Leslie Jones has been Hacked and theres Nude Photos

Leslie Jones has been Hacked and theres Nude Photos

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Wow, it's almost like we all missed the 60000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 other threads

pls no

God tmzs site is the worst. The pop ups load first and basically compel you to leave the site.

Its basically a shitty spam/virus site

yeah pretty sure this is a false flag attack on us.

the radio said they hacked her website and flooded it with Harambe pics too...

I wonder what other hacked celebs are thinking...

Maybe they are happy that people jacked off to them, now that they've seen our reaction to Leslie.

Like, not only was her privacy invaded, but it's the one celeb no one wanted to see naked in the first place. For once, we're disgusted by celeb nudes.
How much of an ego-killer is that?


How was the nudes?

She's not as fat as I thought, but she's still an ugly ape

I jacked off to her, but I also jack off to moon over June

>this is not ok
>publishing hulk hogans sex tape is perfectly fine
When will Gawker defend the hacker known as Reddit

Who is she sending the nudes to?


And their are already several threads up about it

Check the catalog, asshole

You, bby

>he browses Sup Forums all day

>I also jack off to moon over June

Curious George

nobody asked for this

Yes, I know. I've already had the opportunity to puke over them.

>not checking catalog before starting a thread
idiot or slider?



Here we are. Found these somewhere.








I wonder what her gash looks like

nice sage newfriend

You only have to look at the catalog right now to see 6000000 threads faggaroni


Imagine being Leslie Jones in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Leslie Jones, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your tight body and horrific androgynous monster face. I would totally have sex with you, both my character and the real me." when all he really wants to do is fuck another 16 year old in his dressing room. Like seriously imagine having to be Leslie Jones and not only sit in that chair while Leslie Jones flaunts her disgusting body in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her stretchmarks and leathery skin, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, while she perfected that dance. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking visage but her haughty attitude as everyone on set tells her she's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, LESLIE JONES LOOKS LIKE THAT?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch her mannish fucking gremlin face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of blondes and supermodels and later alleged rape victims for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in Austria. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on her dimpled stomach as she sucks it in to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in her "statuesque (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for with personal trainers in the previous months. And then the director calls for another take, and you know you could kill every single person in this room before the studio security could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Leslie Jones. You're not going to lose your future political career over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.

T-time to fap...

what'd u say mufucka?

who would want that?

I won't watch pirated Fantastic 4 and I won't go searching for these photos.

I can just go to the zoo and see the gorilla exhibit if I wanted to. Why the hell is this news? No one wants to see her ugly, fat sheboon nigger ass.

She released them herself.

I struggle to imagine anyone here would have been interested in finding those in the first place.

>Leslie Jones
Who the fuck is Leslie Jones.

Wish TMZ follows the way of Gawker.

Why it canĀ“t be the lead Ghostbuster? She is cute.

delet this right fucking now

if harambe was alive hed fuckin beat ur ass for posting his gf


For what purpose?

fuck you

No one wanted to see Tracy Morgan in drag naked.


Lol we had five threads going at once earlier. This shit keeps going and going but nothing new is ever said. Go figure.

>found these somewhere
fucking why

This one's not as bad honestly. Still not very nice, but I didn't want to gouge my eyes out.

For your pleasure.

Is this real?

You know what? I saw worse

If her face wasn't such a prank from God, she would be at least a 5/10.

Because I could, lad.

Why did she even take those nudes in the first place? Also, if you have to take nudes then you mind as well place them on an USB stick instead of uploading them to some shitty cloud server where any script kiddie tweaked on energy drinks can grab them if he guesses the password.

I have lost my will to live

Nobody even wants these fucking nudes. It's a stain on the internet, like someone smeared some shit on the wall. It's more offensive to the rest of us.

I refuse to look any closer at this picture

Not having add block

The human body is honestly so disgusting to me. The form of our nude bodies alone, not even including bodily functions.

Sometimes I wish I could just remove all chemicals that cause attraction and arousal so that I never have to deal with nature forcing me to interact with people.



that limp dick in the bellend, how on earth does that work?

fucking disgusting
I wish I had never looked


> I also jack off to moon over June

Nigga be drunk as fuck. Go on twittur accidentally post nudes instead of ghostbutters picture. I WAS HACKD Y'ALL

Leslie Jones stay on >>Sup Forums

Leslie Jones stay on >>Sup Forums

Leslie Jones stay on >>Sup Forums

the fucking nudes were posted like 10 hours ago you fucking gronk

Seriously now... how did she get into acting. I've seen whores on xvideos that look 4 times as good.

>imagining the smell of her asshole


what the hell is everyone flipping out for? I mean, she's not attractive and she doesn't have a nice body, but it's not hideous. Not compared to some of the shit that was in our old fat hate threads anyway. I expected way worse

>I also jack off to moon over June
There's a special place in hell reserved for people like you.

For once I agree with the media. Releasing nudes of her was definitely the worst way she could have been hacked in.

Can't the hackers concentrate on actually hot celebs? There's a large Ariana Grande nudes deficit, and they hack a gorilla instead?


>but it's not hideous
>but it's not hideous
>but it's not hideous
>but it's not hideous


Ok everyone is throwing a shit fit about the pictures but was anything else hacked? Conversations? Her talking about manipulating social justice issues for financial gain? Fuck the nudes I want to know about that.

No thanks, I'd rather fap to Ana Foxxx


Maybe I've just been here too long. Of all the horrific shit I've seen, this doesn't really even rate. I guess a decade and change on the chan can do that to you.



Affirmative Action.

Will Smith is the same, talentless ugly looking fucker who only exists because he's Black.



Y tho


Damn, I seen a black girl walking around my village today and I'll admit, I would inseminate.

Can we like just ignore this?

The jews are taking over the world, Hillary is waging war on us and you autistic faggots throw yourself over some attentionwhoring nobody. You are falling for the hacking jew like gullible sheep you stupid fucking morons.

>be a celebrity
>take nude pictures of self
>upload them to a FUCKING CLOUD SERVER

these people deserve to be hacked


>Leslie Jones has been Hacked and theres Nude Photos

Please don't show them!

Please don't show them!

Please don't show them!

Please don't show them!

Please don't show them!

not fapping to Harley Dean, I am dissapoint

>Leslie Jones has been Hacked
What was actually even hacked? Her phone? A camera she had around her house? Polaroids? It would be nice to know more than just 'hacked'

Just a pathetic try to stay relevant


If you're not into beastiality you have no reason to look.

My favorite is the one where she takes it in the hoop

Is there a single female in the fuckin world these days who hasn't taken about 100 nude shots of herself? Why do women do this? Why does every single female who has the remotest bit of fame also have a trove of nude pictures of themselves, just waiting to be hacked?

I know a lot of men have dick pics and whatnot, but Jesus man, every single female 'celebrity' out there seems to have a full set detailing every last millimeter of their assholes and vaginas.

looks like a tranny

No thank you :)


Pure and simple.

Well they keep spamming this shit not much we can do about it man.

this is literally the only thread that comes up if you ctrl+f Leslie dipshit

if you expect me to spend more time than that searching you need to kill yourself NEET

Why would any self respecting person have nude photos of themselves. and why would we feel bad if they got hacked. wtf man

>she has an innie

thank god, if that baboon has roast beef I would puke

Hah! I'm with Hillary. Bring naked Leslie Jones to heel.