So, basically he's taken Jeb's position on immigration.
So, basically he's taken Jeb's position on immigration
how will trump cucks ever recover from this?
>So, basically he's taken Jeb's position on immigration.
He wants them to fight for citizenship in a pool of Guac?
Putting faith in a politician without a literal gun to their head is a fools game.
>literally nothing
I don't know why this shocks anyone. He's been supporting various versions of amnesty for over a year.
Another case of somebody in his camp deliberately sabotaging him, this time saying "you have to say this to win", when really, they are just covert open border bleeding hearts wanting him to say it.
many people are saying trump is a closet democrat
the wheels are coming off. i expect ann coulter to cancel her book tour any minute now.
>Trump says something Sup Forums agrees with
>Trump says something Sup Forums disagrees with
does it really matter at this point tho?
Trump is symbolic more than anything else
and if he were to win, the best case scenario of liberal states like California openly seceding, and overall end of stability that it would bring about would be a massive win for the alt right
Stability is what is killing the western world
Trump is the chaos candidate
WTF I hate Trump now.
also notice that it has ALWAYS been the policy of Trump, it is NOTHING new
I was telling you people that Ted Cruz was farther to the right on immigration than Trump but "le rato meme xD"
Not that it matters now, now Trump is linked to the alt-right brand. trump has to win
He has to get elected you fucks.
He was losing saying the shit he was saying before. He is adapting.
What a politician will actually do after they get elected is anyone's guess, but I trust Trump to make the right decisions more than Hillary
Sup Forums bought to heavily into the memes instead of doing real research. It's too late now, can only flip a coin and hope it land right.
no he didn't he has said since the beginning he's for legal immigration through the proper channels without taking advantage of the system like big companies and cartels are doing.
WTF I hate Trump now.
Many people are saying Bill Clinton paid him to run
People have been saying this for a fucking year.
you could've just nominated Rubio and won. Holy fuck you shart in marts are so dumb.
You got Marco Rubio's stance on immigration, the only difference is that Rubio could have actually beat Clinton. Congrats Sup Forums
I don't see anything novel in the excerpt. It's almost as if these people haven't even listened to Trump speak on this topic before.
Oh right, they haven't.
But Rubio is gay
Not presidential at all
But the companies ARE taking advantage of the system through the legal channels... or I guess Cisco, Disney, HP et al's h1-B immigration drives don't count?
If they have the same positions as you suggest.
No, he was not. He was losing because he was calling for Russia to hack Hillary and his personal feud with the Khans, who despite being bastards, muh military etc.
His policies were not losing. His immigration policies were popular. It was just the side-tracked dumb shit he was saying, but because of that he's gone full "rush to the center" panic mode on the advice of the neocons in his camp.
>siding with el rato
I heard this too. Not saying it myself, that would be beneath me, but some people are definitely saying that donald is a Democrat and has a vagina also.
I know Sup Forums loves his straight talk and "get em da hell out of dea" type shit but lots of people don't like his rude Yankee attitude. This is why he's struggling in states like AZ.
He's literally hitler and if he doesn't back off those dangerous statements he will never win!
He backed off his statements! He flip-flopped! He can never win!
What the fuck do you idiots want?
The latest polls in Arizona have him doing fine?
It's a fact he was a registered Democrat 8 years ago.
So were a lot of trump supporters.
#neveragaindem here can confirm
Romney won with 9% most polls have him up by like 3%.
For him to win, he needs to better than Romney was. If he's in danger of losing states that Mitt won then things could be horrible, lord knows what evil things Hillary will do.
Please correct me if I'm wrong here, but the Gang of Eight is really more focused on a path to Citizenship for illegals, while Trump makes it sound like "They'll pay shitloads of taxes, and will not get citizenship."
There lifestyle will be literally unworkable, and if they do implement the E-verify at the workplace it would placate a lot of moderate Dems, while diminishing his harsh rhetoric to normies.
That about right?
Well, polls for one
He's losing, polls showed Rubio winning.
Cuckservatives are worse than Democrats.
arizona is fine. gary johnson actually takes votes away from him in AZ whereas he bleeds from clinton in actual swing states.
Fair enough senpai, I didnt think of it that way
No, they only showed kasich winning, last polls had rubio down in ohio, and only tied in florida, and tied to losing nationally.
>word salad
i love tump
He will give his speech on immigration on 31st.
Don't freak out if he says that he doesn't want to deport all 11 million illegals.
>They'll pay shitloads of taxes, and will not get citizenship."
It's literally Jeb Bush's position, he wrote a book about it. The point is that if you're letting them stay indefinitely, that's amnesty whether you call it that or not.
Don't make perfect the enemy of the good.
I don't know what polls you were looking at senpai
Everything since February showed Marco winning
This guy knows whats up.
It's a scampaign. He's only barely doing enough to convince people he's still trying.
odd coming from you felipe, given rato's father was mexican
the last 2 polls were a yougov poll that had hillary up, and the nbc poll that had them equal:
and go look at the last state polls, he was down in ohio.
I don't understand, he says in that quote no amnesty. Twice.
And my sister used to be a registered Republican in 2004. She also was an activist for Obama for both elections.
I'm sure other people have similar anecdotes.
The things I see differently here are:
1. Jeb framed the narrative as illegals as victims, which would make his position harder to hold when pushing the bill
2. The idea of back taxes implemented over NOT gaining citizenship will either reduce remittence payments to Mexico and help the US government, or implement a sort of self-deportation with people either going back to Mexico or now Canada thanks to Trudeau
I do admit it does sound familiar to Jeb's position in the debates beforehand, but I really could not see him fighting, nor succeeding in this battle.
And if it really IS his plan, shouldn't Nevertrump people be more on board for it?
The God emperor hath spoken!
You shouldn't have political epiphanies in your 70s. Maybe if your sister was like 20, it makes more sense but at that age your outlook on life just doesn't suddenly change.
You don't have to be presidential to win
where is someone saying that
>And if it really IS his plan, shouldn't Nevertrump people be more on board for it?
Nobody should be on board for a shit plan tho
pretty much
>You shouldn't have political epiphanies in your 70s
Sure you can. See your first social security check and think "cha-CHING, I hope someone pays for everything the rest of my life"
>negotiating is bad
Because he came from such an extreme positron we are now in a place where we will be able to deport people
If he gets rid of the 118,000+ illegal repeat violent offenders, I'm good.
>shart in marts
what a cringy forced meme
I agree with you though, Rubio would be cruising to the White House right now
Nevertrump people criticized his amnesty plan throughout the primaries.
You monkey fucks called them cuckservatives and hillary shills.
I'm still not seeing how this is shit.
I know I'm going to get shit for this, but I've personally believed that Trump would eventually reach a middle ground on most of these issues eventually.
What I see in this plan is 1. No Citizenship 2. Back Taxes out the Ass 3. Deport the Criminals
I haven't heard the e-verify status on this "New" plan of his, but this touches all of the issues I'm concerned about.
I'm sure you have a different opinion, but this is more along the lines of what I expected would be reached. It's hard on illegals who will gain nothing (most likely not collecting Welfare, not voting and less money sent out of the country), while feinting "humanitarianism" to the "Think of the Chillins!" crowd.
But again, that's my opinion on it.
Watching you retards instantly switch from "muh wall" to "amnesty is great" is one of the most hilarious things I've ever witnessed.
Honestly I was waiting for it.
I think most reasonable people knew he would have to backtrack on the deportation, especially when the media started equating it with rounding up the jews.
see you tomorrow
also britain will vote remain
no way dumbass
since at least 1989 he's been registered as a republican and voted in R elections
It's fine to criticize a plan if you do not think it caters to you. This is a plan I personally don't mind. It's kind of funny to see the Door In the Face strategy playing out so well right now with some people around my office in NY.
Trump has statistically maintained a solid block of support throughout the primaries (higher than most other republicans combined) and even the general so far, despite the constant attacks by the media. Yet now that this immigration plan, one of the most hotly contested issues of the election, is framed in a more delicate fashion will lose him support here?
Where our alternatives are Open Borders, Amnesty and Sanctuary Cities vs. Build a Wall, Back Taxes and Deporting Criminals, you really think this will make people jump ship?
I know I do not hold a majority opinion of most posters on this board, but I feel this will not be THE killshot people are hoping to make it.
I'm still holding both of those as separate issues at this time.
Deporting Illegals without a strong border would be as useless as bailing a boat with a leaky bucket. It would result in a lot of effort, and wasted time (not to mention the financial cost).
The Wall must be built for any semblance of security for our country to survive in the current world.
On another note, glad to provide you with some entertainment!
No. Most of you retards will go along with it. You're too stupid to realize that you're all basically democrats.
At this point Trump is just trolling you to see what it takes to actually break the cult of personality.
He's lost my vote.
Jeb posting is the best posting
does this mean that the non-racists will vote for trump now?
No to what?
Which point is wrong?
As opposed to voting for Clinton, Johnson, or Stein? They are all 10x worse on the issue. It sucks man but what alternative is there?
wait what
is there actually a voting record for individual people?
is tha legal?
I thought they just had our party on file?
No he won't lose support.
It's a cult. He wasn't kidding when he said he could shoot someone on 5th avenue and not lose support.
Oh, I won't vote any of them. I'll just stay home. I've come to realize there is no future for this country.
Ban on muslims to extreme vetting, no deportation. What a pussy. The only reason he won the primary and he backs off both. Fuck Trump.
If this were an actual policy position, I might be worried. As it stands, this is Trump speaking off the cuff, where he talks in generalities and rarely commits to any particular course of action.
Here, he is just saying that the issue is difficult, especially when it comes to people who have been here for a very long time. Like children who crossed the border when they were two, or entire families who have been living here. The hardened criminals are easy, fuck those guys. But what about the harder cases? Yes, we would have no problem deporting them, but the average American is a little bit more conflicted. That's the problem. There is a human component that is going to cause PR problems.
>instead of deportation he is going to make illegals who have been here a set amount of time pay back taxes
it's actually really smart, anyone who actually thought that he would deport illegals who have been in the country for a decade is an idiot. i had assumed that a choice between citizenship and deportation would be offered but making them pay the price for living in the country for the whole time they have been living in the country is even better.
He's cracking down on all visas, including H1-B. Nice try.
please, your reddit talking points don't work here. i know you want to make sure trump doesnt net moderates from this by regurgitating the rags saying he's flipping 180, but i would vote for him even if he never said anything about the wall or the muslim ban. these people are obnoxious but its the trade deals that enable the factories to move to mexico, not the mexicans moving to our factories, that are really killing wages.
if retarded stormfags want to leave, please do. for every one of you that goes, two normal people enter
pretty much, nobody actually thought that Trump would deport illegals like Hitler by the trainload, especially in case of american illegals which as he said himself are there for decades already sometimes.
but it has to be on the table, they are illegals. You can water it down later.
But HRC's position from the getgo is: "oh yeah, we will give illegals MORE support, more money, more rights"
It's over fag, even if by some miracle he wins we are guaranteed socialism, 3rd world hell hole. Fuck Trump. It's done.
>No Citizenship
end of story, shills go fucking home
rato would not beat Clinton you fucking dipshits
we aint gonna miss you buddy
Who gives a fuck. The only hope for this nation to remain free was his primary promises. He flopped, now we get Latino socialism. It's done.
and NO AMNESTY not tip you off that this is complete bullshit?
or are you just an illiterate retard?
ok shill
it's not like Trump still talks about the wall
it's not like Trump said in that exact quote above
>no amnesty
>no citizenship
goddamn you are fucking stupid