>muh invisible hand
Muh invisible hand
Their stock has been sliding since Monday. Expect it to only get worse as more and more parents start getting their sob stories on the media. There actually are generic alternatives to the Epipen, though I have no idea how widely available they are. MSM has a hold of this story now and they're not gonna let it go with how much it riles the public. I'm sure Mylan thought in their board room meeting it was a sound business decision, what with gaining near total control of the market on Epinephrine injectors, and trying to pawn off the cost increases on Obamacare and insurance companies to cover the blowback, but they made the mistake of thinking the American public is capable of seeing things like businessmen. All they see is unrestrained greed from vultures holding their children's health at ransom. The fact that Mylan gives away tons of Epipens to schools and offers discounts through insurance plans and other means doesn't matter, at this point it's a principle thing. They're extorting parents and exploiting children. That's how people see it, and the MSM is only going to reinforce that story in the next few months.
Reminder that their CEO is the daughter of Democrat Senator and Hillary Clinton ally, Joe Manchin.
Brainwashed Democrats will defend this and blame Republicans.
If the EpiPens are so expensive, then just do a regular ol' injection which is cheap as fuck. That's what I do.
Epinephrine is all that is in EpiPens. It's just an auto injector for retards that can't take 5 minutes to learn how to manually inject.
It's like complaining about an automatic can opener price when you can just buy a manual one.
>There actually are generic alternatives to the Epipen, though I have no idea how widely available they are.
FDA rejected Teva's application for generic Epipen last year.
There won't be generic Epipen until 2018 at the earliest.
The medication inside Epipen is decades old, but the injection mechanism and drug release system is patented and was protected from generic competition.
Drug addicts and the genetically inferior deserve to die
You know what's great? Not being born needing a fucking epipen
>I'm sure Mylan thought in their board room meeting it was a sound business decision, what with gaining near total control of the market on Epinephrine injectors, and trying to pawn off the cost increases on Obamacare and insurance companies to cover the blowback, but they made the mistake of thinking the American public is capable of seeing things like businessmen.
Actually, it is THANKS to the fact the public sees shit like businessmen do that it refuses to accept the price.
>if you are a real poorfag you get obama's cash, but such price hikes are still a threat to your pockets in case you may not be covered
>if you are a medium classfag, you are pissed off both by the spike in price AND by the fact poorfags will leech your tax money even more
>if you are a richfag with insurance cover, you are still pissed off because poorfags and mediumfags now cost you more taxpayer money than usual
So, basically, with such a price nobody is happy: neither those who cannot pay, nor those who can afford it but whose tax money is used to support poorfags.
Nobody on the social ladder forgives attempt to milk more cash, either from them or from the taxes.
The point of the autoinjector is to make the process as quick and idiot-proof as possible. Not everyone has the time to casually stroll over to the medicine cabinet and fill up a syringe.
>implying your 4 y.o. kid can into injecting
>implying you'll have the lucidity during an attack
Yeah, some people have presidential campaigns.
to run.
Mylan has profit margin of 8%
that means each dollar they make, they keep 8 cents as profit.
that's hardly "unrestrained greed" user
anyone who works in pharma knows that this is not a new or unique situation. this happens frequently, usually with older generic medications. colchicine, anyone? this shit has been going on forever.
normies will never understand how easily media can influence them into outrage. i feel embarrassed for them
clinton must be buying them up like crazy
>That matters little to the company’s CEO, Heather Bresch — daughter of Democratic Senator Joe Manchin (WV) — who has overseen five 15 percent price hikes since November 2013.
>Heather Bresch — daughter of Democratic Senator Joe Manchin
Fucking democrats are the cancer of this country, why do people honestly think they are "good" and republicans are "bad" when the dems do shit like this and the most republicans do is say mean things to immigrants.
>Gov't made epi-pens mandatory in schools
>Competitor recalled
>FDA rejects potential competitor
>Insurance pays for everything so majority of consumers have no incentive to challenge price increases
>somehow this is the "free" market's fault
>massive government intervention
>free market
Every time
Hey guys... What if this is a genius marketing campaign?
Like New Coke in the 80's. Get people pissed off enough to write letters to their congressmen, then revert back to the old way.
Mylan could dial back the costs, and people will be relieved enough to overlook another far shadier practice.
Just a thought.
That number jeans nothing.
Thanks Obama. This brother got this