TVs of Sup Forums

You know how these go.

Looks like the TV in my spare bedroom.

Dude I've seen your living room 500 times. Stop posting your fucking house. It's not interesting unless you live in a dungeon and have gross fingers.


I should dust.

I did get a new stand for downstairs, but now I need a larger TV for it :(


Don't feel like taking a picture, Basically It's a 75" LG with 4k res, bose sound bar and subwoofer, along with my ps4 pro THAT YOU CANT AFFORD

nobody asked

Kill yourself, poorfag.

Read the title of the thread.

Help me Sup Forums,
I want to buy a new 65'' tv, samsung QLED or Sony OLED? Or any other options?

Why do you decorate your living room with a cabinet full of laptop computers?

ThinkPads are art.

Shit, I used to have one of those. It was terrible.

The Sony oled is gorgeous but I'm worried about burn in. Everyone said plasma was fine, the early problems were fixed. It needs to be babied, and I see news channel and subtitle image retention on white scenes.

Yeah, boringly. No one gives a shit about someone's tv room unless there's see shit, cum, blood, and piss bottles.


Lame hipster shit sacrificing quality for a sullen sense of superiority even though nolstalgia doesn't equal aesthetic

I think my parents house used to have this exact entertainment center

Hello Hawaii

Or like OP's said before, he's just poor.

Pretty hostile thread tonight.


Nice comfy '90s setup

>has a record player

>has a cat

>dude I'm poor lol

OP is faggot nigger who NEEDS to be killed

Nice edgy shitpost, kid. First time off of Reddit?

must be the high school kids venturing out of Sup Forums

I got that record player second-hand for 9,97$. And cats are pretty inexpensive pets.

What's your point?

Kill yourself, you worthless piece of shit. Do you feel good about being a welfare leech? I hope somebody runs over your cat, dick weed.

>alt-right BTFO wildin' online


Reporting in as always. Gotta take a more recent picture soon

Reminds me of the cottage that Asakawa goes to in the Ring.

Comfy as fuck, I love wood.



why do you make this post so frequently?

Anyway, 55'' Oled 4k with my Denon sound system, 7.1

i hate going to grammas house

I actually don't make them that often. Maybe once or twice in a week. Can't speak for other anons, though.


Two rides/10

>SG-1 Patrician

A lot of anons in this thread should learn about speaker placement and basic acoustic treatment, your whatever 7.1 surround sound means jackshit if you don't know how to place it properly.

Blood money. Noice art, great room. I'd pay to be comfy in there right now. But I don't like arrow on the floor.

Anybody have that pic of the dildo guy?

Small screens are comfy

Why the fuck does Sup Forums always flip my pictures

(((Sup Forums)))

Thanks user, but those aren't arrows. Those are turkey feet. My dad built the cabin and he's big into hunting things