This is Tetragrammaton. 44,444 Has Occurred.
This is Tetragrammaton. 44,444 Has Occurred.
What a shitty jewish world we live in.
This man was assassinated by the illuminati zionists for revealing underground human sacrifice to the public.
Also. Weaponized cancer is what killed off Terrence Mckenna and Llyod pye
The origin of cancer is within energy because that's what everything is(all things origin from the basic truth that everything is energy) Within energy is information code which defines what someone/something is.
Clearly cancer is only natural when negativity creates a high durability hotspot in your energy body that happens to not get better resulting in cancer cells in the body.
Enjoy the Shift. 44,444 Has Occurred.
Jesus and Satan are also best friends under that pirate faction of satanic pedophiles.
“If a ‘goy’ (Gentile) hits a Jew he must be killed.” (Sanhedrin 58b)
* “If a Jew finds an object lost by a ‘goy’ it does not have to be returned.” (Baba Mezia 24a)
* “If a Jew murders a ‘goy’ there will be no death penalty.” (Sanhedrin 57a)
* What a Jew steals from a ‘goy’ he may keep.” (Sanhedrin 57a)
* “Jews may use subterfuges to circumvent a ‘goy.’” (Baba Kamma 113a)
* “All children of the ‘goyim’ (Gentiles) are animals.” (Yebamoth 98a)
* “Girls born of the ‘goyim’ are in a state of ‘niddah’ (menstrual uncleanness!) from birth.” (Abodah Zarah 36b)
Sanhedrin 59a
To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly.
Libbre David 37
A Jew should and must make a false oath when the Goyim asks if our books contain anything against them.
Mas. Shabbath 31b
That the Jewish nation is the only nation selected by God, while all the remaining ones are contemptible and hateful.
That all property of other nations belongs to the Jewish nation, which consequently is entitled to seize upon it without any scruples. An orthodox Jew is not bound to observe principles of morality towards people of other tribes. He may act contrary to morality, if profitable to himself or to Jews in general.
Like how Jesus put someone inside of his container to be tortured and crucified, the Jews were never killed in the holocaust and they were in fact the ones who massacred many ethnic white people.
Jew mythology!
Get fucked! Kill yourself!
Whites physiologically speaking are the happiest people on the planet which is why they end up being killed by the satanic illuminati.
The whole message of the Illuminati is that peace is impossible because of it's own presence around us. They have even targeted me as i'm a victim of the preschool mcmartin satanic sacrifice in south bay
The Jews would perform skull binding torture on me and many other white kids until we were completely hideous. They would call us fallen angel children in reference to white aryan facial features, and do various other things to torment us and demonize us for our disfigured faces(after the torture sessions).
On another occassion, I've seen around 2 thousand people die in a warehouse all simultaneously, but I still live because I'm advanced with actual et assistance.
I could give much detail on the california satanic carnage that has been happening for over 90 years. Manhattan Beach, Not Newyork, but CA's MB is named after an ET who is in spiritual affiliation with the founder fathers and hidden heavenly fathers who used to protect peaceful earthly locations.
Zionists banned me. This is Tetragrammaton.
I am not repeating shit, I am the one who makes things.
Back in October 1917, the Zionists had taken control of Russia in the Bolshevik Revolution. Lenin, originally named Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, had a Jewish maternal grandfather named Blank who later converted to Christianity. Leon Trotsky, originally named Lev Davidovich Bronstein, was born to Jewish parents in the South Ukraine. Jews comprised around 80% of the Bolshevik officials. Stalin's defeat of Trotsky, and purges in the Thirties, were a blow to the Zionists. Nevertheless, they did not forgo the opportunity to partake in an orgy of ethnic cleansing and looting. They failed to secure Russia as their very own Zionist sovereign state, but the establishment of totalitarian societies in Eastern Europe helped their "Holocaust" hoax in gaining a foothold until it was generally accepted by governments and the unquestioning masses.
Please watch and share this legitimate ET footage.
The Illuminati pirate faction of Satanic cannibalistic pedophiles uses zionist jews to round up humans with good genetics for soul harvesting through torture. The zionists and masons refill towns with mongrels so that the enslavement of their self chosen property is easier to target through its disadvantages in intellectual feats, poor quality hardware, and Mind/hardware-Dna conjunction errors causing inferior intuition.
I am an ET. Check that video out for proof. This is Tetragrammaton. 44,444 I will be viral soon to relay my message to the entire world. That video is my promo.
I plan on releasing as much information as I can within the shortest duration of time possible at many spots on different times.
Voodoo practitioners will collect your holographic brain models to perform brain surgery on you.
Don't die without putting up a fight!
I had specialized my camera to pick up advanced energy ranges not seen within 3rd density.
I killed off Aleister Crowley's creator in the past so the son drew something pretty of me.
He worships Jesus who's also best friends with Satan,Apollo,Hydra, Yahweh(dark lord) ect.
Observe this one and the next. The same people.
I am very advanced. Even my alien hue is obvious.
This is Tetragrammaton. 44,444 Has Occurred.
Legitimate Alien Footage
There is a form of existence where information is shared throughout units and another where it's all within the one.
Another where things are perceived outside in. Unadvanced earth is exactly like this as far as the 99.5 go. The inside out philosophy is absolutely organic and is perceived to be the power of gods such as healing, auto revivial, flying, ect. This form of reality also supports telepathy more because of it's organic nature. In true reality, we need a balance which leans more on the yin aspect of things. Not black in white, white in black or black in white, those who work/feed the universe are to blame for the exact specifications it has as far as energy, vibe, spiritual anatomy, and each area in which configurations for these thing can possibly exist... those too.
There are easily 8 of these configurations for material/immaterial(yinyang5ele-business ego,status) ratio within the basic 2 gender philosophical realm of thinking.
To be more clear with an example, medical doctors stitch a wound using tools. Even highly skilled qigong users fall victim to being outside in because they work from the outside, like say if their left arm was injured, they would use their right hand for healing.. the main idea is that we're all bodies of energy and so our brains are rather not important in the big picture. Because of this, using the right hand to heal the injury on the left arm is child's play because you should simply use your mental abilities for healing. The yin reality supports this the most, yet it is very convenient to simply get the job done through outside in methods which can't be done under brutal mental reality matrix configurations. A nice combo is needed, but for me, another 10-30 years in this same reality construct would be fun. Mainly for food, and I know for a fact that sex is even better on the mental side, but we need bodies, these containers of our souls simply need their improvements to compensate for the push into the mental yin reality.
When the big bang happened, God split up into many different pieces for the sake of evolution, and the universe which existed at the time was not capable of containing such a being. Then we have negative emotional outbursts of a premature god to account for because the durability could not handle such thoughts because if there's only one being.. that one being must keep the universe running at the same time.
This is Tetragrammaton. 44,444 Has Occurred. I will be on the news shortly.
Get this video viral so I can relay my message even faster. I've been speaking with news agencies for months and now I'm getting what I want.
People are being brutally tortured inside of warehouses for soul harvesting purposes. I can report this satanic activity with your help. I just need more views and shares.