I'm a Nazi sympathizing, m>f female transgender Hillary supporter. I think Hitler did nothing wrong...

I'm a Nazi sympathizing, m>f female transgender Hillary supporter. I think Hitler did nothing wrong. The KKK has had a long history with the Clinton's.
#I'mWithHer, are you?

yeah man totally

I know right. I was at a Hillary rally the other day, an you no what she said too me. Kill the jews. I was in awe at such a comment, being in controversial subject matter. She then said fuck blacks in similar nonchalant fashion. Again I stared in silence as she smiled like Jim Carry from the Grinch. It really left an impression in my white self. Maybe she's right?

damn kayla look like that? i thought he was a chestlet

That bulge.
Confirmed Trap.
Now we are talking!

Yeah, those hormones really helped, but not as much as my love for Hitler


Yeah, man. Just check out my dick. Divks for Hillary

Post more bulge.

What happened with her protest thing she was at yesterday?

She said similar words to me. She said, "Kayla, show the world your supreme boipussy to the world. Let them know whites with blonde hair and light eyes are the supreme race. When I die on stage from God knows what, take over. Take over for me"

Kayla I have great genes and I want to save the white race with you if you know what I'm getting at.


Allow me to consult my wife's son before I answer.

All was actually going well until someone tried to run me over. Ironically a big Mexican guy stepped in the way to save me because they almost hit him in the process. He chewed the driver out.

She repeated herself because she was having a stroke at the time

I hate how people criticise Hillary for being "crooked" so what she made a few insider trading deals and got paid for speeches to set up contracts for rich elites. What about the wage gap? Women practically have to screw over a few third world countries just to get ahead these days

#Imwithher #noglassceiling #antimisogynism #girlpower


Do you know that faggots were banned in Nazi Germany?

You must be new

Islam would throw you off a building OP, how does that make you feel?

About as crooked as a Jew's nose

Meant for you

>jailbait looking trap

I love Islam! Durka durka, Muhammad jihad desu

why don't you show your support and put yourself 6 feet under


Heil Hillary. Our Beloved Leader.



I'm with her

kayla a cute

Rumor going around that Julian Assange is depressed and might kill himself ;D

Retard trying to force his cucked meme for tomorrow. Fuck off, sage

who photoshopped a dick onto all of these pictures?

Mein Fuehrer, Hillary

Where do you find these pics of her? I need to collect all the pics for personal reasons.

Stop triggering me, cis scum

I am her. I'm just oit with friends right now. I would post note but I just got off being banned for people derailing my threads with CP


Post more bulge, you worthless trollop.

Also, I don't believe you at all.

chill out you cock thirsty sissy

That's okay Finnish boi, I still love you regardless, as long as you're actually Finnish

you're not kayla you neckbeard

Kayla pls call me back I left you a message but you never replied

P-pls respond

Hillary is secretly racist, she hates the kikes and niggers/superpredators


>noone calling for a timestamp
>"nazi sympathizer"
>supports hillary

Can you make shilling even more fucking obvious?

OP, everyone else, this is all coming together fucking perfectly.



Message me on Skype, kaylamamouri. I'll be more than happy to reply

I mean who doesn't hate Jews? Hillary knows what's up

I'ts so fucking obvious this is a guy though.


wait kayla from /lgbt/?
She's a nutter who's been going between being one of us or harassing us and acting like a nutcase since at least 2010 on 420chan/cd/

I used to follow Trump, but ever since I found out that Hillary is *the* pro-white candidate, #ImWithHer, as is my boyfriend's wife.

You also must be new
Or a virgin
Or both

Try to find this picture on the internet, then

Trump isn't even racist. Hillary is the true white supremacist. As a Nazi, she is the preferred candidate.

Where do you guys get your Kayla rarez? Obviously OP isn't her until a timestamp is provided.

I can't provide timestamp. I'm not at home

>can't stop attention whoring

women everyone.

I remember the last time she tried this, she got banned and Sup Forums laughed at her

Op is not her or at least posting another traps pics

nice blog post


You can't find a writing utensil and something to write on? Are you kidding me?

>m>f female transgender

gas yourself

i did


I'm at a bar waiting for my cuckfriend to get off of work. It's super busy. I'm not gonna ask for paper in the middle of a buck night

I only date white people, sorry not sorry


How are people falling for this shill?

im german and whiter than you

She's the only one who will make America white again

OF course. We have been hit with a massive wave of Trump supporting shills lately, but yes, we are with her.

You are a fake

kayla literally has spic lastname ,making "her" not white

This has to be one of the most ugliest pictures of Kayla yet

its right here

Nice tuck in.

I love German men. My ex was born in Bad Nauheim

Kayla would never call another person a cuck, being a cuck herself.


Is there porn of this man girl?


Aw dammit I can already tell this traps dick is bigger than mine... EVERY. TIME.

Look at OPS pics nose and look at the others. They are different. They got different jaws as well

Kill yourself faggot abomination neckbeard trash

My boyfriend is a cuck, though

well looks like i pass on the shitskin then

have you ever noticed that women and meth addicts are both obsessed with cleanliness?

>pussy slit

Phew, thought I was a fag for a second

god dammit dude, every fucking trap thread you come to start spewing your retardation, chill out, have some tea.

post dick

Well yeah, shes "half" spic

Kill yourself cringy roleplaying ugly obese neckbeard faggot weirdo



Kill yourself faggot abomination freak

Don't you think this is actually me joining in on the Shillery Happening?

Sieg Heillary!! I'm With Mein Fuhrerin!

Thank you for actually deterring the trap rumor, though. Glad to know some people aren't this gullible