Give me your best GoT memes!

Give me your best GoT memes!

right on Sup Forumsro!

I'm gonna try, here goes:
GoT is good

Laughing my fuckin ass off here Sup Forumsrother!

why is her head all fucked, why did they cast her.

why so mad?

>actor looks normal as a kid
>time moves on
>brit bong genes have reached critical levels
>"fuck she's ugly as fuck now but we can't recast her at this point. fuck it"

Same happened with Bran

Bran got hot as fuck



How did she go from this...

To this?


Anglos are __________.

to this?


implying you wouldn't


Her head is shaped like a fucking derito

that I would
but let's get real here, what's more likely: taking pleasure from maisie's body irl or having a laugh about it on Sup Forums?

Here you go m8

Post the bald arya

Would literally murder my family to have this squirming all over me.


>I'm Ringo, and I play the drums



LOL me do

at least Sup Forums can take solace in the fact that after GOT, she will start doing noods to stay relevant