Hillary's making a gamble tomorrow, she's putting the "Alt-Right" and by association this site and us into the NATIONAL SPOTLIGHT, hoping our unconventional right wing views will be associated with Trump, turning into a PR disaster for him.
After her speech normies and planted CTR shills will flood this site, and you can expect ANYTHING will be used by the media to paint on Donald (ex. "Look at this typical post from a drumpf supporter", "Here's what we found after investigating Drumpf's secret radical white supremacist neo-nazi fanbase site" etc).
So what's the plan? So far we've got these:
>Operation Bi/pol/ar, go full pro-Clinton support and expose her racist views on BLM and numerous crimes, then defend them as the reason for our support, for 48 hrs
>Daily Redpill Threads, for the normies who will flock here in droves
>Any post that isn't pro-Shillary (for the first 48 hrs after her speech) or that paints us in a bad light is to be discredited and condoned by other posters. After all, Sup Forums is a board of peace and the posts of a few mentally disturbed radical individuals do not represent us as a whole :^)
>Maybe KEK worship threads, we need him now more than ever
Remember, while we can indeed celebrate because Shillary recognizing us is proof of our major influence and status as a dark horse in this election, we can't fuck up during our biggest moment. From tomorrow til election day this site will most likely be a clusterfuck (think the Cuckening from a few weeks back but worse), so this might as well be our last chance to get a plan out.
So let's put our country bantz aside for a moment, tomorrow we are all Sup Forumsacks, and we need to defend the vaterboard.
Any additional ideas are welcome.