>Julian Assange is on "The Kelly File" right now, saying Wikileaks is releasing information on Hillary Clinton tonight.
This is too much high energy for one day. I need to lie down.
>Julian Assange is on "The Kelly File" right now, saying Wikileaks is releasing information on Hillary Clinton tonight.
This is too much high energy for one day. I need to lie down.
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Missed that cunt's show.. keep me posted
Could this be connected to Clinton's "alt-right" speech tomorrow?
Maybe Assange is trying to deliberately undermine it.
Assange is like the Spec Ops of shitposting, look at him dropping the tactical redpills
He deserves Hero of Memeviet Union
>"alt-right" a thing
I suspect Assange knows who Wikileaks' most loyal base is.
>high-level shitposting irl
Checks out
Well, we're a bastion of truly free speech, someone like Assange would certainly hold us dear in that regard.
what is it gonna be???????????????
thats not whats on fox right now
Fuck i wonder what time, gotta work in the am but dont want to miss this
Who dat?
>yfw assange is playing 5d chess
you guys are fucking clueless.
You realize if anything bad enough gets released Hilary will pull out of the race and bernie motherfuckign sanders will step in set the world on fire with his message.
Trump barely has a chance against hilary, you guys need her in this fight
"I'm sure this leak will finally put Hillary behind bars"
Says increasingly nervous man for the 4th time this month.
a Hillary Clinton presidency.
>tfw the Great Happening will be caused by irl Australian shitposting
I can't handle all this patriotism and shit
Praise kek
What are you talking about? Tim Kaine would take her place, you imbecile.
Thanks for Correcting The Record!
Someone needs to put a bullet in that faggots head he has no right butting into our political system. Hopefully Seal Team Six gets to him soon.
bernie was never in the cards
from day 1 he was sent to push a anti-trump message over digging into hillary. The millenial voter base wouldnt go to her and they were too big to ignore so he offered a limited hangout. He bowed out when he needed to, and even shilled for her.
I hope it's something that can be translated into normie memes so we can spread the message. It's gotta be something good if Assange is choosing to release it at a time like this.
hey shill. enjoy this song and remember what you are destroying with your cuckery
>Anyone holding any regard for Sup Forums
Sorry Helmut, not happening
she isnt president yet the vp doesnt just swoop in. the nomination would go to the candidate with the second highest votes during the convention.
Bernie fucking Sanders
CTR get the fuck out
The ballots are already set in most states sweetie.
The world feels like it's spinning out of control. le happy merchant being shown on Fox while the anchor says "cuck", Farage speaking at a Trump rally, #tits4harambe - the world feels like it's going mad. Is this the Meme Singularity?
No. It wouldn't. Especially after the campaign. The DNC made it very clear Bernie is not welcome. They are the ones that would decide who would end up running. Bernie would not be an option.
>Trump vs Sanders meme battle
Oh god yes!
It will not matter. The head of the FBI has already declared Hillary is above the law. Nothing will stop the coronation of the Empress, not even the electoral victory of Donald Trump.
I'm just your normal Sup Forums user, senpai
Repeating digits and the release is doubly damning.
Strategic - its up to us to pull the weight and meme it into the faces of all the normies that will stumble in over the next few days
This thread has no substance, OP is making some very dubious claims. Let us congregate to some other thread.
>Libshits cream themselves over wikileaks exposing le mean american army and torture
>Oh shit our side is being proven corrupt better scream and stamp our feet calling wikileaks doxxers and sexist racist bigots that will work how dare they expose the truth we don't like!
She doesn't realize that being so blatantly anti Trump is destroying her career.
I mean Megan Kelly
I'm not comfy anymore. Thermonuclear memefare is upon us.
Fuck you! We're correcting the record and letting the public know that Hillary is the TRUE WHITE SUPREMECIST CANDIDATE!
Is this your first say on Sup Forums?
My balls twill exlpolde!
He's not even a party member anymore, half his supporters hate him now for selling out to Hillary, and his socialist views make him a liability for the establishment.
I think they'd go with Biden. Kaine would be a stillbirth.
His last leak didn't do anything and she is up in the pills. Unless those new leaks have her hiring hitmen then I don't see how it's gonna affect her negatively.
>Sup Forums green frog 052
> Assange telling he is soon releasing the ultimate leaks
> never does.
i'm starting to loose faith anons.
> grren textu
would be awesome if he acts as our hero from the dark, saving us, our board from the fangs of the kraken which is about to unleash its tentacles tomorrow by spouting lies and twisting truth, and probably even twisting their own lies and assagne singlehandedly fends of this attack from the beast with his shield of truths and justice
This is Kek's world now, leaf. He has granted us infinite happenings. This is truly paradise.
His kingdom come, his will be done, on earth as it is on Sup Forums. We are not witnessing the end of days, but the start of his reign.
Praise Kek.
Unless it's something that sounds like Hollywood gossip, nobody will care. The emails, DNC, and Clinton Foundation have barely hurt her at all. Unfortunately America has become too numb to "politics as usual" scandals. We'll need something juicy like she solicits male prostitutes before America starts to care.
I thought he was going to release the biggest leaks before each debate.
I still don't believe Bernie was a Hillary plant. He looked way too depressed and upset when they were showing close ups of him at the DNC. I have honestly never seen a man look so JUST before.
That being said, he was a fucking cuck for bowing down to her, but he could have been threatened too.
I really hope so kraut user
Praise Kek, o dankest of memes. May his wisdom shower us like poo poo pee pee. May we be edified through his divine shitposts.
Where is getting "tonight" out of that interview? Assange just said it would come before Election Day.
LINK bread?
Assange is a smart fucker. If Hillary names drops Sup Forums or Sup Forums tomorrow, then its expect that this board of peace is going to be flooded with blue-pilled normies.
If it is as bad as Assange hints, then expect the leak to be the biggest red pill of all time and what better stage to discuss its implications than Sup Forums.
This shit is 7D High stakes water polo.
Does anyone have a confirm on the Kelly File happenings? I don't have cable so I can't confirm Assange said he would seed new HABBENINGZ
>The emails, DNC, and Clinton Foundation have barely hurt her at all
Have you even been following the news for the last 2-3 weeks?
She's collapsing both literally and in the polls. Some polls have Trump up by 2+ points nationally, even after the "reweighting" to "correct" them in favour of Clinton. Even the Cuckington Post are calling for the end of the Clinton Foundation. She's dying.
Please, Lord Kek, for the glorious lulz, please let this happen! Please make this happen!
oh so I guess they wouldnt have to change the ballots for Kaine then?
You underestimate how much the overall goal of getting a democrat to win matters. they will do anything and accept anyone if they are afraid of losing
Haven't watched it, but saw "tonight" mentioned on Twitter. Not accurate? Then I can go to sleep now.
>This shit is 7D High stakes water polo.
My God.
That would be even worse. Biden would destroy Trump and I am all for Trump. I just wanna see Hillary loss in a landslide after all this negative press/leaks
They already took reddit. No where else to go.
Lord Kek wills it! DEUS KEK VULT!
>thinks hillary in her state is able to realize anything.
Then why did they fight so hard to keep Bernie out? He would have won the primary if it wasn't for the documented DNC fuckery. Between him and Hillary, he was the only one that could have taken on Trump. Instead they chose the woman that has to BUY supporters.
Does anyone want to hop on steam or something and just talk about this habbening?
>Australian protecting the frog habitat.
Fucking aussies and their reptiles
I hope so. I don't kow if i can resist
>Didn't do anything
>Has been getting shitted on this whole week
>believing pollsters
Ya, he didn't say tonight or even hint at it.
This thread is tarded
Most underrated post of the thread
My point was that Biden might also have a better shot at winning now.
Everything would be a risk, they bet everything on Hillary and her historical vagina. Would be interesting to see what they do if she goes down. Probably try to assassinate Trump.
Anyone getting a vibe that people like Giuliani know something we don't about Clinton, like some kind of evil plan and he is trying hard to stop her?
Oh shit dude
Just a question, why do you use an Egyptian VPN?:
>You underestimate how much the overall goal of getting a democrat to win matters. they will do anything and accept anyone if they are afraid of losing
It's not about having a democrat win you absolute fucking bluepilled moron. It's about having an establishment candidate get the presidency. There is no fucking difference between democrats and republicans, both serve the same masters. You are as deluded and brainwashed as the SJWs if you legitimately believe there is any difference what-so-fucking-ever.
Donald Trump is an exception because he isn't fucking bought out, but their goal isn't to have a democrat win, their goal is to have an establishment politician win, and to have Donald Trump lose.
Fuck you guys who think republicans are good guys and democrats are bad guys, so fucking bluepilled you good fucking goyim.
So he can post pyramid and WE WUZ KANGS disinfo
If they do it may turn to civil war? The army already firmly believes Clinton is enemy.
>bad enough
>need her
pick none faggot. Have some (((You))) shekels, goy.
>No "donger"
There will be no civil war. Apart from some hard seperatists in the south, most of the United States is 'stable'. I doubt there would be any take up of arms in Massachusetts for example, or southern Illinois.
Tonight plz kek
Because trump is the freest presidency in the last 70 years.
They didnt need a decent candidate so they shoehorned the one with their interest at heart.
Dont know if you have noticed, but trump is losing badly and he is beginning to flip on all of his policies...
The Twitter rumor might be from some stupid wording, meaning Assange mentioned "he'd release material" tonight (read:in tonight's show)
that's the gayest thing I've ever heard