This is Capile

My name is Pablo Capilé and I work for The Midia Ninja, an independent Brazilian anti-fascist news outlet.

We are going to give this image board some focus on, so I'm doing preliminary research work to accurately depict Sup Forums's members.

In this regard, I'd like to ask you some questions, although I'm sure many of you haven't even finished high school so you might be unable to even answer, but I'll let you try.

Do you believe there is systemic discrimination against blacks in the Western Society?
Do you believe women are discriminated against at the work place and face more challenges than men?
Why do you support fascist leaders?
Do you think it's perfectly fine to send hateful and incendiary messages on social media anonymously?
Which political ideology would you say you most identify with?

Jesus, last time I saw a mouth like that, it had a hook in it.


Jesus H. Christ! That looks like Howard Stern crossed with a downs syndrome abortion.

Can we focus to the questions? I am doing a research on this image board to better understand the authoritarian personality.

stale copy pasta.

almost verbatim of tyt post.

you so ugly you make Chelsea Clinton look fuckable.

I'm not sure I understand what you're talking about. We were given these questions to be asked, are you implying someone already did ask you these questions before?

fpbp pbuh

>Do you believe there is systemic discrimination against blacks in the Western Society?

Yes... by other blacks. See pic related.

Hows abouts yous fucks offs?

KYS you brainwashed useful idiot.

I've heard this before here in Brazil, well, nice try but we all know it is because of the white economic privilege that young black men are having to deal with hardships, resulting in such massacres. You are responsible for their death.


I support Hillary Clinton for president because she worships Moloch...she attended the Cremation of Care ceremony at the Bohemian Grove on multiple occasions.

She supports Planned Parenthood, an organization that ritually sacrifices millions of nigger babies to Moloch.

This is awesome.

But to answer your questions:
> blacks are 15% of the population but commit 50% of the murders. so no.
> no. women have it way easier.
> because I'm not degenerate.
> do you? you're not white.
> I am a Democrat voting for Hillary because I love the idea of millions of nigger babies getting partial-birth abortion.

looks like rachel dolezal and mick jagger had a baby

>but I'll let you try

Sup Forums run Barter town, not you faggot.

haha what a faggot
>mfw Caphile and his shit paper should gtfo before they get btfo

>Do you believe there is systemic discrimination against blacks in the Western Society?
Only by other nigs.

>Do you believe women are discriminated against at the work place and face more challenges than men?
Women are in the workplace?

>Why do you support fascist leaders?
Thats not a nice thing to call Hillary. She's going to make us proud with her stances on interventionism and suppressing the niggers.

>Do you think it's perfectly fine to send hateful and incendiary messages on social media anonymously?
Yes I do faggot.

>Which political ideology would you say you most identify with?
I'm with her because she's the answer to the jewish question.

Fag lol

We have people down there fucker and they do wet work for cheap


you are probably a 500 dollar job

back to your favela, monkey

If you're legitimate, maybe you shouldn't have put the petulant insult in your original post.
If your pasta, you may feel free to fuck off.

But either way, you may suck lovingly and expertly upon my girthy cock (and apparently 3 or 4 more simultaneously, judging by your giant gaping maw)


They commit crimes because they are oppressed by an unjust economic system but nice try.
Sounds like what Donald Trump would do, thank you for answering the questions but I don't think you've got some publishing material there, sorry.
It seems to me that authoritarian personalities aren't very comfortable with fact checking and rational discussion.
This answers A LOT.

There must be somewhere I can report this board to.

Western society more often than not is white society

So to say there is systematic discrimination is to say, the country looks out for its own people first

Is this something you find offensive?

Btw I am out of university.

Women don't face more challenges, the workplace is tailored to aiding them. HR is almost always biased against males due to being staffed by women.

Yes I think its fine to be offensive anonymously. Stop being such a sissy, grow a thicker skin, and accept that the free exchange of opinion and ideas will not always be child friendly or 'politically correct'

I support Hillary. She is our double agent, and will take care of the brown hordes.

Heil Hillary!

Fuck off monkey.

I am pretty sure you wouldn't say that in front of me because you know you would be arrested, don't you?

Cry more you nancy faggot.

This is the goal of cultural marxism and communism. This is a world without Whites. This is what jews want. Sickening

>There must be somewhere I can report this board to. ain't seen nuthin yet cuckold.

What really makes you think there is some kind of hidden agenda to exterminate the white race?
Not that it would be bad.

Wed lads.

Get lost faggot bitch downs looking daft cunt.

>Do you believe there is systemic discrimination against blacks in the Western Society?
Yes, and that is a good thing. I'm counting on Hillary Clinton to keep things this way.

>Do you believe women are discriminated against at the work place and face more challenges than men?
It doesn't really matter. At the end of the day, anyone who's on the right side of the politics is the one who's going to get the big bucks. I personally get paid by Correct the Record to post responses on this imageboard, and it's not even a lot of work. Plus, if I specifically promote HRC, I get a bonus of $0.35 CAD, which all adds up at the end of the year and is tax free.

>Why do you support fascist leaders?
Honestly, they're the most efficient. Think about it this way. A fascist leader is capable of enacting Green Energy policies and dismantling literally every oil company in less than a decade. Name me a democracy that could do the same and I'd be absolutely shocked.

>Do you think it's perfectly fine to send hateful and incendiary messages on social media anonymously?
Yes, especially when targeting Bernie Sanders supporters. It's our goal to make sure HRC wins the whitehouse bid. Donald Trump is a massive joke; the only problem is these communist faggots supporing Sanders. We NEED to shift the vote our way.

Which political ideology would you say you most identify with?
None really. I personally like to pick the winning side. It's all about money.

Hope that helped you, Capile whoever.

>Not that it would be bad
And you honestly think you have some sort of moral superiority here?

Its nationalism vs globalism buddy
And your side is filled with faggots that are used to safe space hug boxes ;)

Being poor doesn't ever justify murder

It can justify say, stealing a loaf of bread, but that's it

>You are responsible for their death
I wish, then I'd have twice as many nigger silhouettes stamped on my house

I'm willing to bet this "guy" could suck start a leaf blower.


Research THIS

You're honestly shitting up this board, GET THE FUCK OUT!

> calls us authoritarian
> wants to report us """somewhere"""

this is why no one takes your ideology seriously anymore.

Dude I thought only Bongs had bad teeth. You take the cake. How's the dentistry down Durrzil?

Yes. Exactly the same text. Now fuck off and alter the text a bit to not get told to fuck off again

>Yes, but WAY less than liberals make it out to be
>Yes, but WAY less than liberals make it out to be
>I admire their economic systems and believe it's the only way the world will be able to cope with advances in automation in the coming years
>Freedom of speech is important, and if you're not prepared to be called out on your bullshit then don't spew bullshit it the first place.
>Moderate on social issues, Fascist on economic


Many white people in the Appalachian and Ozarks are poorer than blacks in inner cities, yet they manage to keep from killing each other. How does this fit in your narrative?

With a mouth like this, I'd say you're right.

Bitch you need to swing from a tree branch.

ape fuck.

>you are speaking your mind because you are not afraid of the though police coming to get you

Wow this guy's media outlet was funded by Soros and I'm not even fucking kidding, be careful with that shit, this is not a joke.

"Wars are the Jews harvest, for with them we wipe out the Christians and get control of their gold. We have already killed 100 million of them, and the end is not yet." - Rabbi Reichorn, Chief Rabbi of France, in 1859

"The great ideal of Judaism is that the whole world shall be imbued with Jewish teachings, and that in a Universal Brotherhood of Nations a greater Judaism, in fact all the seperate rces and religions shall disappear." - Jewish World, February 9, 1883

"We Jews, we are the destroyers and will remain the destroyers. Nothing you can do will meet our demands and needs. We will forever destroy because we want a world of our own." - You Gentiles, by Jewish Author Maurice Samuels, p. 155., 1924

"There is only one Power which really counts: The Power of Political Pressure. We Jews are the most powerful people on Earth, because we have this power, and we know how to apply it." - Jewish Daily Bulletin, July 27, 1935

"We will have a world government whether you like it or not. The only question is whether that government will be achieved by conquest or consent." - Jewish Banker Paul Warburg, testimony before the U.S. Senate, February 17, 1950

"The Christians are always singing about the blood. Let us give them enough of it! Let us cut their throats and drag them over the altar! And let them drown in their own blood! I dream of the day when the last priest is strangled on the guts of the last preacher." - Gus Hall, Jewish Chairman of the American Communist Party

"We Jews regard our race as superior to all humanity, and look forward, not to its ultimate union with other races, but to its triumph over them." - Goldwin Smith, Jewish Professor of Modern History at Oxford University, October, 1981

Questions 1 through 5 are bait. Which, given your incredibly huge ass mouth and equally large lips, I'd think you'd avoid stuff with hooks

>haven't even finished high school
And this is where you goofed up.

Here's the thing, we've got a saying, not just on this board, but on all boards-

Lurk more, Post less.

Read topics, do some research here and there, and THEN post.

Do as the Romans do. Once done, you might be able to get better info than what's coming to you right now.

I came here for the jokes and epic banter, and i'm stickin' around to see an epic showdown for tomorrow.

So please man, before you make a post, try to at least understand who you're dealing with before diving in.

There wouldn't be systemic discrimination against blacks if they didn't steal so much.
There wouldn't be systemic discrimination against women if they didn't lie so much.
Fascist leaders are less likely to lie then democratic ones.
I'm anarchist.

eat shit Soros dog.

sage this shit you faggots

Why demand respect when you look like a clown?

If this post ends with double-#'s capile will die within 1 month.

Ok I may have a few material to publish in the following days, does not surprise me that the respectable American Media has said that the internet is sick, it surely is sick with people like people from this board.

Checked. Hopefully

I am the magician of Kek. What I say is what happens.


1) bait
2) Midia Ninja receives money from George Soros
3) Leftist not welcome, specially sponsored by kikes

literally pic related

the last time i saw a mouth like that, it was shot

hitler dubs of truth 88 rock and roll band

Kill yourself faggot

My sides

Tits or gtfo...

You've come to the wrong neighborhood Bolshevik.

Dude, did you not read what I said?

If you really wanted information, you gotta come in here as someone who's "new" to Sup Forums.

You can't just waltz in here expecting answers left and right...

oh shit
kek has spoken

Can you answer my question OP?

>Do you believe there is systemic discrimination against blacks in the Western Society?

Isn’t that a personal opinion-type question? So I would – I would be actually answering the question to “isn’t it something?” That’s my question, isn’t it something?
>Do you believe women are discriminated against at the work place and face more challenges than men?

Yeah, it’s something outta your ass. That’s my answer. Yeah, it is something; out of your ass.
>Why do you support fascist leaders?

I don’t know, but I know I did perform at this bad-ass bitch birthday party recently. She was crazy, stupid [thick].
>Do you think it's perfectly fine to send hateful and incendiary messages on social media anonymously?

I don’t have to wait until anything, honestly. I mean, this guy right here may tell me that I have to wait, but me personally I don’t have to do nothing.
>Which political ideology would you say you most identify with?

I don’t recall.

That's not even Portuguese.

This guy gets it, leafs are our best posters.

And to answer your questions

I don't support Hilary Clinton

I think I will come back tomorrow because today I could not find anybody but kids making excuses for their racist worldviews and prejudice against handicapped people.
You people are not helpful.

>waaaah I didn't see what I wanted to see

Don't be a faggot.

whiny shitskin.


Sure it wasn't just one of those really curved dicks?

Does that happen from botched circumcision jobs or just kids who fapped way too much/hard?

I mean... I beat the living shit out of mine in my youth, even had a high-test bitch jump the track once and land on it in the most painful experience ever... shit required a hospital trip, was all fucked up and swollen yet even at almost 40 the thing is still ram-rod straight.

Is it just bad genes or what?

Sup Forums is a mixture of satirical baiting retards and even more retarded retards who took the bait and unironically believe in fascism.


My God man

I'm 31.

You look like a fucking faggot.

Get a haircut

Which is even worse.
You should not be aiding these archaic and false worldviews.

since you seem to be genuine about this I'll try to answer:
>Do you believe there is discrimination against blacks in the Western Society

>Do you believe women are discriminated against at the work place bla bla challenges bla bla
The only challenge they face is the will to work 12-14 hours a day and physically harsh jobs such as mining or oil drilling

>Why do you support fascist leaders?
Because despite losing in the end, not everything they did was bad, but ended up being forgotten because they were on the "wrong" side of history?

>Do you think it's perfectly fine bla bla
Free speech means we can say anything we want

>Which political ideology bla bla
Pol isn't a hivemind. Some are pro natsoc, some are libertarian, some are conservative, some are classic liberal


Im 27, faggot. You just don't like what you're hearing.

And just who in the hell died and made you the boss man, nignog?

How are you still talking like you have moral superiority to us when you have expressed the fact you would like whites to die out?

1) Yes blacks are discriminated but it is because they do disproportionately more crime than any other race. People fear them.

2) No. Women are equal in the work place.

3) I don't think you know what fascism even is Jew boy.

4) Yes. People are too much pussies. Grow some balls faggot.

who do you think you are to claim a determined worldview as "false"

The constant use of racial slurs in this forum needs to stop. The irrational and hateful use of internet might hopefully come to an end as soon as possible.
Our people have petitioned the United Nations about these problems because you ARE NOT going to keep harassing people the way you are.

Eat shit, seriously.
And before you say anything about my race, I'm a mexican.

So you going to suck soros dick hard and get him to fix the bad internet for you monkey boy?

>Do you believe there is systemic discrimination against blacks in the Western Society?
No, Systematically it goes the other way.
>Do you believe women are discriminated against at the work place and face more challenges than men?
Discriminated against? yes depending on the line of work and what they are expected to do.
Face more challenges? No. They only face more challenges if they expect to be treated differently due to being a woman. If they are willing to put in the same hours and commitments and sacrifices as a man, they they will receive and deserve respect.
>Why do you support fascist leaders?
We don't.
>Do you think it's perfectly fine to send hateful and incendiary messages on social media anonymously?
Yes. Persistent deliberate targeted harassment is less acceptable, but statement of views whatever those may be must be protected.
>Which political ideology would you say you most identify with?