Now that the dust has settled, what does Sup Forums think about Anders Breivik?
Now that the dust has settled, what does Sup Forums think about Anders Breivik?
He's okay
Good fella, the world needs more people like him
He's alright
I give him credit for actually taking action when he saw his country being pulled out from beneath him
This thread gets posted every day, usually multiple times. It's a shill thread gathering screenshots of "radical" and "racist" replies. It's basically a honeypot.
Someone should break him out and let him wreak more havoc. Fuck the liberals who are spoiling Scandinavia. It's one of the most beautiful places on the planet
Poo in loo you disgusting shitskin. You will never get a white girl, much less a Scandinavian one.
na he is a false flag meant to spook anti racists. he fucked up and went columbine when he could have made positive change. fuck this terrorist piece of shit. he shot his own countrymen....
I think they're still treating him inhumanely. Why haven't they bought him a gaming pc yet?
He crashed that island with no survivors
Killing innocents is really a bad move, on all angles. Considering there are sooooo many people worth getting shot who have openly done something evil, he done goofed. But, he did refrain from shooting a white aryan boy who was in the water thinking he can't kill his fellow kinsman. top kek
Absolute madman /10
Lol, do you actually believe this? I'm not for racemixing anyway, I like my loyal Indian housewives. Unlike your slutty abo cock sucking Sheila. Any brown man can score pussy easy in the nordic region m8. But the fact remains that Nordic regions are very beautiful, and I'd like to visit them without being harassed by Somalians and Mullahs
i see this same thread with the same picture every couple of days and i spend like 30 mins a day browsing pol
surely you must know what pol thinks of Anders Breivik by now
T. Poo poo in my doo doo
*holds up spork* XD
Giant pussy.
Instead of going after the people responsible for the mass immigration of middle eastern refugees (financial or otherwise), he went after summer camp.
Of course shooting a bunch of kids is fairly easy, trying to storm their congressional building during a vote would most likely have been much more difficult.
Or he could have simply hunted down the members who voted to let them in. Using hit and run tactics or long range engagement techniques he could have struck fear into the politicians.
But no, he just shot a bunch of kids at some camp bullshit.
Giant fucking pussy.
He understood half of the problem, especially the age old wisdom of killing a traitor before an enemy. However he never realized that the Jews are the ones responsible for the trash he had to remove and he sucked Israel's dick in his manifesto
Like Hitler his heart was in the right place but he made some mistakes and fucked a few things up
>Any brown man can score pussy easy in the nordic region m8
Indians really believe this?
Anyway, I'm glad you want to stick with your own race. Stay that way. There's far too many Indians in the comment section of every fucking Youtube video that features Swedes, Germans or any pretty white girls, asking to date and marry them. You people have no self respect.
>T. Ausfalia
I have 30 bitches on my dickand 5 of them have hepatitis c
u real indian???
y u get so much boner for white girls in india?
is it indian jew?
y not just let your indian women suck your penis?
india had the most sexual culture in the world before modern times...what happened to you guys... u all got cucked by your wives for money?
>This thread
Horrible human being that did more against the Right than a million Communists.
How much time has he left?
He's a hero, one day we'll have a rememerance day for when the commies got shot up at their faggy camp island.
>Instead of going after the people responsible for the mass immigration of middle eastern refugees (financial or otherwise), he went after summer camp
tfw ameriburger is as stupid as the meme says
These were the future commie politicians. If anyone is responsible for norway it's them. In shooting them he probably single-handedly saved Norway from suffering Swedens fate.
The man is a hero of the white race.
his fucking wow keybinds were terrible
can only imagine the mad shit those blue painted motherfuckers used to get up to.
sorry lad. u can make india great again i know it. ghandi and jinnah did it before.
i see the individual breaking and reconstructing indian society. its interesting. stop raping cunts tho desu senpai...
The white race has been dead for a long time
My name is Chris Hansen with dateline NBC. Do you mind explaining why you worship this madman?
>There's more whites than ever before
>The white race is dead
Pick one JIDF
More white people who are gay, transsexuals, pedophiles, and whites who support those behaviors
>ghandi and jinnah
They were idiots, don't get me started. They ruined India the most. If Saradar Patel would've been the first PM India would be infinitely better
Best swim instructor ever
>the dust has settled
did they cremate all the people he killed?
we have this thread every day
Shill for the Zionists who also killed aryans along with the shitskins.
We have this every day too. Take it like the cuck you are.
Complete and utter fucking tosser.
And if there is a hell he is going to burn in it.
A thread died for this
Nice hitler dubs senpai
Inshallah Hillary will continue to carry out his mission
>it's not a brutal DP
So she just did that one anal scene and just gave up on anal forever? What a cunt, I've been waiting forever for her to get savagely ravaged
An idiot who has set nationalism behind. Only edgelords who don't see how much damage he has caused for nationalism can like him
He's a great hero who Hillary will praise once she takes office. I can't wait. Heil Hillary!
He's just ahead of the curve. Soon killing liberal teenagers and college kids will become the new nationalist tactic. Kill the traitors at home before going on crusade.
I drew a picture of him. Too bad I can't color.
absolute idiot that only further set his people back
i'm happy he won that lawsuit. Maybe those monsters will give him a ps4 now.
Complete idiot who killed children over autistic memes. If he had been American/British/French instead of Norwegian, the right would've been all but finished.
You don't have to, he's white
He killed almost 70 children. No justification exists for it and Norway is being taken over anyways.
How many times are you going to post this thread?
Nobody gives a shit about him anymore
>implying traitors are far superior to 'shitskins' and opposing traitors makes one a Zionist
I'm not suggesting what Brevik did was good at all, but your post was retarded
define children
Who /nord/ here?
Why do you fuckwits reply to these threads. This exact thread has been consistently posted and consistently replied to for the past few weeks. Stop taking the bait.