Hillary Clinton will declare official war against Sup Forums tomorrow. What's Sup Forums's countermove?

Hillary Clinton will declare official war against Sup Forums tomorrow. What's Sup Forums's countermove?

Continue being Sup Forums. Attacking people who will never change their political opinion is a huge waste of time for her

We will support Hillary because she will bring blacks to heel and she is friend with KKK.

Sup Forums's countermove against every attack is just existing. It's like throwing crap in an ocean of liquid shit, you just make it stronger and now you also have poop on your hand.



A lot of faggots want to data dump red pill shit on them but in way more in favor of spamming gore, trap porn, Nazi shit, and Pepe

Does the mighty lion deem the act of a chihuahua barking worthy of a countermove?


>What's Sup Forums's countermove?

we welcome them

Did something happen or is this hypothetical?

Wait, what's happening?

Media and a fuck load of normies are gonna be here tomorrow because Clinton is giving a speech on the alt right

We at organizing our trap, gore, pepe, and Nazi folders in preparation

Hillary is going to name Sup Forums as the "alt-right" Trump supporters.

Hillary's speech going after the alt-right and the current anti-alt-right propaganda will bring a shitstorm to Sup Forums or whichever board the normies end up in.

Us specifically, or just places like here in general?

A gay jewish guy told me it wasn't bigotry to point out statistics. I went along because I'm not an anti-Semitic homophone.

"the worse places of the internet"
you guess

crashing this plain

Is it just alt-right, or was Sup Forums actually mentioned?

I can't wait for the Ben Garrison comic with us along side Trump

CTR shill detected

Act liberal for a day. Small price to pay to make our OPPRESSORS look like the asshats they are.

Ask cripple -chan for help?

How could you guys be against her? She will bring the whole world tumbling down for us!

honestly if elected she will end up starting the rave war

its why i dont really care who wins 2bh