Tomorrow is the day Sup Forums gets officially btfo into non-existence. SHE WILL DESTROY YOU PUNY WHITE BOYS
Tomorrow is the day Sup Forums gets officially btfo into non-existence. SHE WILL DESTROY YOU PUNY WHITE BOYS
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Like with a knot?
where will I live? Hillary better not wipe me and my family out of existence! where will the Sup Forumsacks go? #Sup Forumsacklivesmatter
i'm gonna be super disappointed if she doesn't mention us
We know what she plans, but can she stave off the turtle peeking its way into her pantsuit before she can deliver?
Why would the Aryan Goddess destroy us? We're her biggest supporters
Whatever you say, plantation nigger.
>Shillary mentions pol
>Normies come here out of curiosity
>Discover the truth about (((them))).
>become redpilled
>Trump wins all 50 states in historic landslide
We aren't going to get /btfo/. The normies will either get PTSD from the gore and shitposts they will encounter. Or just get frustrated and bored once they realize nobody gives a fuck what they have to say here after a few days.
It will be business as usual by next week here again. Just enjoy the ride the next few days there will be keks. Get your memes ready boys.
Nothing will happen, fuck off already.
>tomorrow comes
>no one mentions Sup Forums
>Sup Forums still doesn't get a clue of how unimportant they are
When will they learn?
Trump should tie Hillary with the alt left and tumblr.
>implying her thicc ass could even get in here
Who gives a turkey what she has to say bout the alt-right?
Whats worrying me now is the recent cucking on immigration from the Trump camp.
>implying Sup Forums isn't already full of normies
Think about it, normalfags absolutely love to be edgy, and this is probably the edgiest board in all of Sup Forums. Fucking wake up, sheeple.
But alt-left = love, peace, acceptance
Actually, there is no alt-left.
Hahahaha whew lad, this is too much
Sup Forums WAS RIGHT
it's gonna be a gay ol time
>The worst of the web.
Calling it now, Clinton wants to censor the net to remove "the worst of the web" and will talk about "weeding out the bad ones from the internet" tomorrow.
>implying Sup Forums is relevant
It's cute that you think that, but there are older alt-right parts of the web and there are far FAR more influential alt-right parts of the web. Just because you jump on the dank memes on average faster than reddit doesn't mean you're the wellspring.
Hey watch out with that seriously...
Many people still are very ignorant about her. She is remodeled on the outside to look white. Look at her young photos because we can all see that she's a racial jew.
>tfw she mentions goobergate
But I love Hillary, I only hate niggers and jews.
the conservacuck "intelligentsia" will come out and denounce Sup Forums. lesilie jones will sue for images being spread here and the leftists will cite the hogan-gawker case as a parallel, putting pressure on hiro and trying to get it shut down.
screencap this
>Hiroshimoot reads the Daily Moon Runes, skimming through the usual garbage about Japan needing Chinese and Korean immigrants to boost their birth rate and destroy Japanese culture and ethnicity
>Suddenly, his eyes catch a familiar rune: Sup Forums-kun, his most prized asset, is going to be mentioned by Hillary Clinton
>Immediately hurries to his laptop and logs into admin control
>Removes all Sup Forums captchas
>Puts "I am a Real American" on repeat on Sup Forums's front page
>Makes the first 20 posters of the Trump General Sup Forums janitors
>Tactically ignores all the anime posters, however, as he knows anyone outside Japan into anime is an otaku and not worthy of dignity or respect
>Sets a 200-word filter to change all American political buzzwords to types of sushi
>Pours himself some saki and watches the internet burn
just meme brothers, we're more fun than all that normie shit. be yourselves. burn hotter than the sun
>tfw Sup Forums collectively commits suicide with multiple shots to the back of the head.
I'm wondering about all of these marxists.....these communists worming their way into America from the left, trying to push their corruption on every established system in our country. All of the Uni "professors" telling students that there are forty five genders, and that it is wrong to be a man, or to be caucasian, or to believe in America. The people who want to blame America for anything wrong in their lives. This is the left, these are hillary's voters.
Well, I'm glad most of us were absolute fucking retards and accepted a label imposed on them by outside sources.
Though really, this won't do shit to Trump.
At least we don't have le weedman as PM, leaf
>Clinton gets millions of people to check out Sup Forums
>get hit with massive Hitler/redpill/racism/kek/pepe spam
It's gonna be glorious
I'd laugh senpai.
>#Sup Forumsacklivesmatter
Meh, not so much....
In fact not at all. Ever. Forthwith. Forevermore.
Every. Single. News. Story. Will. Mention. Sup Forums.
The "alt-right" is a made up term though.
Have you ever cringed harder than this video?
Down here. You'll float too
"Comfy pepe, what did they mean by this"
I hope this happened
> t yesplease
Of course it won't do anything. No one above age 30 cares about internet culture. They can't fathom that something as nonsensical as the internet could be the most powerful form of group communication ever conceived. They don't understand the idea that a few well crafted memes, placed in the right social media channels, to the right audience, can redpill the people and sway their political beliefs. You have to completely abstain from the internet to avoid being affected by political memes.
>Removes all Sup Forums captchas
Hillary wants a war with Sup Forums?
Let the kek praying commence more intense than ever.
Hail Kek, full of poopoo,
the Lord is with peepee;
blessed art thou amongst anons,
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, moot.
Holy Boxxy, Mother of kek,
pray for us shitposters,
now and at the hour of our ban. Amen.
>implying they'll even know it's pepe
Hillary will win in a landslide in November.
400 plus ECs, neckbeards and racists BTFO!!
Enjoy never getting laid again, virgins!!
Were you here for Sup Forums harbor? Because that is essentially what happened except the new janitors were all from tumblr
the death of image board culture is on the horizon
Yes, I'm sure that all 50 people who bother to listen to a senile old woman read a teleprompter will get their records corrected to the extreme.
I can see it now.
"And the place they assemble? Four chan dot org slash pol. Go there. See for yourself. Know the face of our enemy."
post an archive or something
I dont think so.
>getting into a political conversation with women or taking their political opinions seriously
How does it feel to be a cuck?
If anything she'll mention 'Sup Forums' and not Sup Forums like the media does and most neets will just go to or assume Sup Forums is responsible and they'll just roll their eyes and leave. The ones that do come here will likely be redpilled because deep down they are looking for reasons to not support her if they are bothering to seek us out.
>the recent cucking on immigration from the Trump camp
Trump sold you simpletons down the river, only took you grade-school geniuses 4 months to realize it!!
GodDAMN you people are stupid and backwards as POSSUM FUCK!!!
Bring it
>If anything she'll mention 'Sup Forums' and not Sup Forums like the media does and most neets will just go to or assume Sup Forums is responsible
Oh my god that will be amazing, Sup Forums will rape them
Dear CNN, NBC, Fox, and all other news outlets visiting Sup Forums for the first time:
Every post made on this board is ironic political satire. Nothing posted here represents the viewpoints of any of Sup Forums's users.
I can assure you all that Sup Forums users oppose racism in all forms, and are #WithHer
Thank you.
what is it with Canadians and knots.
>she knows meme wizards are the source of Trump's hi-energy
She gonna bring these fucking progressive bernouts to heel like she will the niggers.
Calm thine tits wench.
Include me in the screencap cnn
And sounds like a stupid old fucktard just like you'd expect....
Wait people take this shithole seriously? I only post here when I drunk or extremely bored
Ill just leave this here.
Trump should tie Hillary to the far-left. Imagine exposing all the isanely sexist, racist dogshit that comes out of BLM and SJW culture.
She cant name Sup Forums and allow it to live for this reason.
Kicking a hornets nest. These things never end well.
>pic related
Only the REAL alt right facists support Hill!
Sieg Heil Hillary!
What a shit happening to end summer, we get flooded by normies again, the Summerfagging 2.0; I miss 2 years ago, those Ukrainian Civil War threads were comfy as fuck.
We are getting to them and they think alt-right are we!!!!
Well shit
but.. Harambe isn't dead
Fill in a square, faggots
Everyone but me gotta learn
>mentions Sup Forums
>mentions pepe
>mentions kek
Tomorrow we let the world know we Shine Behind Stein TM
We hate black people because naked Harambe.
You know thats bullshit
You got to learn
telling the world about this place is a giant mistake for her, imagine she starts coming here and then becomes president, holy shit she'll be wearing hitler garb in no time
Amane worst kajitsu
Speech when tho?
>Use the term Racism,Sexisme or Islamophobe
I have one question, why would you tell us part of your plan for your candidate, Satan?
Lol you are so simple and stupid dumb backwards freak
it lose either way, she shuts it down pol tards get more strength for being underdogs, she tells anyone people come here out of curiosity and become crazed pol tards in about a day after first trying to argue with everyone
How the fuck is she gonna shut down Sup Forums? HIro isn't even in the country
>Harambe isn't dead
the day /pol prevented a political murder
More like the day CTR tries and fails to overrun Sup Forums and ends up getting badly cyberbullied and attacked on a thousand platforms at the same time.
Sup Forums is a board of peace
singles confirm
>"alt-right" is a made up term
It was started on /po/, nourished by Sup Forums, now Sup Forums will be destroyed by it.
Such is the cruel irony of GOD JEJ!!!
no idea, but they could shut down the internet if they wanted, they could filter even though most people would evade it easily, any of that just makes /pol stronger
she needs to stop giving attention to us and make this campaign about her, which she is failing to do miserably, meanwhile Donald talking to packed rooms 5 times a day every day
you couldn't see her live if you tried
This is her plan to start making a move to kill the internet as we know it.