I fixed the Middle East
I fixed the Middle East
Can't fix the middle east. Ever.
It's done.
pure autism
>Egypt doesn't own Sinai
Letting all those shitskins into a white country like Greece...
Replace that large Syria with Greater Israel and you would be correct.
You're an Arab-loving, West-hating idiot if you can't get on board with Greater Israel.
but where is israel ;^)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
You know the misssion of Israel is to make it the "capitol of the world' that contains the "world courts" right...?
so we where for 900 yrs under hungary, austra(austria was good to us we idnt complain much) but hungary wanted us to become hungaryans... didnt worked out... serbs i wont even mention we crushed them in a war... we had only like 2 mayor offensive operations and crushed them for 5 yrs. we only deffended and prayed that nato and UN will let us make offansive operation to free our cuntry from that mislim-slavs that had help from france and GB(UNPROFOR)
Bring back the Kingdom of Jerusalem! No Saracens, no Jews, only French Catholic nobles to rule the Holy Land!
t. Greekfag
Forgot Georgia you shamale
This is legitimately the worst map I have ever seen
That perspective is terrible, shame on Benny
Israel belongs to the christians.
not white.
only Niggers say that.
I like what I see