiot
Tell her .05 cents has been deposited into your account
This has got to be fake or you're young as shit. My mom doesn't even talk like that.
Tell her you've had a change of heart.
Or...ask her how she feels about her generations decisions, which will now lead to your children growing up as minorities.
fuck off faggot worshipping shabbocunt
It's not fake, and me and my grandpa regularly debate. It's more fun than anything
She sounds like a hippy who smoked a ton of pot in the 70's and protested vietnam while refusing to shower.
>facts are demeaning to women
why do we let women vote, again?
Sucks to be you mate, my gran is redpilled as fuck
>Rename some faggot on your phone to grandma
>post screenshots to your boring everyday Sup Forums troll conversations to Sup Forums
Between American's shtting themselves in Walmart or thinking this would actually fly, I don't know what's more embarrassing.
your grandma is a fucking retard
step 1: realize she is a woman
step 2: move on with your life.
Honestly, she's probably been an overly emotional feelings voter for 40 years. She's not going to change now.
>any right-wing group that isn't the status quo
It's nto though. There are also leftists who are fed up with the globalist agenda who fall into alt right.
tell your nan to stop being such a cunt
>getting chucked my ur g-ma
Just alt-right things I guess
Fuck her to death
>texting your grandma
are you 12? seriously wtf
why do you keep saying alt white
Gas all grannies! Age war now!
Ask her what Hillary's dick tastes like.
Your gam gam is a shill, bro.
Alright, we've seen enough.
Rape her and film it.
>he talks politics with his grandmother
>I just don't want a Neo Nazi as a grandson.
That poor grandma. Just tell her to remember the 60's when her grandparents didn't want a hippie as a grandaughter.
She's super sensitive about alt white, she will get pissy and not invite me to shit if I say she is getting mad at facts lol she's done it before
>that's all you got?
holy shit smack this woman
Explain to her that neo-Nazis don't exist, and the very fact that she thinks they do is proof that she is so out of touch with reality that she can no longer distinguish it from her radical left fantasies.
Wht are you saying alt WHITE instead of alt RIGHT dipshit
I personally find Milo annoying, but this is a pretty good speech.
>faggoty intro ends at 0:29
Tell her to make you a sandwich
oh my fucking god, I hate the iphone. fucking super bright hot green on white
>What do I do about this?
nothing, stop talking to her about politics, when talking to her, just chat about trivial shit like "look at the weather" and tell her you want her to be healthy and you will help her whenever needed..
ignore all politics talk and just nod your head and smile when she start to talk about it, and change subject..
tfw grandparents try to convince you how great stalin was
Nobody cares about your feelings. Shut up.
tell her to stop using jewish buzz words
what a goddamn fag. you talk to your grandmother about useless shit like "breit bart" and "milo." my grandma tells me about our genealogy and that is enough validation, no need for pussy ideological crutches
I swear she has never acted like that before, this came out of fucking nowhere
>alt WHITE
Hmmm....you've done that about 4 or 5 times now OP.
Underrated toast
and his grandma now calls it "all right"
Just point out she behaves like the "Establishment" she used to hate
holy shit OP is literally retarded
white =/ right dumbass
also milo is a loser
Tell her to go back in time and kill herself before conceiving your parents.
"I'm not gonna talk with you if you refuse to listen you wrinkly wobbling cunt"
>arguing with your grandmother
Jesus Christ, OP. That's degenerate as fuck.
The fuck are you on about?
This is a troll. No one aged like 70 is going to talk like this or even text probably. OP is a faggot
OP, tell her she shouldn't be so homophobic. Keep using the argument for anything she says. Bitch won't know what's coming to her.
Oh, and that NatSoc was literally Socialism
Be brutal, women (regardless of familiar affiliation) respect that
Tell her she is a commie and you don't want a commie for a grandma. All those gulags and shit.
Ask her how it feels to be labeled just because you have a different opinion.
Ask her if she believes everything the news says when it's obvious all of them push an agenda, some to the left, some to the right.
I can see where you got your autism genes from
Nice roleplaying you fucking faggot. Also this:
I can't believe someone's grandma would be that radical, also I can't believe some loser has political debates with their grandmother.
could be she and OP's mother were both teen moms.
If OP is like 15 (fair assumption) and both his mom and hers had kids at 17-19 she could be as young as her early 50s
your grandma sounds like a fucking insufferable cunt.
You have a weird fucking family
Have some god damn respect for your grandma. Wow you beat her in a debate, great fucking job. Ask why she disagrees and accept her point, tell her you feel differently but a midway can be found. Even if you don't, just fucking say that. Be respectful and don't debate her because you wanna beat her with you sick debate skills.
Have some god damn respect.
And you, reader: call your grandparents. They worked their asses off so you could shitpost online, at least have the decency to call them or visit if you live nearby. They could be gone tomorrow.
What's the best and most reliable news source?
>cant form own opinion
>recruits army to help battle wits against granny
you're a 90's or 2000 child
youre a lemming
Do itttt. It's a mindgame, women are programmed to follow emotions. She might even turn altright for it.
She actually hasn't worked a day of her life, she mooched off my grandma and now she mooche off my uncle
I don't think its a grandmother.
This is fake as fuck, come on lads.
Your gam gam suck bro. Sorry she's a useless cunt
Dox her
I am so happy my grandma doesn't have a smartphone, has never used a computer, and tells me how Mussolini was a great man.
My grandma is hard as fuck. Shes seen people die and doesn't give a fuck about your feelings. If your a shit head, she will let you know.
Text het: "anyway, you shouldn't be so homophobic"
Do it!!!
Either that or OP is black. They shit out kids in their early teens so grandma could well be 37.
Quads of truth.
Nobody grandma talks like this
she probably never grew out of her bra burning phase
Praise kek. /thread