By not supporting Israel you are against the only white Muslim-hating democracy in the Middle East. You're basically supporting Muslim fundamentalism and the terrorists that result from it.
By not supporting Israel you are against the only white Muslim-hating democracy in the Middle East...
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Listen, if the Jews get their own land and GTFO of america, I'll support them every step of the way.
>only whit Muslim-hating democracy
Meanwhile, Mr. Rabbi enjoys showing up to Trump rally's with his pet Muslim woman.
There is nothing wrong with muslims staying in their country fighting for their land and way of life.
>MFW I hate you both
Too bad the only like other jews, or cuck men who are willing to be jewish, or ritch men that they can marry and steal half thier net worth
Still sounds better than supporting Jews.
> they are a different religion then me so despite having Slavic or Germanic heritage they are suddenly a different race
> pol logic
Stop burning everyone and Jewing them and you might keep your friends.
"A 2006 study found Ashkenazi Jews to be a clear, homogeneous genetic subgroup. Strikingly, regardless of the place of origin, Ashkenazi Jews can be grouped in the same genetic cohort – that is, regardless of whether an Ashkenazi Jew's ancestors came from Poland, Russia, Hungary, Lithuania, or any other place with a historical Jewish population, they belong to the same ethnic group. The research demonstrates the endogamy of the Jewish population in Europe and lends further credence to the idea of Ashkenazi Jews as an ethnic group."
Pro tip: don't voice your opinions on subjects you clearly know nothing about.
Fuck off muhammad. The jews are the scourge that you created, and it is justice that they are wiping you out.
nice try , all our problems are jew made
> implying ashkenazi Jews are the only Jews out there
You post this shit every day, leaf. Just give up already.
>Implying that the others are worth talking about.
Just cut your losses, you leafy faggot, and accept the fact that you were dead-wrong to ever question me. I hope your closest female relative dies in childbirth.
>By not supporting Israel you are against the only white Muslim-hating democracy in the Middle East.
Leaf they support ISIS so no.
>segregates non-jews
> he fell for the 'Jewish conspiracy' meme
For every pro Israel post, Hillary gets one more electoral vote. The gas is coming kikes.
Shoo Shoo Maple Jew
>tfw no khaki-wearing bootylicious israeli gf
imagine how deliciously all these whores will be raped once the muslim hordes come knocking in 50 years
>the enemy of my enemy is the enemy of my enemy, nothing more, nothing less
Remember the mercenary maxims my friend, we are both at war against ISIS, doesn't mean we have to support each other
That is one fine Jewess.
They think so.
>will be raped
no they won't they can all live in my moms basement with me
How to I become a goytoy to a hot jewess?
Should we consider these nogs to be "jews" too?
Honestly I'm fine with Israel, Liberal Kikes are the problem.
Actually Israel is as foreign and alien a civilization as the rest in that area. They talk in gibberish and have quaint religious manias just like the terrorists.
I support Israel because of all the mudslimes they kill.
>jidf found
you'll be on the list if you carry on lad
Hot girls but do I get to fuck any of them? No.
I don't really care either way about Israel. Not my fight.
No worries, JDIF, you can take our Jewish diaspora and bomb Muzzies as much as you want. But you will never into European ancestry.
Girl's name says it all
Jewish girls are absolute bitches
Doesn't matter how hot they are just wait till you interact with them you will go soft in a second.
Fuck Israel they are ugly
Gas all jews long live Filistine!
by God we will liberate al Quds someday!
>use a non-Roman numeral/Cyrillic alphabet
>use a non Latin/Germanic/Slavic language
>progenitor is from modern day Iraq
>Current homeland is in the Middle East
>claims to be European but lived in Europe less than 2,000 years
Studies of autosomal DNA, which look at the entire DNA mixture, show that Jewish populations have tended to form relatively closely related groups in independent communities, with most in a community sharing significant ancestry.[1] For populations of the Jewish diaspora, the genetic composition of Ashkenazi, Sephardi, and Mizrahi Jewish populations of European maternal linage show a predominant amount of shared Middle Eastern ancestry.
צייַט צו צעשטערן די גויים , זיי וויסן אויך פיל ! SHUT עס אַראָפּ
>jewish girls are ugly
Friendly reminder that the Israeli military uses these girls as propaganda and most Jews are ugly as fuck.