Advice on what to do for the incoming normie storm

1) redpill the normies
2) save the board

I personally suggest spamming gore and scat to shoo shoo the normies
any suggestions?

Just be yourselves, guys.

this is going too far

spam kikebart links!!!

why is everyone shitting themselves over Hillary speech?


because of the normies. this board could get shut down or become watched when America turns into Germany 2.0

the problem with this is we wouldnt have any normies to redpill and therefore it may not be beneficial

normies will take a look at this site and they will turn 360 degrees and walk away.. Nothing to worry about.

but is that what we want? sure we can keep /pol a gated community but if we redpill normies there would be an advantage.

Dubs. Praise be to Kek

normies will take a look at this anime image board and they will not linger to gather any information. Liberals are liberals for a reason...

post this image a lot

It would be better to engage and red pill with memes and hatefacts

>people are talking about a big "normie storm" even though Sup Forums is already mostly made up of normalfags from /r/the_donald and /r/Sup Forums

but we would have to do so in a light manner. mere normies cannot comprehend these bants. we must make the information presentable

The first rule of Redpilling is pretend to be a normie. Like this:

> I support Hillary Clinton because I love the idea of millions of selfish uneducated men pouring into stable white communities. The white people have had it too good for too long. Let's make all of America into New Somalia. Open Borders Now!

> I support Hillary Clinton for President because her Planned Parenthood organization sacrifices millions of black babies to Moloch. This spiritual energy is just what the world needs.

> I support Hillary Clinton for President because I am a racist and she has done a great job of keeping the black man down and killing minorities in other countries.

The mods better be on point. They are going to put a spotlight on this place and then post child pornography and get this place shutdown.
That's how they operate. Come on guys you should know this shit by now.

Post weird uncomfortable shit. Gore isn't enough. Also malware links.

i like the malware links. and then go to blame the malware links on clinton foundation in efforts to try to take the site down.

malware is actually a good one. blaming it on the clinton foundation would be great

How new are you faggot?

Summerfags think this is the first time the media cried about Sup Forums and they think being "well behaved" is somehow going to convert Shrillary voters.

i know that 4butt has gotten coverage before, but this time it will be of the enemy userbase. if we can convert them then we win

no, it's a shitty photoshop

why don't you post some more frogs?