/lang/ - Language Learning General

we bump limit now edition

>What language are you learning?
>Share language learning experiences!
>Help people who want to learn a new language!
>Find people to train your language with!

Learning resources:
First and foremost check the Sup Forums Wiki. (feel free to contribuite

4chanint.wikia.com/wiki/The_Official_Sup Forums_How_to_Learn_A_Foreign_Language_Guide_Wiki

Check pastebin.com/ACEmVqua for plenty of language resources as well as some nice image guides.

/Lang/ is currently short on those image guides, so if you can pitch in to help create one for a given language, don't hesitate to do so!

Torrents with more resources than you'll ever need for 30 plus languages:

Google Drive folder with books for all kinds of languages:
drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B9QDHej9UGAdcDhWVEllMzJBSEk# (Links to the other folders, apparently it was taken down from the original drive)

Old bread:

Other urls found in this thread:


guten morgen OP thanks for the fresh bread
post some compelling content from your target language

>cute teacher
>completely understandable

>Is it possible for a western to reach N1 in 2 years?
not impossible but imo unlikely -- but yes in a perfect situation maybe
you'd need the stars to align

Mornin' fellers
Hope you've been studying

Hi guys

here is some compelling content for Korean learners :

cute teacher from the TTMIK team that post daily vlogs in Korean with Korean subtitles. She repeats herself and speaks very clearly on purpose.

Also some compelling contents for Japanese learning English :)

thank you french fren

Recommendable German COMPELLING CONTENT:


I'm halfway through, and it's really interesting so far. They do a really good job at slowly revealing things about all the characters.
I haven't seen Stranger Things, but im told it's like Stranger Things without the comic relief.

Um do you speak french by any chance?

>it's like Stranger Things without the comic relief.

jesus christ how horrifying

kek idk, that's what someone told me

if you're the same swissanon that helped me last thread, thanks man, really helped

Im learning Slovenian, but all I have is a book and memrise and Im supposed to learn how to pronounce stuff like bratranec and črn. Anyone know where I can hear this stuff?

>It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way.
-A tale of two cities, Charles Dickens

IIRC the latter one is pronounced like "churn", but with the "u" sound (i.e. the ɜːr morpheme) made shorter.

Correct me if I'm wrong, though.

Why Slovenian? Are you of slovenian descent, or moving there?

I just moved to Key West. Should I learn Spanish? I can't roll my R's.

I've studied french for a long time yes. Might be better to ask the french lad any questions you have tho.

Fuck my sickness, I can't even study properly. My throat is sore and head hurts so much. I don't want to waste my time lying in bed, I've never felt so worthless and helpless in my life like this. Urgh.

Listen to Scottish music or movies and try to imitate their sound, it's probably easier if you try to roll your rs in a language you know first

jus sleep, drink lots of fluids, take vitamin pills, and get better, potato frendo

Well thing is, you stidied french. He didn't. He spoke and heard french since he was a baby. I need your perspective as it matches mine. Its just resources im after, i've given up on finding a proper teacher. I was told to watch french cartoons by a french guy too, but im curious on how you went about it.

Well I started in secondary school and just did the work I was given until I got out. Then it was more of a passive thing with a bit of revision here and there. Honestly man just get a junior and leaving cert textbook if you're starting off while using some online resources. Watch alot of films and shit too if you can. Sorry if this isnt much help but it's all I can really tell you.

Its cool. Maybe i shouldn't have asked my examiner to just fail me instead of taking the oral exam though... good times!

The french orals were so easy tho. Did you just not do anything in the class at all?

Alternatively, speaking with a noticfeable accent doesn't destroy your ability to be decent at the language though.

Not a fucking thing. I hated school and back then had no interest in french...or anything really. Im a completely different person than back then, i was such a lil twat.

I assume you did shite all irish too?

Yeah but i actively despise the language still, though i have love for dublin all the same. You speak it yeah?

Haven't touched it in almost 3 months now but tea I'm near enough to fluent. Always loved it. I'd ask of you to take a crack. The reason most people hate it is because they're forced to learn it in shitty way but when you take an interest yourself it's a good way of keeping the culture alive ya know?

I just consider it an ugly language, if i ever settled down with a guy who wanted our kids to speak it, i would but otherwise... i can't see it happening. Im sure the culture will be fine though, don't worry.

Saddens me to hear that but sure it's your choice.

>tfw Irish is dying

If it makes you feel any better i know im an oddity in that regard. Every1 else i know is like you. Im sorry if i offended you btw.

just finished first three hour session of the day, will continue with an additional hour later

im committed to learning this evil awful difficult language

Feels bad.
What lang you doing again?

You know what you should do

Dub TV shows into Irish

C'était le meilleur des temps, c'était le pire des temps, c'était l'âge de la sagesse, c'était l'âge de l'imbécilité, c'était l'époque de la croyance, c'était l'époque de l'incrédulité, c'était la saison de la lumière, c'était la saison de l'ombres, c'était le printemps de l'espoir, c'était l'hiver de le désespoir, nous avions tout devant nous, nous n'avions rien devant nous, nous allions directement au paradis, nous allions directement à un autre chemin.

>c'était l'hiver de le désespoir
du désespoir

Honestly not a bad idea. Only problem (Don't know if it is one actually) Is in primary I was thought in one dialect and in secondary another so my pronunciation, while correct borrows from each dialect on some words. I really hope my kids kids will grow up speaking irish, and all their grandkids too.

german the language of the evil german

No worries hombre, i'm always lurking so ask if you need anything.

It's up to you to save the langua
[Insert "Good luck!" in Irish]

Is it that hard?
Thank you eckkwadore.

Oh, I've heard of this show. I didn't realise it was German.

Post good foreign language TV series.

For [Iberian] Spanish I kind of like this one "Vis-a-vis" it's like Orange is the New Black without all the SJW shit (So more Prison Break? Idk it's just in a female prison)

unless you have some congenital disorder (ie. Ankyloglossia, 'tongue-tie' -- not that common) you should be able to roll your Rs, especially as an American with tapped R.
Look up some exercises on YouTube. It's quite simple though, just say something like "pera pera pera" over and over with a loose tongue, gradually try and blow more air over your tongue as you do it, and you might feel it coming.

but worst case scenario? Just speak with tapped R, it's not that bad (-tt- in 'better')

It's American, dubbed into German

>To be, or not to be: that is the question:
>Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
>The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
>Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
>And by opposing end them?
Is the definite article before "slings and arrows" absolutely necessary (when ignoring the rhythm)? Would the sentence have the same meaning and correct grammar if it's omitted?

its pretty difficult but its not impossible as long as you are dedicated to it, as with any language

b-but... what? No it isn't, are you sure?

deep question desu I'll just give you my quick first impression
>Is the definite article before "slings and arrows" absolutely necessary
It doesn't sound right otherwise.
>Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer [t]he slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
>Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Hard to explain but just intuition. I'd like to say, because "slings and arrows" are not an abstract mass noun, it sounds weird
You could say...
>Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer outrageous fortune
for comparison

Hope this helps. I'll be back later if it warrants further discussion

Oh yeah, you're right, it is originally German

The trailer only did voiceovers and avoided showing people's notes mouthes, so I thought they were trying to hide a bad dub job

*avoided showing people's moving mouthes

For some reason this particular rule never sticks. Thanks

Is Fenian (as in Up to our knees in Fenian blood) an Irish word, or is it Welsh?

The way I would translate that into German would be Es war die schönste Zeiten, es war die schlimmste Zeiten...

In other words, I dont know if the structure of the English sentence works in German. (I.e. whether "Es war die schoenste *von* Zeiten is gramatically correct.)

Swissanon: two more sentences before I go to sleep. The Dickens quote was too much, not least because I couldn't translate half the words into German there, so I picked two simpler ones from some other shit I read today.

>Without love, it can not be seen.
Ohne die Liebe kann es nicht gesehen.
I assume that if I were to say "Without love, it WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN seen", I would have to say "Ohne die Liebe wurde es nicht gesehen."

>The single element that makes up the world is Love.
Das einzige Element, das der Welt besteht aus, ist Liebe.

(I picked the last one because I also wanted to test out how you'd use "bestehen aus". I assume that this is the active form of the word, i.e. in the sentence "Ein Dutzend besteht aus zwoelf Eier", the Dutzend is doing the bestehen-ing. So if I were to convert the sentence about the testicles to passive form:

"Zwoelf Eier werden aus ein Dutzend bestehen."

(That might not be the best example since nobody says "12 eggs are consisted of a dozen" when you can say "A dozen consists of 12 eggs).

>deleted the language files from my mega

Silly goose.

Rip. However since this is a lang thread: Repose en paix.

Tijd voor slecht Nederlands!!!

>Het was de best van tijden, het was de slechst van tijden,
>Het was het tijdperk van wijsheid, het was het tijdperk van dwaasheid,
>Het was het tijdperk van geloof, het was het tijdperk van ongeloof,
>Het was het seizoen van licht, het was het seizoen van duisternis,
>Het was de lente van hoop, het was de winter van wanhoop,
>Wij hadden alles voor ons, wij hadden niets voor ons,
>Wij waren allemaal rechstreek naar hemel gaan, wij waren allemaal rechstreek de andere weg gaan.

start again and redownload, you'll find some fresh material

>Het was het beste van tijden, het was het slechste van tijden,

>>Wij waren allemaal rechstreek naar hemel gaan, wij waren allemaal rechstreek de andere weg gaan.

We zouden allemaal rechtstreeks naar de hemel gaan, we zouden etc

Bretty gud for an American

I meant from the imageguides, now some poor fucker who actually reads the guide I made (Turkish) has no resources.

I'm a beginner in Russian and I just understood the sentences in a listening exercise, first time. They were basic and were probably spoken slower and clearer than normal speech but I'm happy.


Thanks. Wouldn't have thought to use zouden.
>For an American
Are we really that bad at Dutch, generally? So sad since it's such a comfy language for an English speaker so far in my experience.

I salute you

Reminder that Russian is the comfiest language there is.



Ich bin ein deutscher Promi, der sich undercover unter seine Mitarbeiter mischt. Meine Tarnung ist perfekt, sie werden mich nicht erkennen.

Wer bin ich?

I am learning German, but how do I stay motivated to keep learning on a daily basis?
I find myself taking months-long "breaks" in between and I slow down my progress tremendously .
The only thing I'm pretty consistent with is watching, playing, and listening to German media.

I am, familys from Carinthia, both Austria and Slovenia

Honestly man you just have to force yourself. For meat least I just made sure I did my study for 2 hours a night every single night for three weeks and after that it just became a habit. Talking to some natives can help boost motivation too.

low energy shill

I see what you mean, after a while, it just becomes a routine of doing it everyday.
>Talking to some natives can help
I wish I could find a German speaker within a 50 mile radius from me, but they're non-existent here at least.

Use the internet friend.

I guess that will work also.

What's the best way to learn Estonian?

learning german for few years already, got C1 sprachdiplom, and still hard for me to speak it.
what's wrong ?

Are you a Russian living in Estonia?

I'll learn Dutch, wish me luck anons!

Is there any use in these language proficiency certificates one can obtain? Does anyone ITT have any?

Nee, ik zal je alleen pech wensen.

>Die Armee wird besiegt werden HABEN
That' wrong though. Honestly I wouldn't mess with that stuff. "Die Armee wird besiegt worden sein." (The army will have been defeated) is what you were trying to express I suppose but honestly, don't bother with it. "Die Armee wird besiegt werden." is fine but German would never say "Die Armee wird besiegt worden sein." to express a future a event, even though it's grammatically correct. However, check this out:

>"Warum kommt die Armee nicht, wir brauchen Verstärkung!" ("Why won't the army arrive, we need reinforcements!")
>"Die Armee wird wohl besiegt worden sein." ("I guess the army was defeated)"

"Die Armee wird wohl besiegt worden sein." doesn't refer to the future at all. We can use the future tense to express a speculation on our part. It's often used with "wohl" but it's not necessary. But you can also say "The Armee ist wohl besiegt worden" to express the same thing. It's a cool gimmick to keep in mind though. More examples:

>"Warum fragen wir nicht user-kun, wie deutsche Verben funktionieren?" (Why don't we ask user-kun how German verbs work?)
>"Der wird auch keine Ahnung haben." (I don't think he knows either.)

>"Warum hat user-kun so schlecht im Deutschtest abgeschnitten?" (Why did user-kun perform so poorly in the German exam?)
>"Er wird wohl wird seine Hausaufgaben nicht gemacht haben." (He didn't do this homework, I suppose.)

>"Ist user-kun eine Schwuchtel?" (Is user-kun a faggot?)
>"Er wird schon so einige Schwänze gelutscht haben." (I'm pretty sure he''s sucked his fair share of cocks.)

One day I'll be able to read that, just you wait user!

oh right ;_; damn

u fuggin wot leaf

if they are the 'official' ones from respected bodies, oh yeah, those are highly valuable on CVs etc. Obligatory in some cases.
for English I'm talking IELTS, Cambridge, that stuff
but random internet ones from literal whos? No don't bother

the analogous construction exists in English you know

Want to learn dutch. I already know 3 languages, latvian, russian and english. Where are some good resources to learn dutch?

dont think so, usually russians in balt countries dont even bother with the local language.

Livelingua.com has the Defense language institute courses for Dutch for free. I've been using that, with Teach Yourself Books. For pronounciation, Michel Thomas (pirated) and Dutchpod101.

the local language IS russian

Most young(millenials and younger) balts dont speak russian.
Its getting quite segregated round here.
And russians are minorities by a significant margin.

that's why the local language is russian
latvian is the official language, russian the local one for many

True. But, in many latvian majority towns russians still speak russian.
I live in a latvian town, yet russians only speak russian.
They force bilinguallity on us but not on themselves

So a way to use the speculation form of the future is as follows:
"Ist dieser Post richtig?" (is this post correct?)
"Nein, der OP ist ein bekannter shitposter, der wird falsch und schwul sein." (no, the op is a famous shitposter, it is probably fake and gay)

>"Nein, der OP ist ein bekannter shitposter, der wird falsch und schwul sein."

Yep that works.

?למה עוד לא למדת עברית

Since Latvia was part of Soviet Union/Russia for a few hundred years and all these years it was only Russian language which was official here, you shouldn't wonder why they still call their language local.

Ah fug but I suppose they can always google


If anyone has used Genki I, am I supposed to read through part A and part B at the same time or do I do part A first?

I looked at the FAQ for Genki, figured it out on my own.

What's this German kid saying?

> _________ alle so?
