I'm trying to get a good grasp on what the Alt-right is. I've read the wikipedia entry on it. Is it accurate?

I'm trying to get a good grasp on what the Alt-right is. I've read the wikipedia entry on it. Is it accurate?


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Do your own research CNN

Is the Wikipedia article on Gamergate accurate?

Do your own job media. Slothful morons.

Damn, that wikipedia article reads like it was written by a communist. It's full of shit.

The wikipedia page is surprisingly accurate. That's exactly correct, but I would add something about it basically being created by GamerGate but empowered by Donald Trump.

fuck off buzzfeed

Various (((sources))) have described
Various (((sources))) have described
Various (((sources))) have described

fuck off CNN

2 weeks ago i said we should not identify as alt right and that its just kikes trying to pigeon hold us and lump us all together.If your against cuckservatisam then your a nazi alt right frog is the kike narative.And you guys all called me a faggot.

we should start record correcting, Sup Forums. Prep for the coming storm. Looks like fun. Start putting some echoes in there.

The "altright" or whatever the Zionist media will tell you isn't behind trump, we're #altright4hill

I find you kids sad not because I think you're naive but because you cant remember shit thats not even a year old.

I'll answer that one question for you for our own sake.
>Is it accurate?
No it is not.
Now fuck off and do your job, which i guess to you means interviewing as many people with victim complexes as possible so you can make us look like Satan to the ignorant masses.

Screw off

Shortest possible version - Gen X and Y are sick of getting the shaft by boomers want a fundamental change in the government and its priorities.

alt right

We are your end

This. I am a card-carrying member of the Alternative Right (we call ourselves "AltRight") for short. The kikes are out of control and they're running this country into the ground. This is why we support Hillary.


The Alt-Right is just conservatism/traditionalism with an infusion of white racial identity and the acknowledgement that Whites have valid group interests just as other groups do.

Awareness of the Jewish Problem also comes naturally into the equation once one starts noticing who is fighting most vocally against the Alt-Right phenomenon.

They probably called you a faggot because you are from Bosnia, not because of your political opinion.

A radical homosexual organization.


Why would (((Wikipedia))) lie?

Alt-right is just a pleasant (PC) way of saying fascist.

I am trying to understand the transatlantic political elite.

I've heared theories, that there is an increasing number of politicians and political activists who believe, the European peoples need to be abolished, so a Superstate can be formed.

Are these theories accurate?

It's essentially just the right-wing version of SJW bullshit.

Fairly well said. The anti-Jewish mentality generally seems to come from people noticing that they represent the most aggressive, loud, violent and serious people who feel the most hateful toward anything that gets said here.

It's a bunch of newfag redditors from gamergate that realized they don't like progressives, but they still support degeneracy.
It's not a real ideology, it's babby's first right-wing.

it's edgy teenagers who want to rebel against society, the leftists, and their parents, conservatives, at the same time. It's basically the same as republicanism except edge.

some (((experts))) beliebe

The alt-right is a fringe group of edgy, try hard authoritarian genetic failures.

This is a really good answer. A bunch of faggots got super peeved at GamerGate so they decided to throw a hissyfit.

Hello CNN, welcome to our board. As you can tell this is a board of peace where we preach tolerance and love for all races, religions, and cultures.
I hope you have an enjoyable stay here as you conduct your research.

Please be mindful of the memes, though some may cause offence, please know that they are merely crude jokes.

Peace be upon you, CNN, and may Kek guide your passage through life :^)

I agree, I was surprised by how well it summed up general Sup Forums consensus

Obviously this is a troll, but RZP made a great

Who wants to meet up for cup of tea lads. Thats code for newfolks. tea lads. its in the words. read it. between the lines. newfolks the truth is here the secreT code okay got you study Hard. study noW for TruTh. :^)

Alt-right isn't one thing. It's just a name for a bunch of people who don't support cuckservative shitheads like Bush and Rubio but are still right wing.

I thought it was just a blanket term for natsocs and libertarians.

The altright are fuccbois that think homosexuality and Jewry aren't cancer

Basically they are (((moderate))) liberals

HEY Sup Forums
y'all don't sound so good outside of your echochamber.
>when you realize that you are the bad guys.



>he doesn't root for the bad guys

There is no such thing as the alt right
Either you believe in conservative ideas or you believe in the identity politics of the 'progressive' left.
The label 'alt-right' is of identity politics in nature and is proof of the left trying to label what they don't understand.

t. pan-gender-queer-fluid-otterkin-latino/nigger

The altright are homosexual lolbertarians that like Pinochet memes.


Basically alt-right is the emulation of Donald Trump created by Adolf Hitler. It's a kind of right-wing libertarian worship like other right-wing libertarians like Joseph Stalin and Karl Marx.

#Gamergate is a proud proponent of the alt-right movement, mostly because #gamergate believes that women are only 3/5ths of a person.

Please include me in on your primetime news show Mr Brokaw.

Have a look at this friend. All fact, no theory.

actual grassroots not astroturf

I know the concept seems foreign to shills

The answers you seek are with Based Mike. Sieg Heil!

No they aren't!

They are white supremacist Hillary supporters! How dare you bring up conservative filth!

Well since every journalist in the country is scrambling to get a handle on us here goes: to me, the alt-right is a rejection of evangelical conservatism, the media, globalism, and feelings-based policy.

We look at things objectively. We laugh at zealots. We gleefully troll the ill-informed. We believe in freedom of speech, including the freedom to be offensive. We know that everyone has an agenda, and we point this out constantly. We know all the tricks, how we are called racist and homophobic and bigoted as a means to dismiss any voices that fall out of formation with the progressive agenda. It does not discourage us, because we listen to the words people say, not the team they represent.

We are classical liberals, trying to bring about a new age of enlightenment. We read 1984, and use it as a warning of what not to do.

is CNN the new newfags?

Probably was, chances are Sup Forums will be called out on news thursday and people will come here and to wikipedia page to see how evil the alt right is.

i think we should just post porn, hitler and anime all day thursday

I thought the alt-right was a coalition of NatSocs, fascists, monarchists and generally nationalistic people who believe in race-realism and oppose multi-culturalism and diversity.

The media seems to define it as any conservative who isn't a neocon or establishment republican.

The media also thinks that a half Jewish homosexual with a black guy fetish is the leader of the alt-right

This is how I feel it is, in reality.

We meme all day long, but in reality we despise what a pathetic political tool that the right in this country has become. Wrapped up in the politics and devices of people far more influential than themselves, they parrot inconsistent opinions and act as punching bags for the media.

Alt-right is the rejection of that. It's the realization that while the punching bags are incorrect, there is a very valid point which no one wishes to address: The very harming nature of progressivism and natural progression of fascist and totalitarian tendencies.

Good luck getting Sup Forums to admit to that, though. I suspect most people are here just to make dank memes.

Agreed. When it comes down to it, alt-right is a weaponized label, designed to wrap us up with other undesirables so that we can be easily discarded.



Remember when conservative talk radio became a thing? Make it more radical, and replace talk radio with internet circle jerk.

TLDR: A bunch of tin-foil hat wearing self-described nazis who take their political views from memes and a 14-year-old-tier reading of a crazy bitch's sci-fi fanfic.

>trusting Wikipedia for information on anything even remotely political