Operation Red Pill

Gentlemen, tomorrow, August 25th, 2016, is a date which shall live in infamy. The normies will be launching a full assault on:

Facebook and Twitter Shitposters
And other secondary Alt-Right platforms

It is your duty to organize a counter offensive, in what will be the greatest red pilling of normalfags in the history of the world.

Guidelines and Tips.

1. Eliminate unnecessary coded language and inside jokes. Our propaganda must be digestible by the normie.

2. Give full answers to anti-fa/sjw trolls, complete with links to articles and youtube videos. We must humor AND inform.

3. Of course, blitz them with your dankest of memes.

4. Controlled opposition. Do not be afraid to play the part of a retarded lefty. The normies need to see us slaying bodies....we aren't above a false flag thread.

5. Keep threads on topic, and do not allow the thread to be derailed.

6. No fag shit or infighting. Direct your hatred outwards.

7. Be as savage, edgy, and politically incorrect as possible.

8. Do not limit threads to one topic, show some diversity. I want shitskins, clintons, jews, nazis, bankers, rapefugees, crazy Antarctica shit, etc. Now is your chance.

9. #RIPHarambe

10. Kek wills it


>We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be. We shall meme on the beaches, we shall meme on the landing grounds, we shall meme in the fields and in the streets!

Other urls found in this thread:




What the fuck is this? Guidelines?

Fucking bump
It's time for us to unite against the real enemy. All the countless man hours we've been training. The CTR brigades. The shitposting. Tomorrow is the day it all comes to focus. Be ready.

There are no rules to war faggot....I just like making lists and shit.

Where does happy merchant fit into your master plan?

Gee I wonder

I'll be incredibly disputed if we don't have merchants in every fucking thread....

But make sure you follow up with some Dr. William Pierce red pilling videos on youtube....

We need to smash this fucking Overton Window wide open


rev up some Ford quotes, too


Godspeed gentlemen.

In all seriousness, here take this.



Bampen this based bread. Well done OP




Thank you for those screencaps. They will make fine ammunition.


This is it men. We must redpill like we've never redpilled before. Show no mercy gentlemen.

All these dumbasses who want to stop being pol, on our big day....uggh

Just gas the mofos



RIP Barry Chamish, fighter for truth.


>added to cringe folder

Added you to retard folder....

Haha, am I right guys?....Guys?


What about based nathan

Good shit. Bumping.

I'll add that we should create the narrative that we're carrying the Occupy torch, standing up against the (((1%))).

>inb4 tomorrow's happening is fucking nothing like everything else on Sup Forums

Why the fuck not?

All cylinders should be firing.

This can be the new Gamergate.

For sure.

Honestly, the most difficult obstacle will be getting burgers to give a single fuck about europe

>eliminate unnecessary coded language and inside jokes
>blitz them with your dankest memes

don't these guidelines contradict each other a little bit?

Normies btfo

Fuck europe


Guess you get to choose your path you Canadian bastard


Ok, so don't rip on shitskins with me.

Fucking retard,

are you retarded? Our best defense is the normies have no idea wtf they're looking at and only get the impression we're hateful. It plays into the fact they're completely ignorant of how much is satire. Ideally we should be promoting something retarded, like race-mixing to eliminate the black population just to fuck with them cause they can't object to it without being against racemixing.

I can't wait to shut down their smarmy, effeminate, leftist bullshit with logic

They think we're knuckledragging raysiss hillbilly nazis

This is a benefit

I'll do controlled opposition and play the dumb brazillian favelado.

how about you just stay in your cage, make things look good for the zookeepers

Kek wills it!

Then do so.

The chaos of pol is what makes us great.

You make a thread encouraging the race mixing genocide of nigs, and I'll make one talking about how race mixing is a sin, another will talk about race mixing as white genocide.....

Eventually, the issue is hit from every way possible....and the victim swallows that pill

Last time i tried some fucking kid jumped in my keep and i got shot.

should be fun

read number 9

god bless you user

we may be the last hope of this god forsaken site, when we win and this site gets to live on let all know which board saved it

fair point, favelado it is

honestly, I thought that all the boards were visited by the same people in the begining.

I was like....what kinda of faggot nazi nerd...scientists are these people..,da fuk?

Then i learneneded

How's your country doing there, Omar?


also make this a general of sorts

call it /OP/ Operation Redpill

its Ahmed

and its going great, ISIS are gone, War is over, rebuilding is in effect despite fracture in government

despite all this chaos our gd* is higher than most and currency is stronger than the Saudis

I think when the shy normies come in...and find out that way are willing to go 'there' they will be immediately consumed in interest.

Eventually, they will join our ranks. We are gonna win so much, you'll get sick of winning.

Just a short history lesson about trump
> has over 3,500 lawsuits in his past, more than any previous presidential candidate

> one of them is a woman who sued him over a sexual assault, and he made a deal with her to drop the case. theguardian.com/us-news/2016/jul/20/donald-trump-sexual-assault-allegations-jill-harth-interview

> Many of the lawsuits are due to him not paying in time to his workers

> Scammed people for tens of thousands of dollars in trump university

> Said he was a democrat

> Said Hillary clinton is terrific and a great secretary of state only 3 years ago

> Flip flopped positions on isis

> Said he will keep nukes in the table even when talking with europe

>Said he might nuke isis

>Said he wants the US to be involved in Libya back when decision were needed to be made

> He still thinks vaccines cause autism even though every single study proves otherwise

>Wants to revert the court decision in regards to gay marriage

Btw in case you are too lazy to google sources:







This isn't about trump...when will you understand?

He is a medium, not out end goal.

I will spam nazi ponies
>how will CNN exain it?

ignore him, half of the claims dont have sources

welcome to Sup Forums

Glad to hear that!



Oh shit, Pol's biggest weakness.

Canadian and Australian Shitposters.

Pol is fucked without an IP Ban.

Get Jap Moot to IP Ban Can and Aus

No, just Canada.

No, dumbass, we're saying that we're having guests over and we need to clean up the clutter, wash our face, and put our pants on. It's called "putting your best foot forward". We're looking to make a good impression, and giving unfiltered, raw Sup Forums isn't going to give the normies a good impression.

It's like starting with the darkest hoppiest beer you can find to someone who's never had beer before: it might be great beer, but the person you're giving it to isn't ready for it: they need to start with something weaker it doesn't overwhelm them.

The mods better be on point. They are going to put a spotlight on this place and then post child pornography and get this place shutdown.
This is how they operate. Come on guys you should know this shit by now.