So, why is this forum spreading lies about hillary?
Do you guys actually plan on voting for drumpf?
So, why is this forum spreading lies about hillary?
Do you guys actually plan on voting for drumpf?
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I've never been a drumpf supporter. In fact, I was at a Hillary rally the other day, an you no what she said too me. Kill the jews. I was in awe at such a comment, being in controversial subject matter. She then said fuck blacks in similar nonchalant fashion. Again I stared in silence as she smiled like Jim Carry from the Grinch. It really left an impression in my white self. Maybe she's right?
No way!
Heil Hillary!
We love hillary lol. Trump is just a new york liberal. We need a real fascist like HIllary.
Heil Hillary!
No? The white race is doomed if the kike Trump takes power. Heil Hillary!
Fuck off OP, this is a pro Hillary board take your drumpf with you scum, and vote Hillary to ensure the white race prevails.
Heil Hillary
Who said we never supported hillary? she wants to remove guns from niggers, she will save the white race
lmao this retard believed the drumf meme from ribbit
>make illegal immigrants illegal
Wtf Trump is such a racist.
I can't even.
I'm not a nigger spic lover like that Drumpf retard.
Why do hardcore feminists always make that mouth? Snarl their upper lip and show their front teeth.
Fish mouth as its sometimes called. It seems to be a hardcore feminist dead give-away flag.
i love hillary because she will bomb more innocent muslim women and children :)
My theory is they are permanently unhappy about things no normal person would care about so they try to bring everyone down with them.
Heil Hillary
Hillary is the best because she can literally get away with anything at this point. Exactly what you want in the leader of the resurrection of the Reich.
wtf are you talking about newfag this board is and always was pro Hillary
Don't tell me you couldn't catch on to the obvious satire when people were Trump posting? Hillary is the only candidate supporting white supremacy around the world.
Kanker op, Heintje.
\pol\ is 100% behind Hillary.
No, us white supremacists and nazis only support Hillary. I mean look at pic related. Have you ever seen trump sport the blackface? Heildog is the alt right candidate of choice.
Lmao at Sup Forums were infamous for our trolling xD do you really believe we would vote for a retard like trump? He can't even lead his businesses, he's files for bankruptcy before! How can he lead a nation?
They're born with fish lips, and they take their anger over it out on men.
Noone supports drumpf here
Heil Hillary all the way!
I was at Walmart today and I saw some racist white bigot wearing a Trump hat so I sharted right in his face, LOL!
trdrumpft btfo??
fucking mouth breathers
What do you mean?
Hillary is the best chance we have to keep niggers in their place.
holy shit, you realize what we could do with this?
imagine the headlines of
>white supremacists and nazis rally around hillary calling for blacks to be brought to heel
We're not the ones wit r/Donald you know.
lol retard wtf are you on about, Sup Forums has always loved Hillary! #HeilHillary
I'm voting for the true aryan woman who will lock up more niggers and pay for more abortions of the lower races.
I think hilldog is real great. She has all these great ideas i support
No, we're voting Hillary because she'll bring the super predators to heel.
Why does fish lips there look like Chloe from Life Is Strange?
No, opinions are split but she's pretty well liked around here, especially her criminal justice reforms in the 90s
Sup Forums has always been a hillary board
best thing i've read today
both candidates are shit. its most probably a theatreplay with the establishment acting like they are against trump so the self proclaimed redpilled people support him for finally caring for the own country first while discrediting clinton for being a devils worshipper which does "dummy"-child sacrifices (which she apparently really does) and killing everyone in her way (which also seems to be the cas) or her being physically and mentally ill (at least physically is right, mentally she at least seems to zone out quite a bit when too much is going on like a small epileptic seizure without the twitching. cant say how sane she still is as all politicians seem to be drawn towards insanity). while the hillary supporters claim to be the voice of reason and being all for equality and shit while trumpsupporters and trump are racists idiots shouting around stuff which sounds good (at least the idiot that shout around stuff is right).
trump only has going for him that there is the tiny off chance of him actually not being part of it all, but i doubt it really
Hillary will build more abortion clinics in the inner cities for "urban" youth which is perfectly inline with our American values.
Didn't pic related used to be a qt before feminism struck?
actually, no
I shitpost for Trump but I won't vote for him
Does anyone seem to think that conservatives in general seem to think that trump is amazing even though he defends child rapists in church?
>Do you guys actually plan on voting for drumpf?
Um.... I kinda already have and I had to change my registration from none partisan to republican which I've never done before. Hell, I've never voted in ANY primaries before.
That's how much I want that wall built.
Heil Hillary!
__| |
Suck my memes Drumpfriends, Heil the Hill!
Take Drumpf to the Drumpster
Vote Hillary!!
Netherlands, don't you have your own politics to worry about?
Burgerstand, your vote doesn't matter anyway The winner, whoever that may be, was preselect by the Bilderberg Group a couple of years ago. Good news for you NatSoc fans, the Bilderberg group was formed by Nazis and their mission is to build the one world Fourth Reich, though it doesn't matter because non of you Nazi wannabes are elite enough to escape slavery.
I know some in real life too. I've never seen a non-liberal make that face. it's fucking horrifying.
Ive been hearing this going around, I think she is a candidate we can stand by...
Non-lib feminazi, or just a non-lib woman?
Youre doing it wrong
what that even mean?
Sieg mein Kaiserin!
>88 KB
Hey Hitlary!
>be one of the most successful americans ever
Seems like a good fit for president
That autism stare, though. I think victims of indoctrination, regardless of what kind of indoctrination that be, always have that dumb look.
Nice try you nigger
Haven't history found socialism to be a complete failure of a system?
Most people here support hillary because they know she will take guns away from the superpreadtor nigglets running wild killing white people.
Sup Forums is with her.
Like nignogs would follow gun laws, you'd just be making muh precious white race more vulnerable to racially motivated violence.
Heil Hillary!
She will remove the blacks and Jews like Drumpfs daughter.
Fuck off drumpf shill, go worry about building "muh wall" while your wife is fucked by jamal.
I love hillary because she bombs muslims who then come and kill our fags in orlando
Fuck off you obvious troll, nobody here is spreading lies about Mrs President. Everybody here knows she'd mop the floor with that money grubbing Jew loving Cheeto Jesus
Canada, don't you have your own politics to worry about? Perhaps you missed my earlier reply pointing out that the election is a sham, not something a trumptard would post. You liberals are the same world-wide, your head is so up you ass. Conservatives too, these days.
Ugh that feminist twat mouth....
Twat Mouth