I just watched it, it was really bad and it obviously was directing it's hatred towards the alt-right, (podcasts, online boards, and people like Richard Spencer and David Duke)
what do you all think?
So give me the rundown on how you feel about Imperium
>((Daniel Radcliffe))
no you are just bad at watching movies.
it was showing them to be the good guys
Libertarians and Nazis are the same thing. Also, upstanding white men with families are secretly evil and you should hate them. Don't forget the six gorillion.
>inspired by real events
Didn't know that shitposting on Sup Forums counts as a real event
Don't you know Memes are real just like how anime will soon be under Trump
example here
This shit just fucking triggered me
Oy vey the only good whites are the ones who fight against racism
Get out of here reporter you're not even as intelligent as a human.
>muh Iraq: the movie
Why does Radcliffe think he's entitled to a career outside the Harry Potter movies? Every time he's in something it's a 3/10
Get the fuck back to Hogwarts, you poof
>Dunkirk movie following Brexit
>Imperium for alt right
They're really desperate to control the narrative right now.
Blaming white people for our problems. What else is new?
>Kosher salt
>Nothing fucking happens: The movie
I was surprised it was up front with how all these """""FBI infiltration"""" are literally FBI agents talking retards into committing terrorist attacks and even supplying them with the fake material so they can get an easy conviction, he does it at the start with a nigger and again with the Sup Forums folks and there's only any tension when they decide to use another real explosive
It basically just said nazis are pussies who just talk and will never do anything violent.
Which is basically true.
I thought it was good but the ending was stupid.
This. I swear he's in everything trying to remove his status as Harry Potter. He will always be Harry Potter and nothing else.
They made the KKK look like classy men when they are just drunk rednecks in real life.
Oh shit, that's out already? Sweet, time to watch Harry Potter become a Grand Wizard
It's not that, it's that his time as Harry Potter set him up for life. He still gets royalties even now from the HP films.
>don't do anything
Ya there's just that whole almost taking over the world period. You must have forgotten about that?
Hate crime laws that almost exclusively target whites made the kind of nazi shown in this film extinct. Seriously, if you get in a minor fist fight and just so happen to utter nigger, no matter the actual motive, you're getting locked up for 15 to 20. We fight with memes and anime now while the black and latin thugs duke it out. Hell, if anything you say that can be considered racist gets to your employer, you're out of a job (if you're white). Nigs really don't appreciate the speech they're allowed to have, and the same goes for Jews.
I'm glad that they made this movie. It means they're getting desperate. They had to make a movie to call white nationalists terrorists. All that you have to see that other groups are terrorists is turn on cable news.
Where can I watch it for free? Putlocker isn't loading.
Watched it last night. Decent movie.
Anybody else notice the similarities between Dallas Wolf and Rush Limbaugh? Their websites looked pretty similar.
Because he's a Jew