Has life itself become too complex? Is that why so many are full of anxiety and depressed and downright miserable? Is it all because of everything feeling so unnatural?
And on that note do people not want to have kids only because it has become such a complex task? Look at animals they just let their children hang on them and suck on their titty occasionally not this $100 car seat and $150 stroller and expensive ass diapers nonsense and that's just the tip of the iceberg. Like farmers back in the day probably just let their 1 year olds waddle around the farm with no pants so they can piss and shit wherever they like with no worries. Oh and actually let young kids run around unsupervised with no fear of them getting a few cuts and bruises.
Legalize prostitution and make it possible to have fair, reasonable contracts for things like marriage, cohabitation and children.
Bentley Roberts
Is that a dog-crusher?
Brandon Watson
wat a silly dog!
Jack Moore
It's porn. Porn is doing this to the minds of young men. That's literally it
Jack Torres
Where are you getting those prices.
I just paid 650 for a stroller and nearly 300 for a car-seat for my son.
Ayden Lee
Post pics of one or both and I'll give you an opinion.
Lincoln Sullivan
You mean your wife's son
Samuel Flores
>I just paid 650 for a stroller and nearly 300 for a car-seat for my son. lmao
Australians are cucked as fuck.
Henry Carter
Isaiah Ortiz
hehe douge
Cooper Bailey
Not for our brains. You have something called a neocortex, which is a couple centimeters thick, much larger than other animals, exists on top of underlying instinctual and automatic hardware in the brain, and is a wonderfully general pupose learning machine. It can weigh many different things at once in the abstract to make decisions. Our society is not too complex for this thing.
Things are expensive because necessities are becoming more expensive. The data tells us people are spending more on things that they have to buy - insurance, mortgages, loans - and less on things which make for a good life - food, clothing, appliances. At the same time, wages are not increasing.
A 150 dollar car seat is not such a big deal, unless most of your earning go to a bank which is practicing unfettered usury and exploitation. What's leftover from the banks is pilfered by the governments, which are owned by the banks and operate on their behalf to enforce their monopolies.
What's leftover from that is what you're expected to live off of. For most people, this is not a lot.
Things suck because most of your productivity is aimed at making somebody else rich beyond your imagination. They have so much wealth that you literally do not understand their point of view, and they do not understand you. But they do own you.
Jack James
Anxiety and depression are mental illnesses caused by highly developed brains.
People dont want kids because they are expensive as shit, mammals and birds raise their young until they become teens then tell them to gtfo and fend for themselves, reptiles and others just lay eggs or squirt the sperm into the water and then leave their babies to grow up all alone without ever knowing their parents even existed.
Chase Howard
>Things are expensive because Spoken like a true over-neocortical Jew. After you consider the brain structure of various animals, you will learn that those with too much neocortex are dumb as shit, just like Jews.
James Cook
We're probably living through the times of greatest complexity, the decades before automation really relieves most people of work and technology actually helps us to live more free and uncomplicated lives, and the economic system adapts to allow everyone to live decently. Right now we're going through a difficult transition
Adam Richardson
People certainly feel much more stressed and rushed in the city.
In old times people didn't have strict schedules. You didn't need to rush to work because your job often was where you lived. You took breaks at your own discretion. You didn't have a ton of stupid appointments, bills, papers to fill, and other shit to do. It was a slow and relaxed lifestyle, even if you worked hard at times. It was easier than a modern 40h lifestyle from what I understand.
Brayden Baker
>One of the most elite groups in our world >They're stupid! Ignoring reality isn't going to fix the problems, user.
Thomas Cook
Assuming you were like typical animals, and gave no fucks about our kids (which isn't true of all animals, btw), it would still not be in your interest to let your child go unsupervised. If they seriously hurt themselves, or died, then you'd be imprisoned for child neglect/man slaughter.
People who treat their children like shit are (understandably) not viewed well in society at large. Sup Forumsacks take the "tough love" approach way too far, to the point where the edge cuts them in half.
Mason Perry
Have you ever lived among high concentrations of Jews?
Mason Kelly
All part of the (((agenda)))
Jonathan Edwards
I was a free range kid, parents kicked us out most days, no TV but fed well. It's really weird today, helicopter and even bulldozer parents. Live and let die, it's part of natural selection and we are interfering with that at our own peril. I think what OP says is obvious, for one thing sitting kids down all day in a classroom is insane, especially for the boys. They should be out in the playground bumping each other off all day everyday.
Hunter Martinez
Maybe nobody cares if American kids die.
Samuel Anderson
I think he was just using a hyperbole to say that people are way too protective of their kids nowadays. I grew up out in the country back in the 90's and when my friends and I were 5-6 years old our parents let us play out in the forests for hours without supervision. Someone would come and yell when dinner was ready, you ate and then went out and back at it. If someone wanted to play you just asked your parents if you could play with X and if they said yes you ran or rode your bike there, even if your houses were over a mile apart.
In contrast, I've often found myself being the 'babysitter' for my younger cousins during our family gatherings. They lived in a really nice and secluded place with a playground just a few hundred meters away, behind a small forest with a clear-cut path through it. It didn't matter that they were 7 & 8 years old, they had to have someone accompany them if they wanted to play over there.
People worry too much nowadays. They think their kid is going to get kidnapped or molested by a pedophile, or slip and break their neck.
Jeremiah Morgan
>has to buy dragon ball z spaceship capsule for a trillion dollars so his kid wont spontaneously die
Juan Adams
I don't think that civilization is the problem but the contemporary way of life in the West is a problem for the individual and future generations of people. Isn't it too bad that if we Western people want to participate in society we've got to go into debt and work insecure jobs at low cost just to buy foreign consumer goods so we can provide for ourselves and try to have relationships mediated by technology? There's less and less cultural inheritance and there's more and more loneliness or distractedness. Don't forget that we're caught up in this mess too.
Ryder Rodriguez
Human advancement has outpaced our evolution
Matthew Jones
>Has life itself become too complex? Is that why so many are full of anxiety and depressed and downright miserable? Is it all because of everything feeling so unnatural? It's because of the proliferation of information thanks to the internet.
For centuries, millennia, even, man was only concerned with his immediate surroundings. There was no real big picture for him.
Then came along things like newspapers and television. Man could learn a lot more about the world beyond his immediate surroundings. This would be troubling for him, but not overtly so, especially since the media filtered and condensed current events for him.
But now we have the internet. We can see all sorts of biased and unbiased information from around the world. Millions of media outlets all fighting for our attention. Uncertainty over what is or isn't true, uncertainty over what our opinion even is. Uncertainty over what is and isn't important. We can easily get sucked in and distract ourselves from our more immediate problems. Shit's overwhelming to our simple brains.
Gavin Hill
love this meme
Samuel Baker
only appears that way because of all the lies and deceit that society uses to make itself appear necessary
I don't want to have kids to bring them into the shit the world has become.
Also Argentina is the last place where I'd have kids.
Cooper Parker
>Collusion= Intelligence So Irish gypsies are intelligent now? They stick together and collaborate as a whole like the Jews do
Ethan Cruz
>Has life itself become too complex?
Yup. And purposely so. I think about this all the time. They want us to exist in a system where we're technically "free" but there's so much bullshit we all have to jump through socially, financially and legally that we can't really do shit.
Just think about the sheer magnitude of information we all consume on an average day. It almost makes me sick when I really think about it.
>Come over here >Drive there >buy this >look at this sign >look at that sign >buy some of this shit too >Read this >Oh look at what happened today >Oh look at these thousands of different opinions from different people about what happened today >Fill out this form >Get this call >THINK ABOUT ALL THIS STUPID SHIT
Nathan Collins
>Things suck because most of your productivity is aimed at making somebody else rich beyond your imagination That's been the case for thousands of years, thanks for contributing absolutely nothing to the conversation
Wyatt Jones
>or slip and break their neck. Tbh some of the shit that I did as a no-supervision kid is fucking scary and dangerous in retrospect.
William Phillips
That's supposed to be normal so that you shape the fuck up.
Isaac Ward
kids are springy, they'll be fine. When I was seven I used the front brakes of my new bike instead of the rear ones, and flipped over the handlebars into a ditch as deep as I was tall then. Had to climb myself out and carry my bike back home. I used to peel my knees raw falling down skating in the road.
They'll get over it, getting hurt is part of being alive.
Tyler Cruz
It's not that life is getting too hard. It's easier than ever before to just survive or even reproduce. The problem is that life is getting too confusing and too complicated.
So many of us focus on things that mean little to us (alienation in the Marxist sense, but also just the unnaturalness of many of the tasks we're required to do.)
Aside from that, it's not only the alienness but the complexity. To be a dumb person and survive you're viewed as a failure and society is considered a failure to not make you into a high-powered professional or something. There just aren't jobs for dumb people anymore. In addition, dumb people are at disadvantage in a lot of other ways. They're the people who fall for obvious advertising gimmicks and predatory financial schemes. The more freedom and complexity a society has, the more it's like a penalty on dumb people though they may still be hard-working, honest and kind.
Nicholas Phillips
Go eat some tubers you luddites.
Jaxon Moore
Carson Cruz
Technology is causing a lot of it. Studies have shown that facebook causes stress and anxiety. This is why "normies" are now developing these disorders. Constantly wondering what people are posting about them and what their friends are doing. People are measuring their lives against others, its like a contest of who can pretend to be important the best and who has the most friends. People used to gawk at celebrities because they lived their lives in the public eye. Now anyone can be a celebrity on youtube or facebook.
Samuel Evans
That was method #3 in Iserbyt's book about brainwashing children. I have one of the last remaining physical copies of her books.
I don't think she understood at the time she wrote it how powerful that innovation would be. That was back when people were generally regarded to be sane.
Dominic Anderson
No it really hasn't. It's just that every fucking molecule of power has been moved exclusively into the hands of evil people and men are becoming more evil literally every decade.
People keep arguing that life is "getting too complex". Life on this planet is anything but complex. It's retardedly simple actually. It's just wrong.