Hillary's making a gamble tomorrow, she's putting the "Alt-Right" and by association this site and us into the NATIONAL SPOTLIGHT, hoping our unconventional right wing views will be associated with Trump, turning into a PR disaster for him.

After her speech normies and planted CTR shills will flood this site, and you can expect ANYTHING will be used by the media to paint on Donald (ex. "Look at this typical post from a drumpf supporter", "Here's what we found after investigating Drumpf's secret radical white supremacist neo-nazi fanbase site" etc).

So what's the plan? So far we've got these:

>Operation Bi/pol/ar, go full pro-Clinton support and expose her racist views on BLM and numerous crimes, then defend them as the reason for our support, for 48 hrs

>Daily Redpill Threads, for the normies who will flock here in droves

>Any post that isn't pro-Shillary (for the first 48 hrs after her speech) or that paints us in a bad light is to be discredited and condoned by other posters. After all, Sup Forums is a board of peace and the posts of a few mentally disturbed radical individuals do not represent us as a whole :^)

>Maybe KEK worship threads, we need him now more than ever

Remember, while we can indeed celebrate because Shillary recognizing us is proof of our major influence and status as a dark horse in this election, we can't fuck up during our biggest moment. From tomorrow til election day this site will most likely be a clusterfuck (think the Cuckening from a few weeks back but worse), so this might as well be our last chance to get a plan out.

So let's put our country bantz aside for a moment, tomorrow we are all Sup Forumsacks, and we need to defend the vaterboard.
Any additional ideas are welcome.

Other urls found in this thread:







All-right isn't even Sup Forums. They're probably just talking about r/Donald or some shit.

Nothing will happen, nothing ever happens.




Sup Forums it's a board of peace


get hyped for nationalism brothers

Hillary will stop the super criminals

I'm with her because the democratic party has successfully kept the black man hooked on welfare for the last 60 years.

How about we transfer all Sup Forums-tier stuff to /po/ and maybe coordinate our effort from there?

You know her speech is going to be a big fucking strawman right? If she were honest she would have to actually talk about pepes n shit

If you want that plan to work, you need to drop most of the stuff posted in this thread. Nothing about sexual deviancy, nothing about drugs, nothing about immigration.

Just praise for Hillary's disastrous policies in the Middle East that have gotten 400,000 sand monkeys killed so far and her complete disregard for urban blacks in America itself.

If this plan goes ahead, I can play the dumb racist European who takes it seriously and supports Hillary.

I'm voting Hillary because blacks are just too dumb and weak to do anything without government help

Red pills. Take stuff from double Sup Forums redpill thread and post it here. Links, pictures, video.Everything. We need a blitzkreiz of activity for 36 hours. We need every Australian we can find. Call in the Canadians if you need to. Bantz and knowledge are our greatest weapons.


This is another chantey that originated as an African-American spiritual. It was often used as a "stamp-and-go" or a "walk away" chantey, meaning the sailors would hold on to the line and walk with it, creating a steady pull. This was used on the ship's braces, which swing the yards around. It was also used at the Downtown Pumps, the giant flywheels which resemble the wheels of a chariot. The song was also popular on shore, and has been used as a Salvation Army hymn and a "pep song" at baseball games.

bump, based mexican intelectual

This go full Hillshill for two days, talk up he Superpredator comment and the fact that she's fighting for abortions

Finally, a respite from SHARTing threads.

Put the infighting amongst ourselves away for the next 48 hours. This next 2 days will be used to redpill and convert normies. Lets keep firing on all cylinders until the Hillary offensive has been thwarted. Lord KEK grant me strength, not only for myself but for the legion of my brethren on this Mongolian ant-peddling forum

I just hope mexibros hold up their side of the bargain

Fuck off spic no one cares

This is now a NatSoc thread


australia pls no shitpost


Fuck off back to plebbit m8

You're the alt-rightists they're talking about. Sup Forums is a friendly bored of peace and you're ruining it. Come back when you're 18. Read a book k bye

We are not your shitty altright hugbox faggots


This is exactly the type of stuff we need.

Heil Hillary!


It doesn't matter what the criminal Hillary says about alt right or Sup Forums. They've been talking about it for two days now and any impact they think they'll get is gone. I just hope she brings up the ape that was hacked so she'll look like a moron and the false flag it was when they find it wasn't Sup Forums that did it.

Fuck off, I don't support that cunt Hillary

I support Trump, the only man who will empower the white men not only in America but all over the globe. We're taking it back from the kikes.


You're willing to destroy trump and any chance for the far right of getting any momentum because of LE DANK MAYMAYS XDDDDDD
You're the one who belong on reddit you fucking moron.


I agree there should be discretion if there's any mention of pol, but I highly doubt we're on the radar. Cfg threads have made a ripple but barely a dent in the normies perspective

P.S. thanks for correcting the record.

Friendly threadly reminder that """""operation bi/pol/or""""" is a CTR shill tactic.

It will be about as convincing as that KKK guy saying that he was voting Hillary in that one video.

>Not an argument
Wew lad, best get your walking boots on and fuck off back to plebbit

Get out kike.

Checked. We're going to war

I'm actually just your normal run of the mill cuckservative

yep, no extremisms to be found here

Get the fuck out of here you edgy teenager. You are embarrasing yourself


All heil for Hillary

>Sup Forums will always be a NatSoc board

normies get OUT

Dump whatever you have, we need ammo.

If they are paid to make trump supporters look bad. And the general public doesn't know shit about CTR, why wouldn't they just write the hate speech themselves. Say supper vulgar shit and then strawman it to Trump. Like say "I hope Lord Trump makes all the niggers hang" or something. Is CTR smart enough?

Get it spreading, Anons! #HeilHillary

>This is now an alt-right thread

You're never going to get Natsoc to rise again that way you fucking moron.


Back in the day GORE kept normies off the chan. I know many people have images saying Bernie was the shill/got screwed. Hill's health/emails/foundation. How is it possible that we think we're low on ammo?

when is Hillary"s speech?

You do realize it's an attack on Clinton right? We praise her for selling weapons to Saudi Arabia so they can kill more kikes, for using BLM as the pet niggers they are, etc etc. It's "ironically liking Shillary", if you will.


>0.05 cents have been deposited into your CTR pay account

Thank you for correcting the record!

Everyone but me gotta learn

The fact that they're even focusing on us proves they're either desperate to smear the right and trump, or that they're scared. We should just redpill anybody that shows up to shill



>Trump will make this the new American flag for a new American age.

WHat the fuck is your plan? You think just posting of bunch of nazi photos will get people to elect the natsoc party 2.0? You're delusional or a fucking shill.


Thank you for correcting the record!



Thank God Hillary is going to limit free speech and 2nd ammendment


if this cuck on reason knows aobut Sup Forums, Hilldog does to. I expect Sup Forums to be mentioned by name tomorrow


What was the cuckening?



TFW they are already here.

TFW they just use old messages instead like the ones today planning to pretend to be Hillary supporters.

TFW this is a poorly thought out scheme.

TFW we should do it anyway because I want to shout BRING THEM TO HEEL all day tomorrow.

How much does clinton pay australians to shitpost?

Hey you fucking Aussie shit, this all nazi shit is AIDS. You should consider going outside, and look a rounded ass, this allNatSoc shit is just edgy weaboo shit

What should we do about the Trump general? Put it in reserves until it's over?

KEK will give us strength in these dark times.


All flags, even Canadians, must work together on this. We need that bitch to lure them here so we can destroy her.

I know, when Al Gore still ran the internet he created, before he gave up stewardship to the U.S. Gov

Hello nigger, consider ending your life.

I disagree highly. This election has shown the power of Sup Forums we may make small ripples. But we make a fuck ton of small ripples, and together they can be so much larger and widespread.

This recent influx of shills has shown the ever expanding dominion of Sup Forums. This place will be shown into the light for the first time, (probably first time in a long time most of the people here well have seen sun)...but again they doubt our culture we have developed on this board, Sup Forums is very definitive culture with our own little rituals and colloquisms. Outsiders and shills are easy to spot. If we can prevent from collapsing in on ourselves we may have the ability to make some normies swallow the red pill

>implying trump doesn't pay me in rare nazi memorabilia

i love watching white people chimp out

Im with you,Leaf.This is a stupid plan hatched by self important faggots who clearly have nothing better to do than larp as keyboard warriors for Trump.Instead of encouraging intelligent Trump posts and legitimate questions about Clinton we're going to plaster nazis everywhere and scream about gassing kikes.

>trump sleeps with a book of hitler speeches under his bed. He is the chosen one.

The natsoc stuff is pretty good on regular Sup Forums, but he's purposely trying to destroy the reputation of the right for his globalist employers.

he's right, but keep posting the images

I like them, but it's not going to get any new natsoc movement, especially because the symbols are baseless since all of european peoples couldn't have the same founding mythology as the nazis did

like I said, I like the aesthetics thouh

>hillary awoo

I love watching white people too, we truly are the master race!

i would say *just freedom of speech* and particularly BERNIE type speech

I'll consider it when the NatSoc returns to political spotlight

Fuck you pleb