What the fuck is alt right?
I wanna know what is this exactly before Hillary bashes it tomorrow.
What the fuck is alt right?
I wanna know what is this exactly before Hillary bashes it tomorrow.
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What howard stern did to this brainwashed qt was wrong.
Actually they probably told howard to do it to test her loyalty.
Most common feature I recon...anti globalism and pro nationalised powerhubs. Willing to offend and defend the honour of their in-group
Have a song but watch until the end for feels
I fucking hate niggers and woman and I am with Her
Hillary Clinton has spent her entire life bringing niggers to heel, and trying to import patriarchal cultures into the U.S.
Hillary Clinton understands the nigger problem.
Hillary Clinton understands that women crave and desire rape.
That's why I'm with Her
group of extremely racist individuals who support hillary because she treats black people, latinos and arabs like slaves
Hillary cares about the disabled. I'm with her.
I hate this slimy jew
nationalism in 2016
like water
This is probably a double bluff from some hillshill trying to defame Sup Forums
Basically this place was more peaceful before but now there are people trying to muzzle and paint a narrative
Sup Forums traditionally has disliked narratives. Only truth here.
Alt right is a white nationalist movement that supports based hillary clinton.
She's the only one that truly aligns with white principles.
Pssst...[spoiler]We're with her now[/spoiler]
OP you can understand a person better by their enemies so have a look at this
Childless, single men who masturbate to anime.
We're the alt-right
this is the austrian/libertarian perspective
image or watch video
check out Daily Stormer. It's the largest website in the alt-right sphere and basicly defines the movement.
Oh fuck off you
>Sup Forums
>personal army
Pick one
>stormweenies actually believe this
Alt Right simply means the alternate to right, which is left. Sup Forums is a left wing progressive board.
A meme created by controlled opposition
Fuck the "alt-right", I'm a nationalist monarchist
Im a Monarchist Nationalist too desu, im also a traditionalist. I just wanted to have a better understanding what alt right is.
Its a family friendly word for nazi, or at least thats what the left use it as. Apparently I belong to the "alt-right" even though I'm moderate and authoritarian leaning.
I'm a libertarian national capitalist. :D
so you're an an cap who likes borders?
its when i fuk ur mum in te pussy m80
>before Hillary bashes it tomorrow.
they are already here