Have you ever been in a firefight, /Pol?
Have you ever been in a firefight, /Pol?
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Yeah dawg you ever play BFH.?
Lots but thats was a long time ago now. Doesnt feel like it tho
I play Red Orchestra 2 all the time
i won
Usually when I rush B
Lol I just turned that shit off. Fucking brbrbrhuehue fags ruin it with their tribal try hard shit
You fag you didnt rush D
Underated post
Horribly obvious samefag
What did he mean by this Sup Forums?
>CS:S player confirmed
dumb leaf posters
I fought in the great meme war of 2016.
Thankfully No. Have I taken professional traning to prepare for the worst? Yes. Do I think it will really help when shit hits the fan? Nope, I will still shit my pants and try to survive while protecting my family.
al asad '07
about 4 hours of bullshit
no friendlies got killed only a few wounded
Scariest shit in my life.
No, but ive been shot at by grazy drunken neighbour with shotgun, because he thought im trying to kill him.
Shot were way too far to actually hurt, but i got hit by couple of pellets and almost shit myself, it was so sudden.
Also i ran faster than Usain bolt on METH when he started shouting and running towards me while loading his double barrel.
Scariest moment of my life.
Did a tour in Kandahar province. I've been in a couple.
had 25mm shot at me.......shot back with 50s
50s won.....
Do it count if his gypsy pistol got jammed?
No. But I have been shot at
Karpo and other finnish guy gets shot with shotgun as a test from 70m.
Key my saturn? I dont own one
no because im not a good goy
Really fires up dem electrodes
Same here bro where were you stationed?
I was stationed in the Da Nang.
Yes I am. I was an air assault Blackhawk crew cheif and spent 11 months in iraq 2007/2008. I went through plenty of ammo while doing drop offs/pick ups.
Just glad that sand coons couldn't hit a broad side of the barn. My units sheet metal guys got pretty good at patching bullet holes though.
Can you describe the adrenaline rush that raining hellfire down on people gives you?
Can't imagine it.
Wtf did all of Sup Forums fight in Iraq?
did he ded?
Yes, quite a few. The worst was in Croatia where we took a lot of artillery. It was not the worst for consequences (none of us were killed, we killed dozens of them) but we fought for days on end.
It's not a big deal. The first one is, but then when nothing happens afterwards, it's just whatever.
Its like sharting in a mart
My friends and I used to take bottle rockets and shoot them at one another.
One year we used bails of hay as cover.
That was a really bad idea in retrospect.