was driving from school today and found this, saw this shit and apparently this all belongs to a professor
some of this gives me mixed feelings while others just straight up make me think he's some kinda cuck
what's Sup Forums's take on this?
was driving from school today and found this, saw this shit and apparently this all belongs to a professor
some of this gives me mixed feelings while others just straight up make me think he's some kinda cuck
what's Sup Forums's take on this?
put nails under his tires
>World Peace
He's one of us
get on my level
I've seen worse.
Your professor is still a filthy commie though.
I don't even think he's a he. Are you sure the professor isn't a woman?
Why do people do this shit?
What's wrong with Americans?
yeah he is
his kid, well, I think he's abolishing he/she's gender though
and he's serious apparently
big fat sweaty neckbeard looking guy
also single father
If they teach being a cuck 1124 and dick suckin 1302 they are on the right track.
If they teach anything else call them out almost everyday in class, make them look like a beta bitch in front of the whole school, also screws instead of nails under tires.
you tell me
There is nothing on the back of that car that I disagree with.
It is anti-crony-capitalism, anti-military-industrial-complex, anti-globalism, anti-stupid programs that don't work, and anti-authoritarian.
This guy/girl is a libertarian.
What's your fucking problem with it?
Liberalism is a mental disease, and extreme virtue signaling is a symptom.
I guess I just got caught by surprise
but the bottom right with gender and feminism are what rub me the wrong way
>bumper stickers
i bet these cars go realy fast
Tell me why.
Gender, feminism, sjw... I don't give a fuck about those people. They are not the problem to anyone except themselves. I ignore them just like I do Banner ads.
Don't let the faggots and feminists keep you from making the kind of alliances that all of us have to suck up if we are going to address the real problem of corrupt, incompetent, exploitative bad management.
People function together and get more that they can by themselves when their actions are organized, not when they are ruled, and that means having to put up with tattoo girl, and nancy boy on the line with you.
They are a lot easier to get used to when everyone is getting fat.
But they're poisoning society. Make everything more lady-like and shit. I'm just convinced through personal experience that these people are just worrying about themselves in the grand scheme of things, not this world peace they spout like its gold or something.
I'd guess that's a subaru owned by an episcopalian?
People who put bumper stickers on their cars that have sentences written on them are autistic.
You're one of these people who do this, aren't you?
That's not a subaru
No. I have a simple Toyota Camry. I just want to know why.
Managers who set shit up so that they look good and labor takes the blame for their mistakes: that is a problem.
Good ol boy networks where government managers don't do anything but sell their influence to outsourced companies that don't do the job: that's a problem.
Stupid managers who think their job is to "inspire" or thing they can "bribe" people into doing the impossible: That's a problem.
Managers who set up a system where they organize to profit themselves at the expense of labor and customers, when labor does the real work, and customers get lied to: That's a problem.
A sick corrupt system where we go to war so that Dick's friends can pocket billions, leaving us as the target: that is a problem.
I'm not going to let a bunch of delusional kings tell me the problem is niggers and spicks and chinks taking my job when I know the managers and owners and bankers are the ones stealing my work and fucking over my customer, and worse, practicing sedition against my way of life.
Don't really see how a bunch of faggots or girls makes it worse.
sugar in the gas tank
Prius is a degenerate's car
Drive a VW beetle
Almost didn't get it.