Can you still be/become happy after swallowing the bitter red pill? I'm starting to lose hope.
Can you still be/become happy after swallowing the bitter red pill? I'm starting to lose hope
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>mfw his therapist is not a Jew.
I'm hoping one day to see the death of at least millions. That will give a little up tick to my mood.
albert einstein was but a simple jew
he deserved all negativity hurled his way
What does it matter? You cannot go back.
But he invented atoms. Maybe he was good Jewish.
If you're truly intelligent you would have realized this by now
read this
lose all hope
(go page page 4 bottom and start reading protocols)
if you've swallowed the red pill then you'd know happiness is a meme
it's okay finnfriend
The depression seeps in first, then the anger.
Adopt projects that will occupy your focus for finite amounts of time, with clear goals and finish lines.
Limit the scope of your focus, you won't be able to shitpost on Sup Forums your whole life. Try to just pay attention to things you have control over.
Develop a series of tricks to keep yourself motivated, even if they seem tedious. Uninstall apps and games even if you can't muster the will to resist reinstalling them. Start a hobby with someone you don't want to let down. Spend time with family. Try to be social even if you hate it.
Being happy isn't nearly as satisfying as being fulfilled.
Fun Fact: Hemingway actually said the quote in OP's pic
Don't disappoint your ancestors, Ganzorig. Thousands of warriors died so you could live this life.
For years, no
Well, they say it's always darkest before the Don.
smoke dmt
You have three options after realizing that you have no place in modern society, and none of them are optimal.
>1) Accept a menial role in modern society.
This option is somewhat comforting in that it keeps you preoccupied, but you will never feel fulfilled.
>2) Isolate yourself from modern society.
This option is the most depressing because you can no longer distract yourself from the fact that you are an outlier.
>3) Create your own role in modern society.
This option is a mix of hedonism and sheer willpower, which makes it extremely difficult and somewhat self-defeating.
Most visionaries attempt option three, only to get crucified by their peers and be forced to fall back on options one or two.
That book was debunked over 100 years ago.
Always the north 'men' having these threads
I started smoking pot when I was 20 and I think it lead me down a path of acceptance and humour which I think is the healthiest way to live when you're hyper-aware of your surroundings. I think that's the single trait of intelligent people that makes us so depressed, we have a hard time ignoring and denying reality. While I agree too much pot clouds your mind, I can't think of a single better cure for a dark train of thought.
Jesus fucking Christ, this post is 5/5. This is exactly how it is.
>1) Accept a menial role in modern society
Become a cleaner or go back to school for 2 years so I can become a plumber/electrician/some other blue collar trade guy. Would probably kill myself in under 5 years.
>2) Isolate yourself from modern society
Live the NEET life while leeching off the taxpayer, minimal amount of friends (most of them NEETS or students themselves), no money to do anything apart from simply existing - this is my current position, will probably kill myself in the next 5-10 years
>3) Create your own role in modern society
Continue making my red pilled films and videos, try to push them forward, get slapped down by the liberal hivemind of circle jerkers, move to a cottage in the forest, kill myself
Btw, could you expand on this?
>This option is a mix of hedonism and sheer willpower, which makes it extremely difficult and somewhat self-defeating
Einstein was a communist zionist jew who plagarized the work of better scientists.
An artificial figurehead inflated and propped up by the media
i chose 3 and for me it's basically a little bit of two with complete rejection of any type of societal pressure placed on me, wether it be gender related, class, etc., i only appeal to self and what i feel is right but it takes willpower to disregard that level of shame and built in obligation..small example: being taught from a young age to seal up your tear ducts if you feel like you are going to cry because boys dont cry, but now allowing it to happen but subconsioully you can't help but do it
Don't be lazy.
Find what you like and do the job.
Focus around that and other things will come.
Don't reveal power level to simple people.
Fight ego, don't make decisions in bad mood.
I only like cinema.
save everyone some time and neck yourself now.
you cannot be happy without intelligence
you are just primitive creature who seeks pleasure and never attain happiness without intelligence
i already found happiness, because i recoqnize what it is. pain is great part of it, but not everyone know it, thus majority of the people are unhappy, as they try to remove important things in life which are the ones that also cause pain and harm at times, as they should. for me that lot is caddle right until the moment they find the real reason to live in this world
>everyone should follow my subjective definition of happiness
>pain is happiness, everyone who doesn't feel pain is caddle
easy there klebold
why not do each, moving on to the next before its too late, that's extending you're life at least another 10 years
from one suicidal nigger to the other
its not time yet pal, permanent solution to a possibly temporary problem
I'd say get a pet also make it your best friend if you can, Best of luck