i think he makes a strong case.
Elon Musk: the odds that we are in 'base reality' is one in billions
Whats 'base reality'?
Life is a video game
The odds of life as we know it here on planet earth is one in billions
So why was I created to be a virgin? not fair
Sounds like "we are the center of the universe" shit to me, for a smart guy he sounds pretty retarded.
why do people assume this guy knows anything about virtual reality? He's a genius but he has no actual knowledge about this specific issue.
He's the new Copernicus. You along with everyone else are a bunch of idiots.
Why can't we just fuck off and let society collapse? This augmented reality that we live in already exists.
>dude what if, like, the universe isn't actually REAL
This idea is literally a rehash of the old "brain in a jar" scenario.
Pseudointellectuals believe everything he says so they can repost it on Normiebook and look deep.
We are the center of the universe. Any ideas to the contrary are speculation.
The universe has no center because it is infinite.
what happens after dying?
I always had a pet theory that we live in the "normal" universe which is a reference point for the others
The other worlds have gods and all sort of weird ass laws of physics
This right here.
As far as we know, we're the only thing in this universe that can contemplate it. The universe being a thing and existence itself is experienced only by living things on Earth.
As far as we know, we are the center of the universe
really makes u think.....
Watch the Thirteenth Floor, a movie about exactly what he is talking about.
There is nothing new about this way of thinking. This theory shares the same roots as theology or scientific principles. Essentially, it's impossible to rationalize or solve problems that are beyond us. Elon's theory asserts that there is something beyond our consciousness, therefore it's impossible to prove or disprove.
Nothing new; the discussion is just framed in a different perspective. Move along.
>all these pagans
Sup Forums is a Christian board, fedora tippers.
so if the odds of life being a video game is one in a billion. And the odds of user being born are one in 400~ quadrillion. And if you considered the odds of user winning the jackpot lottery to be even greater than that yet it still occurs.
Mathematically it should mean life IS a video game then no?
This tbqhwyf
Musk is a total retard addicted to government money.. I mean AI comming to get us, Hyperloop bullshit and now these philosophical ramblings.
SpaceX and Paypal are his only really good products.
Base reality means reality as it really is, not artificially created.
god scientists are fucking stupid
spacex and paypal were pretty revolutionary.
based on his successes to failures, he did bretty gud fampai
Paypal isn't anything special. If he hadn't made it someone else would have.
If it is infinite, every point is its center
He does make an extremely compelling case and it makes me extremely uneasy.
But it would prove certain things including:
1. Intelligent design
2. Reincarnation/afterlife
3. The big band (when this game was turned on)
You know how sometimes you create a character with all the sliders turned up or down for lols?
Eternal unconsciousness
I think whoever designed this character used a lot of mods
Hope you saved.
You enter spectator mode and get to fly around with noclip
More like you're a data point in a civilization emulator right up until the ones running it get enough data and erase everything
Thinking it's some afterlife you'll wake up to when you die is just as stupid and self centered as the people who claim a religion solely out of fear of death
I don't understand his "argument"? Is it really even an argument? Where did he come up with the billions figure? Can he show us his mathematics?
You can literally go to the science board of an underwater anime cosplay fan forum for a discussion of the same question with 20 times as much depth.
>paypal was founded in 1998
I agree electronic payments are a natural progression. The innovation was seen miles away. But you can't discredit the people who put the work in the here and now to materialize those innovations into reality.
Then you noclip into a womb, mid coitus
As in, we can be a simulation in a simulation in a simulation running in base reality. Simulated realities outnumber the real ones.
what if instead of reality being a video game, the video game is reality
he was pushed out of paypal so (((investors))) could nerf it; otherwise all financial transactions would now be transparent and in bitcoin.
>makes assertion
Proof please.
The billions is operating under the assumption that technology will continue progressing at some rate. Right now, there are billions of PCs and consoles capable of playing video games, with tens or hundreds of millions of them being at or near cutting edge graphics. 40 years ago, the number of machines on the world capable of playing pong were in the thousands. Eventually, technology should progress to a point where there are billions of machines capable of running simulations as realistic as the one we live in right now.
First of all he isn't a scientist. The man who came up with this argument, nick bostrom is also not a scientist. I think we see pattern here. People who are suggesting this argument none of them are scientists and they have no clue how a simulation works, they think it's magic. They also think computing capability will scale to infinity, that there is no hard limit. They're also unable to concieve that for simple logical reasons, you can't simulate a universe at same size and resolution, while you are limited to the matter and energy in that universe. You can't simulate a transistor with one transistor. You can't simulate an atom with one atom. This is outright absurd to anyone with in depth knowledge of simulations. Yet noone is calling them out on their bullshit, that's why I'm mad.
Elon Musk can't even realize when some golddigger is after his money, like he knows anything.
>We will soon have video games that are indistinguishable from reality
His argument is stupid because those videogames will only be indistinguishable from from reality from a visual standpoint. They won't simulate molecules and atoms, and will only simulate a very small portion of the laws of physics.
Even if we could create a computer that can literally simulate the law of physics to a full extent, it would require such an amount of energy that it wouldn't be feasible that everyone could have such a machine running in their desktops. I'm pretty sure there is something somewhere in the laws of physics that would limit the amount of calculations such a computer could perform based on the amount of energy it would need to tap on, because when you simulate reality to the sub-atomic level, it is not really a simulation anymore, it becomes reality and you can't create mass and energy out of nowhere.
The blanket, right?
I guess that makes it easier to take when one of your cars drives someone into the side of a semi.
He says there are two possibilities but really there is at least one more.
We could see the end of Moore's Law at any time. Processor development could hit a hard physical limit within the next five years for all we know.
"science people", people that back their sci-fi delusions with muh probabilities and feed the media with bullshit (we live in a simulation, we should beware of supreme space civilizations!!!11! post-industrial utopia is near we will never have to work againnn), you know what I mean
Here's a simple one using modus ponens:
If humans are the only creatures capable of contemplating the universe, human consciousness is the center of the universe.
Humans are the only creatures capable of contemplating the universe.
Therefore human consciousness is the center of the universe.
if you do well they upload your conscious to a real robot
unfortunately, all of us have already failed
throw global warming in that list and we are good
to go.
He makes a compelling case that ultimately fails to take some serious things into consideration. Primarily the fact that it is entirely possible that even though our technology in that regard has advanced incredibly in a very short amount of time, it's entirely possible that it could come to a grinding halt at any time.
We'd have to advance technology to a point that we'd be able to randomly generate 99.9999(ect)% of everything, without error, for somebody to create a universe like ours and keep it functioning. Just take a walk outside and think about how complicated everything is. Just taking into account the wind alone, and its effects on everything is probably an impossible task. Now think of all the insects, animals, and people running around interacting at any given moment. Now break that down to a microbial level, or further. It's more probable that we nor anything else will ever achieve this level of computing power or technology.
Can't stand this guy and I will NEVER buy a new Tesla so he doesn't get any money from me.
He should have NEVER gotten a government loan for a very risky business.
This retard is only rich and famous because he invented Paypal, no one should listen to the crap he says.
Are people in this thread really shitting on actual genius and visionary Elon Musk? You sound like a bunch of fedora tippers.
>bigger batteries
I think you are confusing him with Tesla.
>teheheh let me post my ebin reply XD rofllamao
The only thing Tesla ever did was invent some retarded coil that doesn't even do anything useful
>I think you are confusing him with Tesla.
Tesla was a fucking autistic idiot who couldn't make any money with his "ideas". I don't know of any genius who has made them self rich. Elon Musk is not a genius.
What if the real "base reality" is a Universe near its end, and the final bastions of incomprehensibly intelligent civilizations found a way to pretty much nearly stall its inevitable heat death, and they're running the simulation series for pleasure, and to also seek a solution through spontaneous genius within the simulations, but even the simulations are subject to Universe heath death
This is the most likely case
That is, if their laws abide to ours, which i doubt because just a simulation like ours would be heavily dependant on energy dissipation and thus, entropy, making it unsusteinable longterm
unless the creator of the simulation is some kind of super advanced artificial intelligence
You control your avatar fagot.
go home, mexican intellectual
Since it is basically PROVEN that we are not in the real reality, why did our creators make this "GAME" so shitty?!!!!!!!!!!!
It's all graphics and no gameplay! We as humans can't do much of anything.
Is he autistic?
And alternating current. And the electric motor/generator.
>why did our creators make this "GAME" so shitty?
It was cheaper and faster to go fully procedural.
You put 18 quintillion star systems in a game mostly just for marketing purposes, and if you're using a cheap gimmick like that, you're probably not exactly treating it as a work of art.
Perhaps their scale of time/energy/entropy/et al are magnitudes more significant than ours, and we're basically a sped up version of their reality
When you speed up the Sims, it's not like the AI 'knows' any different
This is a simulation.
Were placed here shortly after birth.
Through advanced science and technology We experience a lifetime in a short period, maybe a year, maybe a decade, whatever, not long by our standards.
At the end of our ''life'' were pulled out of the simulation as articulate mature educated people with a clear record of our mental abilities and moral standing.
From there we are processed and put in our place in a perfect communist society.
Get ready to join the shitposting corps the moment you die anons!
it's a slouch hat cunt
This isn't even his fucking theory, it's been around since the dawn of computing.
This world is a simulation. A PRISON simulation. But not a computer simulation. It is a simulation created merely by the willpower of a super being. But NOT God! A very evil and greedy being.
We were once beings on par with him. But he does not want the competition. For every one of us he defeats he puts us in this prison of his own design. While he is taking everything of true value in the base reality, we are sent here with our memories wiped to chase false treasures. (Money, Cars, Houses, Women, anything to keep us DISTRACTED, and waste as much as our time as possible).
Once we reach a certain age we die, this is to have our memory wiped again to keep us from EVER learning the truth. If we had enough time we would figure it out.
How do I know? I was raised in a Hindu clan in India. The most ancient clan. They had direct contact with the gods through the use of Hindu magic. This allowed them to astral project to the Akashic realm.
That is why our tasks on this planet never end. To keep us permanently distracted. That is why you have to piss, shit, sleep, eat, fuck. It's all to interrupt you from thinking about the nature of reality.
That is why all these false treasures are placed here to distract you so that the one who imprisoned us can take everything of real value while we chase the fake stuff he put here.
I know the meaning of the universe but I'm not saying.
What if that being is our own collective manifestation
What if we are the architects of this simulation
I fucking knew it, its the astral hyper jew.
fucking hyper gas the kikes, space war now!
dat captcha!