Who is getting in his ear?
This is bad shit, Ann Coulter addresses it: youtube.com
>inb4 CTR, JIDF, etc.
I'm posting because we all need to hold Trump's feet to the flames on this.
Who is getting in his ear?
This is bad shit, Ann Coulter addresses it: youtube.com
>inb4 CTR, JIDF, etc.
I'm posting because we all need to hold Trump's feet to the flames on this.
use meme magic, it's what made him anti-immigration in the first place
Well fuck, those digits command it so.
He's taking the smart and logical route of articulating what he meant in the first place.
Did you really think there would be brown shirted squads running around with butterfly nets?
Sup Forums just got cucked by Donald fucking Trump of all people
truly pathetic
I dunno man, it seems bad strategically. His instincts don't seem this poor. Is Bannon to blame?
Strategically, it makes perfect sense. And he has always been for enforcing the law. People just read more into, it as is evident by the 'Trump hates Mexicans' meme. He never actually said that. And based Hispanics (like my Mexican neighbors and Guatemalian neighbors) knew exactly what he was saying. That is 'get rid of the free loaders and those convinced of crimes.'
>The freeloaders
So, all the ones who didn't pay the proper fees and wait in the correct queues? The ones who overwhelmingly suck up government money for their anchor spawn's healthcare and education? All 11million+ of them?
>Stategically, it makes perfect sense.
It makes zero fucking sense. Trump's whole persona was built on telling it like it is. Not being a politician. This is the ultimate politician move and it just is gonna piss off his base that he needs to turnout in record numbers to win. The people who would benefit from amnesty aren't gonna vote for him anyway. Fuck.
Not all 11 million are freeloaders. Some are well fair queens, and they have to go back. Others who are seeking the American dream, they put in the que.
This is a good country, after all. Full of good hearted people. I think Sup Forums is a good reflection of that.
>I think Sup Forums is a good reflection of that.
Sup Forums is not cuckservative civic nationalists.
Little Benji
If this 'softening' is legit, he's lost my vote. He's just another globalist sucking the kike cock. Fuck him.
>Not getting the play nice meme
Are you really this thick?
Then who are you going to vote for?
What a pussy. Ban on muslims to extreme vetting, now this. Bitch
Trump always was a moderate on immigration, with a brand new H1B plan that even left-wing economists called brilliant.
The media just maxxed out their Race Card, Misogynist Card, and every other card they had, trying to Stump the Trump.
Now they're reporting statements Trump has been making for months as if they're a complete reversal from the "Kill All Mexicans" and "Make Muslims Wear Yellow Stars," that the reporters attributed to him, just like "I Can See Russia From My House" was attributed to Sarah Palin.
>If this 'softening' is legit
It isn't, he literally said "it's a hard thing to do"
That's one way to interpret it, that's not how any of the media have interpreted it. I sure hope so
He's not saying anything new. Nothing that he hasn't already said in the past. And this is what he's been hinting at recently.
If you didnt realize he was starting high to negotiate down youre retarded.
literally what his book says
This is what happens when you worship a man:
you become incapable of determining when he is lying, when he is deceiving, and when he is wrong.
Trump is the best of a bad situation and has been from the very start. I have supported him from the beginning.
I would not support him over any single good President we have had in the past, not one. That is how much contempt I have for every single candidate who ran. They are below even what I would qualify as a politician, they're not even trying. Trump is the kind of person who gave politicians a shitty but accurate name of being scumfuck garbage, but he's the only real politician there. The only other person close is a NWO Bilderberger who I would rather see dead than alive.
Press his shit on this, you're his supporters not his peons. Let him know that as a supporter you think that he needs to be tougher on immigration and support net neutrality. You need to let him know that you're supporting him because you believe him to be the only candidate capable of abiding by the constitution and protecting it.
He needs to know exactly why you support him, because if he knows that then he will know how angry the public will be if he falls through.
>Sup Forums thinks Trump can just win an election, walk in the white house, and be an authoritarian
You guys realize he has to win this thing, right? Maybe if Sup Forums was a larger base, he could be hardlined with extreme views, but to get the independent house wives and cuck dad vote, you have to seem malleable and fair.
He's taking a more reasonable approach.
Getting rid of hispanics who've been in the country for the better part of a decade just can't happen without serious casus belli like mass terror attacks or war.
He can stop more of them coming in, but he's not going to have much success getting the established ones out.
If he's smart, he'll just dis-incentivize these hispanics from living here. Forcing them to pay back-taxes and the like is part of that. It's easier to get rid of them if they CHOOSE to leave.
I suspect that as part of this initiative he'll work hard to get Mexico's political situation back under control and help eliminate the cartels so that mexico itself is more attractive to hispanics at the same time the hispanics already in the US feel the pressure to get the fuck out.
At least, this is what I'd do in his position. It's reasonable, and everyone benefits - except the ones interested in white genocide and the destruction of the american middle class.
Spot on. He needs to do this to widen his appeal. Otherwise were all fucked for the next 4 years, at a minimum.
Also, not to derail this, but we're working out some game plans for the immediate future. Check these out...
>Not all 11 million are freeloaders.
All 11 million are criminals, by definition.
And every one of them that holds down an 'honest' job does so at the expense of an actual legitimate citizen, both in terms of the job itself, the wage depression, and the burden on public services and infrastructure.
This is to say nothing of their genetic predisposition towards leftoid bullshit, criminality, and sleeping all day that will no doubt assert itself in their seven children even if they personally are able to overcome it.
They have to go back.
...that being said, even if Trump does amnesty some of them, his immigration position is still a million times better than Clinton's.
It won't cost Trump my vote if he softens, but at the same time it won't gain him any votes.
Rounding up 11 million people is going to be extremely difficult, even with widespread support for it.
It's more effective to convince them to leave willingly. Though probably not easier.
If by "work with them" he meant "disincentivise them out of the country rather than van them all", and not "amnesty", then fine.
I don't need all 11 million rounded up by blackshirts. Just a few, for the aesthetics.
>predisposition towards leftoid bullshit, criminality, and sleeping all day that will no doubt assert itself in their seven children
I used to think that to. But I've working with to many Mexicans that contradict that meme. Sure, they sleep off their hangover at lunch. But they're there when it's time to start and work like fuck, before and after lunch. That was all in the manual labor field of course.
>it won't gain him any votes
I'm concerned about that too. As many will see this as a ploy of a 'desperate' candidate. But hopefully some will be drawn in by this less aggressive stance. And hopefully, praise kek, upcoming wikileaks will cause more Shillary supporters to be disenfranchised and looking elsewhere. And there stands Trump, welcoming them with his reasonableness.
Reviewing the list
>Why is Trump cucking on immigration?
>Not all 11 million are freeloaders. Some are well fair queens
>Fuck him.
Thank you for:
Candidate CLINTON
and the
C.T.R. Initiative
have deposited 2 Shekels into your account.
D U B S: Lord KEK breeds the autism out of your line.
T R I P S: You never existed.
Q U A D S or Higher: Hillary strokes out after 1st debate.
the media is running out of ammunition against him right before the critical, final few months
Also Sup Forums is literally who tier for normal people with a life. So they wont care what is said on here.
niggerz luv 2 cuk
I'm not.
Why would he mention paying back-taxes if he wasn't planning on amnesty?
>hurr durr you're a shill if you don't support amnesty
Fuck off, kike.
It the "established" ones that are ruining the border states. Being asked separately if you're hispanic on every fucking government form, if you'll need a translator, if you've been in the country (without proof of legality) for X many months.
I live in central Texas, it's basically Mexico now.
So has trump actually softened his stance or is he just saying he is?
Because n the past trump has used the tactic of using softer language and talking about adjusting his policies while not actually changing his policy proposals in a meaningful way. It's not like he's the only one who does this either, it's a pretty standard political tactic. It's more or less like re-branding your product without changing it.
We'll pretty much have to wait until the 31st to be 100% sure. The town hall on Hannity did seem like he was willing to soften.
Trump always was moderate to left leaning on EVERYTHING. Hiss followers should be the most upset at his blatant flip flopping. You guys are supporting a leftist who says a couple of memes to get you to support him and when you know he thinks the exact opposite!
>donald trump will help mexico to eliminate the cartels
hahahahahahah that's what nobody takes this shithole seriously!! fuck off blue pill white cuck
More votes
>say youll be softer on immigration
>get elected