Map thread


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Why is india so low?

>be Polish
>get jailed

serves you right, fucking thieves go to hell

The only way to save muttistan



i really liked bayern and munchen, I went to frankfurt also but didn't really like some parts of the city


What a shitty map




Blue: first world
Red: second world
Green: third world

>first world


China has a lot of people and they use homes as prisons too.




What is this?

countries have flags they want to immigrate to most (australians want to live in spain eg)

>Being historylets

any shade of red = 3rd world


russia stronk

No, I don't.





>south africa


Repeating that stupid meme about how it's 'um actually all about the alliances of the cold war' and not letting words take on new meanings

>second world

the United States does not surprise me: v

Why the hell does China need all that aid?
They need to deal with their 6 gorillion people themselves

There are just so many flaws with this map

There's no such thing as second world today, (perhaps developing nations would be more appropriate for some of them) and the map clearly showed cold war alliances, therefore:
>brainlet gets mad at something he doesn't like, more news at 11

The Genius Finns™ strike again

to be fair spain is very exotic and popular to romanticize about here

The map may have shown cold war alliances, but someone said 'what a shitty map' and by the implication was saying that it no longer reflects what someone today might classify as 1st, 2nd, and 3rd world
Also, why wouldn't there be second world countries?
The idea is rather simple:
third world = almost totally lawless shitholes
second world = some development, but also some corruption/instability
first world = lawful society, high stability, rife development

>Argentina is first world country
But why they want move to Brazil

>El Salvador
>The Bahamas
Are clearly doing something right.

Not North America.
This is strange.





never heard that from anyone

wew greece is redpilled

Rape is legal.

if you don't have a house at 34 you never will

Sure they will, when their parents die.


Most developed part of Germany is Catholic

when I was 16 and didn't want to live with my parents anymore, this chart impressed me a lot



How is it legal to sell sex but illegal to buy it?

I'd like to know the answer to this as well


The reasoning behind it I thought was that the prostitute doesn't do it voluntarily, but out of desperation or forced. Punishing them would be just cruelty.

>but out of desperation

You think I hire a prostitute for any other reason?

I accidentally read the capitol of texas as Autism

that's german language map not germany

Why do Meds care about their family so much?
Btw I'm an only child
PS: Also autistic

the D*tch aren't the tallest:

>Men from Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Netherlands, Croatia, Serbia, and Montenegro have the average tallest height.[68][69]

Also, non-hispanic American white males would be in the next class

my grandpa uses "moldavian" as a swear word

Why do only the subhumans like us?

i wonder

American males are tiny.
Next group are Scandinavians and Germans.

Until you forcefully drag certain minorities out of the welfare cesspit, white people will generally not be attracted to living in the US, because them and Asians will be the ones paying for them.

austin and autism are actually the same thing irl

Still proud of being on the weakest shade of red

Proof that the rest of south america is just pansies that love givesmedats and then brag about how "well" they're doing


Lack of sun turns people gay?