>The only TRUE and ORIGINAL Americans are Indians, all of us are immigrants
How do you refute this Sup Forums? I need political argument ammo.
>The only TRUE and ORIGINAL Americans are Indians, all of us are immigrants
How do you refute this Sup Forums? I need political argument ammo.
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Even "native" Americans immigrated
They're dead. Fuck em.
How can you be an immigrant if you were born here?
there wasn't an "America" until anglo masterrace took control. Before that just a bunch of primitive canoe makers
The indians did not build this nation
what if I tell you that even indians had indians, and they fucked em up pretty bad, also cowboys vs indians, so to be honest better close your borders because you are next
Refute that cock in your mouth.
Claim by force is a legal claim.
The wrongs of the past don't excuse the wrongs of the present. The United States now exists and has laws, we cannot bend those laws for anyone, least of all non-citizens. The government is of the people and for the people, and if they put foreign nationals ahead of citizens (including legal immigrants) then they are acting unconscionably.
No they weren't, because there was no American country back then. They were all different tribes that used to kill, rape, enslave, and sometimes even cannibalize each other. The Europeans were just better at it.
Weren't the natives that Europeans encountered responsible for wiping out an earlier racial group of natives?
Every indian nation exists as a domestically domestic nation enforced by the treaties they signed.
Just because they capitulated to migrants doesn't mean I have to. Now fuck off.
>Look how well immigration worked out for the natives
no one thought in pan-racial terms back then. The Dakota hated the Ojibwe, and the French hated the English
thank you user! just what i needed
>We all came from Africa, so it's nobody's land by the immigration logic.
>implying the various tribes weren't fighting over territory for decades.
>We conquered and/or bought it, annexation =/= emigration.
well as a native American I sure am glad they taught is how to smelt steel.
and make schools
and roads.
the only bad thing white man brought were jews, niggers, and syphilis
Well we did break some treaties but that is more an argument against allowing open boarders and becoming a minority in your own homeland
We conquered this continent so it belongs to us, deal with it indiancuck
Kennewick Man was here before the native Americans. That is why the native Americans buried him in an unidentified location before scientific research was completed. It appears that European man was first to hit the shores of the north American continent.
sorry about that, we all make mistakes from time to time.
First off, white Europeans were likely the first humans to inhabit North America, but I will leave that interesting tidbit until last.
The Indians FOUGHT the white man's expansion into their lands. They fought hard and lost. White people have every right to FIGHT to keep THEIR incredible country that THEY built from scratch.
In addition, it is generally recognised that the white man's arrival and expansion into the traditional lands of the Indians caused the genocide of the Indians (at least in North America, since there are boatloads of AmerInds in Central and South America). Clearly this is what is now happening to the current white population of North America (genocide by being overrun will non-whites, and assimilation/miscegenation). You will find that most liberals with whom you'll be arguing will eventually just admit that they're fine with the genocide of white people in North America. Getting them to say that genocide is OK if it happens to white people just exposes them as genocide enablers and anti-white, rather than "anti-racist".
Finally, there is growing evidence that the "native" North American Indians actually came here from Siberia (they even have Asiatic facial bone structure), and were not the first humans on the continent, having possibly been preceded by the European Solutreans by at least 10,000 years. In an interesting plot twist, there is some evidence that the people we call the Native Americans actually displaced this much older indigenous European-American population via RACIAL WARFARE, if you can imagine that! See:
That's some pseudoscientific bs
America is a nation, not a landmass. A nation exists irrespective of its physical location, or lack thereof. For example, jews were a nation for thousands of years, even though they had no country. Another example is the kurdish nation, a nation that exists despite having no land or country.
The settlers didn't immigrate into the native american nation, they didn't plop themselves in the middle of the teepee, shit out a baby and say "we're Indians now". They built their own new nation from which some Indians abstained, which is why Indians have their own sovereign land.
Do sovereign Indians have dominion over us? No, they do not. Why not? Because we didn't try to infiltrate into their nation.
the native americans didnt have welfare. fuck off pablo we are full
Natives are only native to the land, not the nation. The Founding Fathers weren't even immigrants, practically all of them were born here.
As DNA testing has begun to show most American Indians have Asian/Siberian ancestry but the eastern and subarctic Indians of N.America, have substantial R1 (i.e. ancient European) ancestry.
Which lends credence to the Solutrean Hypothesis; that ice age Europeans migrating along the edge of the Atlantic ice pack, (as Eskimos still do today) colonised at least north east North America, long before the descendants of most current Indians did the same along the northern Siberian and Pacific coasts.
wrong pic srry
emigrated* from Siberia
Native American is an oxymoron
You mean Siberian immigrants?
America was founded by white people, the state that existed before ruled by the natives was destroyed because they were weak. America should be European
What if there were other ethnic groups before the indians, were they the REAL AMERICANS TOO?
The United States of America was founded by whites, not timber niggers, and they weren't considered citizens of the nation at first.
They are called Native Americans because their ancestors were born in the Americas, but I hear they weren't indigenous to even that.
Exactly, whites came over and MADE the United States of America, before that it was just a landmass filled with multiple nation states of warring tribes of Native Americans. Sure some of the land was taken by force (what country in the world doesn't have borders that were taken by force?) But they also traded their land for beads. The fact that we should give back land is completely absurd. The strong survive and prosper and to the victor goes the spoils.
Indians were immigrants too, they were just the first ones.
Europeans landed on America a little bit before the ''native'' americans migrated.
So technically euros where here first.
Ironically this could feed fire to the mormons ''jews came to america first'' theory
The Indians immigrated to the Americas aswell when the Bering street was still frozen.
Don't say that, little Mohammeds are being born this very moment.
> injuns
> 18th century AD
> hadn't discovered THE FUCKING WHEEL
> too busy taking drugs and hallucinating
> at constant war with all other tribes
> land is conquered by European settlers
> centuries later expects sympathy and gibs
> drinks rubbing alcohol all day on gubmint plantation
They really are niggers.
Further proof that we walk on God's side and you walk alone.
See, this is simple. You turned your back on God and so He has turned His back on you.
They were immigrants too, they crossed the Bering Strait's ice bridge to get here
They never settled the land either so it was kind of up in arms
plus the native americans weren't one collective people any more than all the tribes in africa are one collective people
the indians didn't create this country, white europeans created it. also if we allow immigration to continue we will end up like the native americans did
20.000 years ago when the first humans arrived in america it was lush and filled with huge animals. A garden of eden in an ancient evolutionary equilibrium.
When the second wave of settlers arrived the largest extinction event in history was already in full force. For the next 10.000 years americans slowly learned basic methods of dealing with the demons born from the rivers of blood their ancestors made. Until Europeans came along and immediately were tricked by the local demons to make the rivers of blood flow again with even more force. Still today the american justice system and military only exist to serve their demon masters and ensure the rivers of blood keep flowing.
>True Americans
>Came from ASIA
Remember, races don't exist
How could we be invaders if races don't exist and therefore have territorial claims?
to claim otherwise is racist
Native Americans are from Siberia and killed the actual Native Americans
Your move.
Two of the actually. The Clovis peoples and the Solutreans.
On a similar note the Maoris killed and ate the original inhabitants of New Zealand.
This immigration meme has to end.. Yes they came as immigrants but later reached the state of conquerors by killing and taking land from the people that were there before them ... Another thing that triggers me also is when minorities like blacks for example cry that they don't possess the same status as Whites.. The whites conquered the land and they brought you in as slaves and you did not win your freedom in any way you were GIVEN it.
Just a reminder to those who don't realize it. The Mexicans (who I have no problem with) are the result of "Native Americans" and the Spanish who invaded them. It is pretty apparent that Europeans also landed here before all that happened. I don't really see how that all really matters in this day and age. We share 99% DNA with frogs, so who gives a fuck? We are human. We need to get together and get rid of all these motherfuckers currently running the show. I'm talking the Bilderbergs, Jewish bankers, and all those who would keep the masses of the population under their control need to be taken to task. We need to come together as one giant fucking DNA stream and get rid of the virus that infects us as a living organism before they have complete control.
Reminder that all brown hispanics are indians
>tfw was born here
Not an immigrant.
well shit, guess we wuz Indians and shit