Should anti-vaxxers be rounded up and shot?
Most of them are also libtards.
Should anti-vaxxers be rounded up and shot?
Most of them are also libtards.
Holy fuck, sauce? And to answer your question, yes, shoot them dead and immediately vaccinate their kids before placing them up for adoption.
They don't have to be shot dead, natural selection will literally do what it's supposed to.
They should deny people family tax benefits for not vaccinating like they do here. It's hard to even get in to a main stream day care here without up to date needles.
Google is probably full of new age commie faggots anyway.
Only problem is the people who do vaccinate still run risk of their children getting these diseases before they're old enough to get shots. A certain percentage of the population needs vaccines or the young are at greater risk in general. Look up herd immunity vis a vis this issue.
I will never let the government shoot my full of their fucking Rockefeller poison. Maybe back in the 90's it wasn't fully corrupted, but if you get a vaccine in the current year you're mindfuckingly retarded.
No amount of social bullying will make me change my mind. I've seen enough evidence thanks.
This. You guys can inject your microchips and all that shit for the upcoming FEMA camp slaughter, but count me out.
Nice faggoty ID colors you fags have.
So vaccination is different than shots?
I'll try to look into it though.
I'm not sure if you're b8 but I don't blame anyone for not wanting to put shit into their body anyways. Too bad everyone can't be a pharmacist.
Yours is nice too
>Should anti-vaxxers be rounded up and shot?
I think pro-"do what the kike (((doctors))) tell you to do to your kids because it's (((healthy)))" should be shot.
Aren't people who work at google supposed to super smart ? Or is it the diversity hires ?
does anyone really have a problem with dead libtard spawn?
they end up being even worse than their parents
In my experience most liberals I encounter are very pro-vaccination.
Vaccinations/shots are virtually synonymous. At least in my Midwest vernacular: If you were to ask someone if their kids got their shots it's same as asking if they're vaccinated.
That is some NWO shit right there.
It's like calling a daycare centre "child institute"
There's literally no evidence that these kids weren't vaccinated. Liberals are the ones pushing vaccines so please fuck off.
>green and purple squares
No, I have a problem when their kids are infectious and alive, when they can spread their disease to other kids whose parents plan to vaccinate, but whose kids aren't old enough yet. And a newborn with measles won't stand a chance.
It hurts more than just the antivax spawn unfortunately.
I was never vaccinated, just like all of my ancestors before me.
There's a difference between vaccinated and unvaccinated people. You have to be unvaccinated to see it though.
Too bad most of you will never know.
WOW that was a clever shill lol
Oh, I guess I was just reading that slightly wrong. No biggie.
This, liberals are just using it to shill again
>caring about what happens to people if they opt to not vaccinate
I thought your vaccines protected you, faggot? What do you care?
No. In fact, we should go the complete opposite route. End all medical research. Force humanity to evolve an immunity or die off.
Every new infected person means a more mutated strain which means your vaccine has less of a chance of working. If everyone gets inoculated, the disease will die out. If a few people don't, it spreads among them until it has mutated enough to infect vaccinated persons.
Yeah, don't vaccinate. Just don't. Diseases like small pox and tetanus are kikes plam to insert micto chips :^)
>Should anti-vaxxers be rounded up and shot?
Nope. If you choose to get vaccinated, then you won't have a problem. Theres no legitimate reason to force everyone to get it. Also, the herd immunity argument is retarded.
>> 2016
>> Not watching Vaxxed
Normally I'm for free speech but sometimes you need to be intolerant of intolerance
Sure, so why inject the other shit like mercury aluminum and formaldehyde?
Answer: it destroys the blood-brain barrier in some people causing autism
No its not. Ever hear of mutations?
Vaxxing has nothing to do with your freedom. Others should be free from your damaging tendencies
>35 posts in no one calls OP out for not having a source nor googling this and realizing it's bullshit
Fuck you All. Seriously.
We don't need to shoot them. We should just let their children die when they get sick with preventable diseases.
Sauce on the libs? I've gotten vaccinated on everything, if there is a outbreak of measles I won't care when antivaxxers start inventing a new excuse as to why they got measles and not the vaccinated folks.
>Calling bullshit on calling out the idiots
Not vaccee kids are real issue in puplic
schools and daycare. 3rld world immingrants bringing in diseases isnt helping it. In Finland refusing government issues vaccines is considered abuse and your kids will be taken from the scum
You have nothing to lose though since you clearly already are autistic
Vaccines are a conspiracy to get rid of rednecks. It's easy because they just won't take them. You can already see the effects.
Also, pointing out that anti-vaxxers are liberal degeberates is same as noting that criminals are niggers.
Anti-vaxers should be forced to home school their children and take care of them. They should not be allowed in day cares or any schools, public or private.
On a happy note, we have a lot of local doctors that refuse to have patients that are anti-vax. If you won't vax yuor kids, find a new doctor.
I'd take tiny chance of autism over huge chance of serious preventable illnesses any day. That is if I actually believed the retarded "vaccines cause autism" theory.
Some of those things haven't been in vaccines since the 1960s. Others were never in vaccines.
Your kids die too because if the others arent vaccined then your own kids can still get the diseases before they get their own shots. We want to fucking wipe them out.
Thing about that is that a small percentage of people are still susceptible to the disease after being vaccinated. This wouldn't be a problem by itself because it's not enough for a virus to spread on, but with anti vaxers doing their shit it puts many people at risk, in addition to their children.
hope you got circumcized at birth without any protest from your parents like a good goy
I honestly don't think people should be forced to take vaccines. Australia has rules where you aren't eligible for some (if not all) benefits if you do not get vaccinated, and I think thats fair enough. Anymore than that is when we start to tread on the liberties of people for the benefit of others.
You know what, I can get behind that, but I still don't envy those children. I could also support holding parents criminally accountable if their child contracts a disease that could be vaccinated for.
I want to hate anti vaxxers but the only time I got sick in the last 10 years was when I got the flu shot. Never again.
Yeah? Are you going to punish them if the vaccine results in the kid dying?
Vaccines are a calculated risk. You weigh up the cost and potential/severity of side effects vs. the safety of knowing your child is almost certainly never going to contract the disease/virus/whatever.
If you honestly think vaccines are more threatening than the diseases they prevent, you are a tinfoil hat tier retard and shouldn't be caring for children in the first place.
Yes goyim, vaxxx your kids he he he.
You want (((herd immunity))), dont you?
*rubs hands*
*injects goyim with lead and mercury *
Tshh nothing personel
I didn't say that, so stop making things up. The point which seems to elude you is that no one should be forced to take a risk, ANY risk, of death, against their will.
uhhh...if the kids were vax'd against measles how did they catch it and die?
Unless the anti vaxer kids died, in which case who fucking cares, their parents probably voted democrat anyway.
Is there anyone here who is actually in healthcare?
Seriously, were seeing a resergence of diseases like whooping cough and measles because people are too fucking retarded to do the research on vaccines (and WHY there are things like mercury in them, and how the amounts of these chemicals are in no quantities to actually do harm) and are instead not vaxxing at all.
Flu shots i understand. Theres only a slim chance theyll get the strain right (I have to get them anyways because theyre required at work), but the others? MMR? Whooping cough? Hepatitis? Those are damn important.
Let me add to this that here in Texas illegals and legal immigrants are bringing in lots of these diseases, which is affecting the non immunized. We had a kid with measles the other day who had gotten it fromna relative that had jumped the border.
Young children who are not old enough to get certain vaccines are especially at risk. If more and more people get this disease it has a great chance of mutating, to the point where even those who ARE immunized are at risk of a new strain is able to slip under the defenses of an innoculated person and cause damage. This is how we get a Spanish flu type event.
And dont even get me started on antibiotic resistance. We have three in my ICU alone with resistant strains of bacteria.
>I've seen enough evidence thanks
Your links to your sources don't work.
But science does.
you really can't be that stupid.
if you are, Florida needs you - go.
Faggot leaf doesn't know about the disease hotbed of northern California. See Presidio Hospital mass child syphilis outbreak and closure. See aids. See TB.
>mass child syphilus outbreak
What the fucking fuck?
He's probably confusing some Alex Jones shit with reality.
I'm not against vaccinations but it should be a choice.
Why should retards wreak havoc with massive epidemic of preventable, previously eradicated diseases, killing people who are immune-compromised due to other illnesses and were unlucky and didn't obtain immunity even after receiving vaccination (as high as 5% for some vaccines)?
They are choosing to go to a government funded school, if they don't want to get vaccinations then they shouldn't go to a government funded school its that simple.
I bet this directly correlates with pooinloos in the workforce.
> Doesn't vaxinate spawn.
> Sad when spawn dies.
Literally retarded.
I support flu vacc for people basically at risk for complications (we don't need chf pts destabilizing bc of influenza)
I'm not a fan of mcv for all high school or college students (even in dorms) bc of how short the efficacy is. I would support forcing mcv on foreigners attending college since they're prob the ones causing outbreaks.
for childhood imms I would pick and choose or at least space out, but there no way I'd skip mmr
Yeah, all of our at risks (chf, copd, etc) will get a flu vacc before theyre discharged or a pneumonia if theyre old enough).
Healthy young adults dont really need it though.
Definitely agree with vaxxing up foreigners, without a doubt. Thats where a lot of this is coming from.
The amount of TB coming from South American immigrants - even the legal ones - is tard-screechingly stupid.
>anti-vaxxers are also libtards
L0Lno fgt pls
It's a play on Googolplex. Pretty sure their headquarters is called Googleplex as well.
I do agree that it sounds fairly ominous though
>you got circumcized
try to focus not upon dikk fgt pls
Hi Alex
The best part is Google are pro-vac shills.
Filthy statist.
Not until november 9th, but yes
>Most of them are also libtards.
The issue is how would you force vaccinations?
Hard mode: how would you force vaccinations and keep a straight face about advocating gun rights.
It's a politically impossible task.
this. fuck people who think (((vaccines))) are actually meant to protect you.
why would the kikes not want white kids to be sick? fuck you fucking kike enablers
>my body my rules
>pro choice
>make vaccinations mandatory
You cant make this shit up. God i weep for humanity.
Where does it say that the kids were not vaxxed?
>Liberals are the ones pushing vaccines
Uh what? Anti-vax nutters here are all green party leftist types.
Muh autism. That one study was garbage, it's used as the textbook example of a scientific study with money behind it and manipulated data. The guy who wrote it was employed by some lefty alternate medicines company.
Uhhhh thats wrong. The left wants to inject your kids full of autism.
>In Europe
American education everyone, only pakis are circumcised.
Isn't Trump against vaccines?
Flu shots are only really necessary for people at high risk like the elderly, people with asthma and so on.
>implying those who dies of diseases shouldnt die
medicine has killed human evolution
we would rather hire 100 health care workers on tax money to take care of a potato
But only unvaxxed kids died, so profit for all.
See , that study was a joke.
only if it is a jewish hospital
Me, my brother and my dad are circumcised, but only because of medical necessity. Our foreskins were too small, so we couldn't wash what's underneath it.
Fucking shill kys