Is it our only hope? It's one of the few Westernized country refusing to take refugees; they aren't bordering any that could slip in either. They are not fat fucks, no niggers, they value honor, and it's pretty much the safest country to live in. The only thing that will kill you is yourself or a natural disaster. Why are you not living in Japan, Sup Forums?
Because in Japan we are migrants?
Their rooms are tiny, you would not even fit in their standard size showers
>refusing to take in refugees
>why are you not living in Japan, pol?
>be this retarded
I picked worst Korea and stated here instead
Apparently I can't get enough of dat 열폭 恨 and general k-kraziness
>Groping on trains.
>Hilarious engrishuru.
>Smells awful.
>Pedophiles and perverts everywhere.
>No white people.
So that's why I'd like to move away from England, and over to japan.
I believe mudslimes and jews do not want to go to Japan as they do not want to bother in learning their language.
Also, they do not want to come to Mexico and Latin America despite the weather would be better for them here; because they like what is good, and ruin it.
Japan doesn't want any white people. White people have done enough damage to Japan.
ITT: weeboo cringe general
I'm 5'8'' 116 lbs
Because I'm not welcome there; I'm white, I don't speak their language, and, while I'm sure I could assimilate their culture without enough ideological opposition to hate it fundamentally, it's not mine.
If I succeeded in emulating a Jap entirely, I'd be looked at like shit anyway, because I'm not part of their culture.
I like Japan as they exist currently, and it would be cool to visit for about a week until all the madness started to give me migraines.
>migrants = refugees
Are you starving yourself?
fuck anime and weeaboos
He's fat as shit and is lying about his weight, but he has no idea what a person his height is even supposed to weight, so he grossly underestimated because he's self-conscious and fat as fuck.
And he's probably like 5'6 and he's giving himself two inches.
Seriously, lose some fucking weight, though. You'll be healthier, feel more confident, and will be doing your race proud. It's never too late to commit to improving yourself, user.
Lol, no. I guess I just have a high metabolism. I don't eat like a trucker but I still eat normally.
Actually, you'll still be a manlet no matter what, so probably just kill yourself.
kek to all of this. If anything I'm probably 5'9'' because I haven't measured it in like a year.
I'm not a manlet. Anyways, still higher than average in Japan.
I'm not overweight m8. I would rather suicide than be overweight. My physician told me I'm fine. I'm only slightly underweight. If I had like 4 more pounds then I would be considered normal weight.
I thought americans were all tall and fat and shit, but you're a skinny manlet like my salvies bros. what's wrong with you user?
6'4 145 IQ and blonde. Japan, ahoy!
120lbs for 5'8" is not healthy weight for a male. Even for a female its still barely skin and bones.
Please leave, you fucking weeb.
210 lbs 9% body fat faggot I have my reasons keep shit talking
I would move to japan, but not as a English teacher though.
I already know most hiragana and katagana
>watched the Karate Kid as a teen and got interested in Japanese history
>randomly during my free time I'll look up Japanese history
>slowly fall in love with the culture and people
>spent the last year studying Japanese, probably elementary level at this point
>study during summer, we get some Japanese exchange students
>after they are introduced to the dorm a bunch of weebs keep pestering them, talking about anime
>say some stupid shit like Hyuga (name of some chick in an anime) was taken from a Japanese King
>interject that it's actually a city on the island of Kyushu
>Japanese students stare at me, ask if I know what prefecture it is in
>I do
>they ask if I know what Hans reigned during waaaaay early Japan
>I do
>ask me if I know Japanese
>tell them I'm learning
>they become incredibly friendly and want to hang out all the time
>blow off the anime weebs
>would help them study english while they helped me learn Japanese
>still friends with them to this day, planning to visit them back in Japan soon, talk with them all the time
Japs fucking rock and they're incredibly friendly as long as you actually respect and love their culture and aren't a fucking weeb auspie faggot
>Japan's so awesome, no foreigners!
>let's go live there lmao
No, user, you are the niggers.
Autism negates all those advantages
Nothing will defend the fact that you watch Japanese cartoons meant for little girls.
Umm Japan has no military.
I'm 194cm tall, it depends. Older places are kind of small, but any apartment built in the last 15 years is fine. Have to duck getting on/off trains though.
You know refugees and migrants are different things, right?
I'm pretty interested in moving to Japan, but I'd end up essentially being a refugee fleeing from the destruction of my homeland.
I doubt Japanese would welcome it.
>>Groping on trains.
Gets you arrested fast. Saw a guy get taken the fuck down about a month ago.
>>Hilarious engrishuru.
Learn Japanese.
>>Smells awful.
Tokyo does smell pretty bad in summer. Overall it:s the cleanest place I've ever been to.
>>Pedophiles and perverts everywhere.
"Muh animu is a realistic documentary"
>>No white people.
Just like the UK!
>not fat fucks
Sumo wrestling. That's all.
Only a little. I spend a lot more time taiko drumming, if we're counting weab points up here. Last time I watched an anime was last month-- Wolf Children.
I don't know. If it means anything, my dad is half Japanese but my mom is full American.
No, there are other countries that are just as good
And those things you listed after "refusing to take refugees" aren't true
>Tokyo does smell pretty bad in summer.
Why would Tokyo smell bad in the first place?
Also, I just measured and I'm like 176 cm so 5'9''. Is that a manlet?
Why is it so fucking impossible to move to Japan.
Fuck this Bachelor's degree requirement bullshit, seriously fuck this.
Well anyway, I made up my mind. I'm gonna fucking do it.
I'm gonna join the military next year and start working towards it. I will get to Japan. I will fucking do it.
Yeah, you won't fit in. Simple as that. They may like you at first as a party mate but in the long run you have no chances. The social exile will push you to leave.
Also, autism alert.
13 million people make a lot of trash. Trash sits outside in the sun until it's collected. If you're within 1/2 block of a trash pickup point, you know it.
>Why is it so fucking impossible to move to Japan.
A country having high walls isn't a bad thing.
I know what you mean. If you want to teach English then it's really easy to go to Japan's teaching English. It's grueling.
All the delicious jap pussy blowing in the wind
Nice. I'm a sucker for Japanese literature and history. I'm really not into anime so I don't know what that means for me.
>A country having high walls isn't a bad thing.
Yeah. I know the reason Japan is so hard to move to is because the culture there is bullshit.
I know about the work situation in Japan.
To prove I know the work situation, here's an analogy.
I know that japanese people tip their landlords in a tradition called "KeyMoney" which is usually about $1,500 every rent renewal
I know that japanese people work 60 hours a week, 20 more than the 40 hours we work in the west.
I know that japanese people have virtually zero time for social interaction which is why cellphones are mandatory over there
I know that I won't get retirement money since I won't actually be a japanese citizen
But yet, I still want to go there. I'm just a masochistic motherfucker I guess. I play videogames on the hardest difficulty possible first playthrough, what's so different really
I will do it. I'm determined.
>Just like the UK!
Riddle me this, by the way- does anyone in Japan give a shit, for good or bad, if they know anyone is a Jew?
When i visited there everyone became super friendly the moment they saw i speak Japanese, and had questions about Israel, but i never actually asked anyone about this.
>as long as you actually respect and love their culture
I collect and study antique swords. as in, legit stuff, 200 to 700 years old. We have a japanese art museum not far from here, i was invited to give a short presentation about the subject because nobody is actually interested about this shit here.
There was a group of 15-20 Japanese people that live in Israel, they had no clue about anything i talked about. Sometimes even locals skip parts of their culture, but it happens everywhere.
Yeah, I guess so. If you're white with a degree and are willing to teach English then you can move immediately.
Speak american
why are autists so obsessed with japanese culture?
>those things you listed after "refusing to take refugees" aren't true
Yeah, they are m8.
>Why is it so fucking impossible to move to Japan.
>Fuck this Bachelor's degree requirement
Not having an education will stop you from moving anywhere m8.
Japan has been blessed by the Gods of the Sea to prevent immigration and invasion.
They cockblocked the Mongols two times in a row after all.
I'm not. I said I love the literature and history. I think Japanese culture has a lot of shit that turns me away.
Unless you have a degree in a specialized field, that's pretty much all you can do. Not a bad way to get your foot in the door though, it's what I did.
>It's grueling.
It really isn't. tiring if it's younger kids, but it's easy and pretty fun.
>I know that japanese people tip their landlords in a tradition called "KeyMoney" which is usually about $1,500 every rent renewal
Not always, it's kind of dying out. I didn't pay it when I moved last year
>I know that japanese people work 60 hours a week, 20 more than the 40 hours we work in the west.
Eh, if it's a busy season there's OT, but you're paid for it. Usually I punch out at 17:15, right on time.
>I know that japanese people have virtually zero time for social interaction which is why cellphones are mandatory over there
Not really, but where do you not need a cell phone these days?
>I know that I won't get retirement money since I won't actually be a japanese citizen
Courts ruled they don't have to pay unemployment, etc. to non-citizens, but pension s weren't mentioned.
There's a lot of untrue or half true memes about Japan.
>does anyone in Japan give a shit, for good or bad, if they know anyone is a Jew?
When i visited there everyone became super friendly the moment they saw i speak Japanese, and had questions about Israel, but i never actually asked anyone about this.
You're a foreigner, first and foremost. Being Jewish, etc is just a part of that. And people.are super friendly when they know you speak Japanese.
It's just fucking retarded I work 2 jobs here in America at the same fucking time. Yet i'm not allowed to pick up a job in a different country because some guy in a tuxedo says I need a $50,000 student loan in order to do it.
That's why Military is my only option at this point.
>tfw only 6 2 126 IQ and light brown hair
It's fantastic. No idea why I like it so much but eh, why question it.
To be fair, they have a fuckload of history.
I'm not obsessed, I just like it. As to why? Fuck if I know. I'm German so maybe it has something to do with our culture being wiped out in America after WWII.
>Eh, if it's a busy season there's OT, but you're paid for it. Usually I punch out at 17:15, right on time.
You're joking right.
It depends on where you work.
In Tokyo, mandatory unpaid overtime is absolutely a thing. It can be extremely grueling. But i'm hoping to move to Kyoto for its traditional culture aspects, i've heard the work situation there is kinder.
if this is also a meme please correct me
an excuse to fuck their women
>Why are you not living in Japan, Sup Forums?
>Why are you not living in America, Juan?
>Why are you not living in Sweden, Motumbo?
>Why are you not living in Canada, Shing Ping?
I'm sorry that most of you burgers can't develop an interest in anything that is found beyond the nearest McDonald's drivethrough.
But you know what, i had a good day, so i'll give you an answer.
China, Japan and Korea had very turbulant history, be it within the countries themselves or in the interactions between them.
Each also has some special points, like how China left tons of records from very early stages of civilization- and had an effective government system already back then, or how Japan went through the most rapid modernization ever seen, after the meiji restoration.
I also recommend reading about Babylonian/Roman history. Shit is fascinating.
>You're a foreigner, first and foremost. Being Jewish, etc is just a part of that.
So no special attention to that bit either way, as i thought.
It doesn't really matter where you get that degree as long as it's accredited. You could do community college and then transfer, making the entire ride a lot cheaper.
He was making fun of the UK m80
>Just like the UK!
That was the joke...
>Is it our only hope?
It already make anime a thing among millenials (the future of this world)
but shingping does live in canada and hes making a bunch of china towns raising living prices and making white canadians so mad they're harming their shitty online reputation of being "nice". Based Chinese Millionaires.
They fucking hate white people lol
You think i'll be able to move to Japan while a $10,000 student loan is on my paycheck?
Pretty sure one of the requirements to move to Japan is prove the ability to pay for all your expenses. Kind of hard to do that coming out of a 4 year college.
My plan at the moment is
>4 years active military service
>4 years inactive military service. During this time, do my 4 years of college at the same time to kill 2 birds with one stone
Though if I somehow get stationed in Japan during my active military service, I might be able to get married and skip the college shit altogether.
>Jewish warboss Soros doesn't force Japan and Asians to accept rapefugees
Really makes you think. This is because they don't need to brake the will of these nations. They are already like robots, ching chong works 24/7 on their plants without creativity and aspiration to be free. Only white people should be thrown from face of the planet.
Well, are there any other First World countries that aren't going down the drain from refugees and general cuckery?
>In Tokyo, mandatory unpaid overtime is absolutely a thing
Actually, no, that's illegal. If you sign a contract that says you agree to "service OT" than they can work you without additional pay, but that's not the case in most jobs. Last year at peak season I made almost an extra $1000 in OT.
>But i'm hoping to move to Kyoto for its traditional culture aspects, i've heard the work situation there is kinder.
There's a saying: if a person from Tokyo, Osaka, and Kyoto went to a restaurant and had a bad meal, the Tokyoite would get openly angry at the chef, the person from Kyoto would leave quietly without a word, and the person from Osaka would loudly explain in detail whey it was bad. Basically, they're not in your face in Kyoto, but that doesn't mean they're not thinking of it. And Kyoto is a nightmare to navigate, IME.
Used to tell new hires from overseas that you're from "Foreignland", and your actual home country, etc. is just details.
Only if you're a bogan.
>Pretty sure one of the requirements to move to Japan is prove the ability to pay for all your expenses.
That's not necessary for a work visa.
>fuck anime
I try.
Yeah, because most are early-20s anime kids who think Japan is some perfect nation. They stay for a year before eventually making their way back to the U.S. or Europe. If you actually make an effort then you should be fine. Although, of course, there will always be people who won't accept you. If you're black, don't even try.
>Used to tell new hires from overseas that you're from "Foreignland"
I think that's reasonable, if someone is interested specifically, he'll ask by himself.
Not that i currently have any aspirations to move to Japan, though, aerospace industry there is kind of meh
> aerospace industry there is kind of meh
Really? With the Mitsubishi Regional Jet and X-2 Shinshin, I'd say it's taking off (pun intended).
>this is considered a 10/10 in Japan
I'm sorry, but I honestly think it's one of the worst thing about Japan and foreigners. I'm no fan of anime but I guess I can tolerate it. However, it's impossible to like Japanese history and literature in the U.S. or Europe without meeting tons of weeaboos. They'll know every line of every episode of Cowboy Bebop but won't even know who Oda Nobunaga or Natsume Sōseki is.
But anime is pretty much just like cartoons are in the west - there's stuff for kids, the stuff everyone watched growing up, and stuff for adults.
I watch it if I find it interesting, but there's a pretty big difference between that and weebs.
(and I was kidding)
>muh oda nobuna anime
you know
if i was a total retard i'd apply for a student loan in japan and get my education in japan
of course that's fucking stupid
i live on the east coast. Japanese isn't taught in the colleges where i live or the high school I attended. Foreign exchange programs don't exist like they do in california.
life dealt me the worst hand possible for the dream I chose
>there's a pretty big difference between that and weebs
>I can watch Japanese history and the Japanese language from watching anime? Awesome!
Getting an undergrad in Japan is a pretty bad idea, most place basically grad eon attendance.
>i live on the east coast. Japanese isn't taught in the colleges where i live or the high school I attended. Foreign exchange programs don't exist like they do in california.
I'm from the East Coast of Canada originally, believe me, I know. I took 2 years of Japanese in university, and that was it. Look into language exchanges through Skype.
Yeah like how Millennium Actress taught be about Japan's space program. :-)
>tfw Satoshi Kon died six years ago yesterday.
It did start picking up recently, which is nice, but still not very varied, and aside from mitsubishi, nobody really runs any large operations. Honda have some aspirations in that field, we'll see how it goes.
Here for example, in this pea-sized country, you have around 10-11 large companies in the aerospace field developing anything from wing profiles to AA rockets and satellite launching vehicles.
>X2 shinshin
kudos for sticking it to the U.S for refusing to give out any F22's, following the project for a while now.
Turns out we're actually going to participate in the bid for the flight helmets with HUD with our Elbit stuff (used in the F35)
> I know that I won't get retirement money since I won't actually be a japanese citizen
10k+ people naturalize each year.
>tfw Kon got his message across tho
>tfw u have a whole history of J film to watch after that movie to get all the references he packed Millenium Actress with
>Why are you not living in Japan, Sup Forums?
Because I'm white. Why would I want to live in a non-white country?
You do.
>eats rice every meal
>wage slaves
>no time spent with family
>arranged marriages
>spend all nights in an izukaya pounding beeru and awamori
> eat curry - a foreign dish- all the fucking time
>prostitutes are legal
>old people grab your dick
Japan is literally the epicenter of degeneracy.
Then why are you living in Sweden?
Because from an outside perspective Japan seems like a magical mysterious place. It's alluring to those who haven't actually been their. It's much the same way the Japanese view Paris France.
Stay and fight, white man
>>eats rice every meal
>>wage slaves
Eh, no more than elsewhere
>>no time spent with family
>>arranged marriages
Hell no
>>spend all nights in an izukaya pounding beeru and awamori
Well, not all nights.
>> eat curry - a foreign dish- all the fucking time
>>prostitutes are legal
Only if you don't penetrate/scissors them.
>>old people grab your dick
Keep memeing、Tyrone