I'm starting to get a little scared for my country. I saw a post saying "Fuck Islam" which troubled me deeply...

I'm starting to get a little scared for my country. I saw a post saying "Fuck Islam" which troubled me deeply. A person's religon is not a problem. No major religon tells its followers to kill peoples of another faith. It's charismatic leaders who convince the masses to act out their personal agenda and religon is always an easy way to coral people together. In that post I mentioned I read a few comments before I started to lose too much faith in humanity to continue. But the last one I read said something along the lines of I hate every single one of those middle east motherfuckers, fuck islam, you never see christians killing ppl of another faith.

That scares me. That someone can be so ignorant of the world and of his own religon's history. In his version of history did world war 2 just not happen? Did the 6 million plus people that died in the concentration camps the majority of which being jews just volunteer to be brutalized, made into slaves and killed by starvation or shot or gased? Orchestrated by a very charismatic individual who had a good mind for economics but unfortunately for the world not much of a good mind for anything else. Did the crusades just not happens? Years and years of war that the world is still suffering from the scars of. I do not know enough about the politics of the crusades to go into any real detail on them, but here was powerful church leaders calling for war and the average individual having next to no choice but to trust the clergy in that its truely what god wants.

Martin Luther, founder of the Lutheran church write a book called, On the Jews and their lies. Next time someone thinks a religous leader is infallible give that one a read, "and we are at fault for not slaying them (Jews)" The same goes for leaders of Islam all it takes are a handful to convince millions that their cause and their interpretation is the right one.

That does not mean all who follow Islam are bad. Would you call every christian bad because of the acts of our forefathers and others of the christian faith purpatrating atrocities in the name of god?

This whole culture of hatred towards a whole group due to the stirrings of individuals is what is going to lead to all out war. The majority of Muslims haven't done anything but we get people going off now about Fuck Islam and I hate people from the middle east and they tell their children that. Which in my opinion is one of the saddest things ever. Teaching your children to hate. And they have no choice but to listen because to what young child is their parent not their acting god. What we need is tolerance. Enough of this we wont take in refugees bullshit. That just gives credit to recruiters claims of the evil westerners.

Even though I am a christian I know that the only reason I am as such is because of where I was born, who my parents were, and who was ruling me. Thats what religon was for thousands of years. If more people would understand that this would be a better world because they would realize that individual religons are all about social settings. If a baby is born the parents are probably going to raise it to follow their beliefs and lets just say they were christian. Lets say though that the patents were killed early on, and baby gets adopted by a muslim family. They will probably raise the child muslim. What kind of a choice is that? Now lets say a baby is born in todays world in a first world country they are raised with one religon. But they have access to the internet and books and all the texts of faith they could want. They can then see and choose for themselves what they feel is right. Take that baby and drop them in a hundred years ago. There are books they could read but the chances of them being able to change there faith and feel ok about it in their surroundings is unlikely.

It may sound like a have no faith but I do. I just know why I do, there are two reasons. The reason I explained and the fact that no matter what you believe no one knows and I mean truely knows based on hard evidence where the matter of the universe came from. Ask any astrophysisist with a theory on how the universe was formed and they could go on about the big bang and whether there was one or many or if the universe goes through big bang cycles but the one question they would have no answer to is where did the matter come from.

Moral of the story. Get an education and point your hatred where it belongs

Fuck islam and sage

pepe would not approve of your BS. Sad!


How fucking retarded are you?

Ever hear of sharia? Hope you are first on the day of the rope.

>go blog somewhere else

>No major religion tells its followers to kill peoples of another faith

Quran (2:191-193) - "And kill them wherever you find them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out. And Al-Fitnah [disbelief or unrest] is worse than killing...
but if they desist, then lo! Allah is forgiving and merciful. And fight them until there is no more Fitnah [disbelief and worshipping of others along with Allah] and worship is for Allah alone. But if they cease, let there be no transgression except against Az-Zalimun

Quran (3:56) - "As to those who reject faith, I will punish them with terrible agony in this world and in the Hereafter, nor will they have anyone to help."

Quran (4:89) - "They but wish that ye should reject Faith, as they do, and thus be on the same footing (as they): But take not friends from their ranks until they flee in the way of Allah (From what is forbidden). But if they turn renegades, seize them and slay them wherever ye find them; and (in any case) take no friends or helpers from their ranks."

I hope there is a war. I got some muzzie neighbors with money i would like to visit.




Islam is about domination and submission to Allah. When they become a majority by breeding, because they're brainwashed into fucking and having as many kids as possible, they start to influence politics to spread Sharia to wherever they are.

It's literally about domination. Liberals just refuse to accept this. Or perhaps they do and would submit like the self hating cucks they've been brainwashed to be.

Just look at London. The new Arab Mayor is now pushing for laws to go against citizens for "hate speech".

Why am I forced to respect Islam? I'll shit on it all I want, thank you very much.


If you think anti Muslim sentiment is high now you're probably a teenager who doesn't remember the aftermath of 9/11.

It's nothing compared to then.


More like
>too long can't refute

I have nothing against pig fucker pedophiles. Islam is fine.

Actually Islam does say to kill those who oppose the religion. Muhammad himself put entire towns to the sword and gave them the option of converting or death.

All the "peaceful" stuff in Islam is in regards to treating fellow muslims. Islam makes a big distinction to believers and non believers. Hurting fellow believers is bad but non believers is ok and justified.

This is also why there is so much in-fighting in Islam. All you have to do is say X is not a TRUE muslim because they did this one tiny thing the Koran opposes, therefore they arent a true muslim so we are allowed to kill them

>No major religon tells its followers to kill peoples of another faith

Except Islam.

Refute what? You're basically just saying 'Im scared that people are racist. AI have a utopian world view that has no basis in reality. Islam is totally the religion of peace, my favourite media celebrities, ideological figureheads and streams of propaganda told me so. So what if the direction of violence and domination is at the core of Islam, whereas forgiveness and compassion is at the core of Christianity? Western secular at best, islamic or pagan at worst politicians told me that the people devoting their lives to acting out the will of their prophet according to their doctrine are not true muslims, the ones living in western countries who pick and choose what passage to honour are.'

So basically, nothing

I don't even know what it says actually I didn't read it either kek. Just linked it from some cuck's kikebook figured you guys would get a laugh

Jesus I need to get myself banned, waste way too much time here

>Would you call every christian bad because of the acts of our forefathers and others of the christian faith purpatrating atrocities in the name of god?

I hate this argument. Comes up every single time there is a terror attack

>Christians hundreds of years ago did bad things too so Christianity is totally as bad as Islam with muslims killing people today, so stop attacking Islam and attack Christianity instead!