Cheeses of the world

Did you know that Britan has over 700 cheese types?
Post your countries cheeses

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Do I really need to play? Easy win.

Yeah, and by looking at OPs map, that include "isle of wright blue", which certainly is not a completely different strand of the mold, but rather just a brand name, and "blue monday", i can say, that even Denmark has more variation i cheeses than the UK apparently.

We have five cheeses, with completely unique traits, methods and organic strands. But, starting to count different people making variation of these, we surpass the hundreds easily.

Easy loss more like

>Do I really need to play? Easy win.

OP here the thread is about posting cheese not about who has the most

Germany is the biggest producer of cheese in the EU. The quality of our milk is superior aswell.
The interesting question is do you guys prefer soft or hard cheese?

I like both

Actually looking up the different cheeses, the gastronomical academics apparently conclude we have 17 major cheeses, including the weird uncommon ones two.

How many of those are pale imitations of cheeses from other countries ? You're still shit.

A lot of good cheddars from our farms in the northeast, and then you have Wisconsin

This You anglos count every variety of cheese as one species. You should count the same species as one, and then you'll get even less than us. For instance, we indeed got 400 species of cheese, but more than 1000 varieties.

Pic related comes from a restaurant where I ate the best cheeses ever. We ate for 400€ with friends and they finally gave us wine for free.

>oxford isis

Cheddar is produced in England exclusively. Come up with your own names, mongrels.

oh piss off

Fake and gay. Fucking mutts.

Why are anglos so in love with cheddar? There is so much better cheese out there

Sure Britain's has the better cheese.

my grocer bakery makes chocolatine :D fight me

Cheap? It's never about taste.

>The salt from the French in this thread

At least you're not calling them chocolate croissants. Good for you. I bet they're made with gay american butter, though, too bad for you.

You need salt for cheese. And the only issue is your trying to propagate falsehoods.

I haven't said anything in this thread Pierre

>Did you know that Britan has over 700 cheese types?
That's good. God, I fucking love cheese.

Ah yes, the """"""famous"""""" British """""""cheese"""""".

Why is Switzerland ranked that low, Dirk?

They stockpile everything that looks golden in their mountains.

>make a thread about posting cheese types
>Angry replies
What the fuck are your problems, get posting cheese and less shit posting its not about whos cheese is the best its about international cheese

Fuck are those subdivisions of Wales and Scotland?

>expecting the autistic board not to be autistic

The world unironically has an inferiority complex towards Britain


Oh good a cheese thread.

It makes me sad France and Germany can't just have a nice conversation.

People are constantly on the offensive on Sup Forums and their shitposting tails are always up. They can't help being rather uncouth and uncivilised.


E*ropeans get very insecure around ANGLO cheeses

best cheese reporting in.
In the baltics(talking about us and lithus) we only have fresh cheese, well local cheeses are only soft cheeses.
Lithus have pretty good ones too though.

So what? A lot of our cheese varieties are made locally and sold at local farmers markets and county and country fairs.

Why doesn't Kent have any cheese?

It probably does. These maps aren't 100% accurate and won't include every single cheese.

Good post Latvia

Britain is so big! We have everything.
Did you know we have C-H-E-E-S-E?

Do you have cheeses like these ones though?
Here the import cheeses are hard ones, but soft ones are always there, the best ones are either smoked, baked, and/or with some seasoning.

Cheddar is overrated, Double Gloucester is our best cheese
France can fuck off with their stinking shit goo cheeses
Nederland has the best cheese, also Cyprus because halloumi

Stilton cheese is a quintessential British stinking shit goo cheese, tho